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Posting everything on social.....bragging and seeking likes

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I am not on any social media, and NO I don't need to make excuses as to why I need to be on there.  Crying foul after putting your business on social media is more of a self inflict act than anything else. I am NOT suprise the Twitter case in Toronto collapse, that would have set a bad precedent for the future, and I think the judge got it right in that particular case.

People have claimed to be injured / sick and away from work, only to have pics of them surface on social media lying on a beach / partying at a club. Insurance investigators also love people that try to play the disability card whilst healthy.

Anyway...speaking of which


What was this woman's intentions when she decided to post her win on FB...bragging? Timmies should have let her learn from this, instead of making the payout to her.

Point me to the ubiquitous logo attached to every business and site, saying contact us via this. Please do....

Pusser said:
You do realize that this is a form of social media...

Is there anything you are happy about in life?  I don't recall any of your posts on here that aren't you ranting about something.  A favorite saying around my home is, "If you can't say anything nice, shut up."

Seriously, I challenge you to tell us about something positive that has happened to you.

I'll even start us off.  Yesterday my daughter had an audition for a talent show at school that she was very nervous about.  She played a guitar and sang and even messed up once but in the end everyone said she did a good job and likely she will be chosen to perform in front of the whole school.  I'm very proud of her for taking the risk.

See?  I felt better just for writing something positive.  Please try it.
Harris said:

Is there anything you are happy about in life?  I don't recall any of your posts on here that aren't you ranting about something.  A favorite saying around my home is, "If you can't say anything nice, shut up."

Seriously, I challenge you to tell us about something positive that has happened to you.

I'll even start us off.  Yesterday my daughter had an audition for a talent show at school that she was very nervous about.  She played a guitar and sang and even messed up once but in the end everyone said she did a good job and likely she will be chosen to perform in front of the whole school.  I'm very proud of her for taking the risk.

See?  I felt better just for writing something positive.  Please try it.

Building on that, the woman who shared her story about winning 100 bucks was likely happy. I don't think she need be vilified for it. That's one of the many reasosn people like and share via social media.
Or she just wanted to brag about it on FB looking for likes? Unless you know her personally, and can you really tell why she posted it?

Ironic that am being called out considering there is a myriad of threads on here in different forums, of people venting about one thing or another. What is the purpose of the "chatter" forum then if same things can't be posted in other forums? I am happy that I woke up alive this morning, had brekkie and that am healthy. Do I need to post it on FB to see "likes" or the newly added emohis? Nah...I say bollocks to that  ;D

Scott said:
Building on that, the woman who shared her story about winning 100 bucks was likely happy. I don't think she need be vilified for it. That's one of the many reasosn people like and share via social media.
Harris said:

Is there anything you are happy about in life?  I don't recall any of your posts on here that aren't you ranting about something.  A favorite saying around my home is, "If you can't say anything nice, shut up."

Seriously, I challenge you to tell us about something positive that has happened to you.

I'll even start us off.  Yesterday my daughter had an audition for a talent show at school that she was very nervous about.  She played a guitar and sang and even messed up once but in the end everyone said she did a good job and likely she will be chosen to perform in front of the whole school.  I'm very proud of her for taking the risk.

See?  I felt better just for writing something positive.  Please try it.

That's a bang-on observation Harris! OPCOUGAR you should take Harris' advice and lighten up a little. Trust me, it's much better for your heart... and those around you!

And the "I don't have anything to do with any social media sites..." post was quite ironic, dontcha think?

Awesome about your little girl Harris!
Fair to say your are very active on social media then and spend countless hours you aren't going to get back on there? Personal opinion....FB and the rest is ****, and causes more trouble than good.

BinRat55 said:
That's a bang-on observation Harris! OPCOUGAR you should take Harris' advice and lighten up a little. Trust me, it's much better for your heart... and those around you!

And the "I don't have anything to do with any social media sites..." post was quite ironic, dontcha think?

Awesome about your little girl Harris!
opcougar said:
Fair to say your are very active on social media then and spend countless hours you aren't going to get back on there? Personal opinion....FB and the rest is ****, and causes more trouble than good.

You're the internet version of the old guy that yells at kids to get off his lawn. Congrats!

On a positive note- the mess in Borden had steak last night and my medium steak was extremely delicious. The staff were also very courteous
Bird_Gunner45 said:
You're the internet version of the old guy that yells at kids to get off his lawn. Congrats!

Hahaha that's good!

Bird_Gunner45 said:
On a positive note- the mess in Borden had steak last night and my medium steak was extremely delicious. The staff were also very courteous

I hate you. I loved steak night in Borden!
Bird_Gunner45 said:
the mess in Borden had steak last night and my medium steak was extremely delicious.

I find that hard to believe! I never once got a decent steak there.
opcougar said:
Fair to say your are very active on social media then and spend countless hours you aren't going to get back on there? Personal opinion....FB and the rest is ****, and causes more trouble than good.


I like keeping in touch with old friends and colleagues. It's nice to see when some of my old friends are getting married and having kids. I've had facebook friends from my highschool days get in touch with me to share a laugh from something that happened to us years ago. For example, in grade 10, three of us did an oral presentation in French class, and as part of the skit, I got pushed into a wall. We didn't know just how thin the dry wall was, and I ended up making a back-sized hole in the classroom wall! So, just a few years ago (almsot 10 years after that skit), one of our group (who I hadn't spoke to since highschool grad, but who I had on my friends list), contacted me and the other member of our troup because he was going through his old computer and found the script for our skit! Sure, we didn't "re-connect" and get together for a beer, but it was still nice to reminisce and have a laugh about that funny day!

Also, on the more official side, my career manager has a private facebook  group which he uses to contact all members of my trade (in addition to official channels; calm down ya'll) with updates on career manager interview dates, new postings, or anything pertinent. It's also an avenue by which members of our trade who are leaving their postings can speak about their postings to other members who are thinking about applying for them. Trust me, I never would have considered JTF-N, but thanks to a facebook post in our group by two former members of JTF-N, I'm strongly considering it.

Then there's the facebook pages of restaurants and other business. Especially when it comes to small businesses who may not be able to afford a stand-alone web page, facebook enables them to connect with their customers on the cheap. I use these often.

There's facebook events. A lot of peoples' birthdays and engagement parties have been organized through facebook. Hell! My unit right now is advertising an event through facebook!

I really don't see how facebook is not worth the trouble? Don't post any pictures that you don't want people to see, and don't open your mouth about **** you don't want people to hear!

Or, in the words of the great modern poet Macklemore: "I'm going 38 Dan (opcougar), chill yourself out! Mow your damn lawn and sit the hell down!"
The sun is up, the birds are singing and I got a pension deposit today.

Temp is going up to 22°C and we're taking a drive to the coast later.

Now, I have to go post this on FB and see how many "likes" I get....  >:D

PMedMoe said:
The sun is up, the birds are singing and I got a pension deposit today.

Temp is going up to 22°C and we're taking a drive to the coast later.

Now, I have to go post this on FB and see how many "likes" I get....  >:D


You're a bada** Moe! A real **** disturber. Rebel.
tomgoetz said:
I find that hard to believe! I never once got a decent steak there.

To be fair, the cook school had a QL 5 being evaluated so they had their A game on
Actually, in a round-about sorta way, we ALSO have our own version of FB - for those who are in ACIMS (Sharepoint) we have "My Page". 100% official and almost identical to what FB started out like... and for!
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