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Recce by Deth

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What's with certain mods on this forum? First, one of them manipulates my post into a thread of its own, then it gets locked for posting replies, except for the mods who want to get in one more jab against me. Kind of a clique on here it seems. I see why there are so many people that only last for one or 2 posts, then dissapear from this cyberspace. >:(
And there are so many more that just post here, within the guidelines.

[Edited for content and tone.]
Perhaps if every post you made didn't contain a dig at the reserves, you might find a bit more sympathy.  Keep it civil and I'm quite sure the mods will do the same.
There we go.

Now you have your Soapbox, please enlighten us with your thoughts.

From the Mod that took the last jab before.


Just out of curiousity...why is this in the Canadian Army board? 

[Good point.  Moved]
Most people on here are army, they will not cuddle you or let you cry on their shoulder, you make a mistake, its your fault, not theirs, they just try to keep the place civil.  ::)
I believe the reason why the thread got separated was because it went off the original thread topic and thereby required a new thread. It happens. All I see is a sniveling kid who pulls the "You guys are no fun, I'm taking my ball and going home" routine.

Welcome to Army.ca. With a first post that insulted the skills of - as you admit - 70% of us here, I'm not sure what kind of a reception you were looking for. You'll find we're ruthless in our handling of trolls because things get out of hand very quickly if we're not.

The point of your first post was clearly to troll, and to be honest, you're lucky it wasn't deleted out of hand. The fact that a Staff member took the time to move your tangent to a new thread tells me they're not power tripping, they're giving you a chance to sort yourself out.

You probably don't see yourself as a troll, or recognize that you've insulted most the people here, but:

Dean_Thompson said:
I just call 'em like I see 'em, sorry if this disturbs you.

And to close, here's some good advice for you:

Dean_Thompson said:
Chill out, or die.

Perhaps the lessons that should have been taken are:

1) the Mods did not "manipulate" your thread. They split it so that there would be one for those who wished to rationally discuss this year's Cambrian patrol, and a second one that allowed you to vent on inadequacies you perceive regarding the Reserves, without sidetracking the original topic.

2) if there are legitimate comments to be added to a locked thread, it takes merely a PM to any Mod to open it - - "legitimate" seldom includes continuing a rant or otherwise ignoring the site's rules on behaviour.

3) tacking a "no offence meant," while continuing to be offensive is not a valid defence.

Should these lessons not be taken onboard, then you are quite correct, one may choose to "disappear from this cyberspace" - - of their own volition, or through the sliding scale of inducements spelled out when one joins.

While reviewing those guidelines, you may wish to have a look at this thread:

EDIT: Damn, you people jumped in on this one fast - - or else my typing is slowing  ;)
Nothing new here folks, nothing to see. Move along.

Now, Dean_Thompson, in the interest of treating you fairly, in case there's further confusion on your part, I suggest  (strongly) for your perusal:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

   * Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
   * Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)

Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

There, you've had all the breaks a noob gets when they show up here, pretending they're special. Follow the rules like everyone else and there'll be no more problems. Keep following your well worn path and you'll reach the same destination as the rest of those that are banned from the site.

For the rest,

No need to continue. There will be no dog pile here. If you must post, temper your tone and make it constructive.
I think another post you might want to read is "Tone and Content on Army.ca" (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html).
Seen. Good points, mostly. My purpose was not to disrespect the reserves, it was more to point out that a team for any military type of competition cannot come togethr as a tight unit by working together one weekend a month. Even if the reg force was to put a team in they'd have to train more than 2 or 3 days per month. Group hug now!
As a former trainer and Asst. Coach for minor hockey I have seen teams come together while training only 50 minutes a week and playing a game for yet another 50 minutes (10 minutes to clean the ice). They start to work as a team after a month, and after 2 or 3 depending on the team, will actually start playing as a team and not as seperate entities. Yes being a reg force member would make it easier for a team to come together but they also have their reg force responsibilities to look after BEFORE they can train for an extracurricular event (i would think and hope). I have seen teams that were last place for most of the season, start to come together during the middle of the season to take the championship at the end of the season. And they only get together for 8 hours a month. So saying that reserves cannot come together as a tight working unit is just not true. I've seen a minor hockey team (non-rep) clean the ice against a rep team that trains 4-5 times a week. The reason why the minor hockey team won was because they were taught to go out and have fun, to work as a team. The rep team was taught to win at all costs and since it's a team of hotshots each one has the GOD syndrome.

In closing. Working one weekend a month doesn't mean that a unit is going to be crappier, it just means that the team might not know everyone's idiosyncrasies. Less is more in some cases.
Dean_Thompson said:
Seen. Good points, mostly. My purpose was not to disrespect the reserves, it was more to point out that a team for any military type of competition cannot come togethr as a tight unit by working together one weekend a month. Even if the reg force was to put a team in they'd have to train more than 2 or 3 days per month. Group hug now!

Hi Dean.

I will wade in here as a 17 year Reservist.  While you are probably correct in what I think is your point, that a Reg Frce unit that can train MORE than this would have better chances of putting a "sharper knife" type outfit in the competition.  Ideally, no, one weekend a month is not the ideal trng for the patrol competition.  OR any training for that matter. 

BUT...I know my former unit, our Recce Troops were committed to doing the best we could, with what we had, and we got pretty darn good and doing stuff with little time/resources/kit/soldiers/and training dollars.  "Make the best of a bad situation".  Works for me...ideal?  Certainly not.  But...these days...what is for us in the CF?   8)

But...I say kudo's to the folks who ARE stepping up, as a Reserve Force should, to do what they can whilst our Reg Frce comrades are tapped out to the point where they couldn't provide the team(s) themselves.

SO...with that said...seems like its not too bad eh?  Our Reg Frce is going high-tempo, the training system is somewhat max'd out, and some good, dedicated, proud and determined soldiers from a CBG are putting their best foot forward, training, and developing skills that will benefit their sections, platoons, units, and the CF overall.  

Here here!


Last point?  Its not the unit patch, cap badge that make a soldier a good one.  Its the person wearing it.  Their pride.  Their loyalty to their fellow soldiers.  Their Esprit De Corps (spelling?).  Their desire to serve.  Their determination.  Their sacrifice, no matter how big, or small, that is the stuff that I would suggest matters.

But, hey, take my opinion FWIW.  I am just the Mukluk guy... ;)
Dean_Thompson said:
Seen. Good points, mostly. My purpose was not to disrespect the reserves, it was more to point out that a team for any military type of competition cannot come togethr as a tight unit by working together one weekend a month. Even if the reg force was to put a team in they'd have to train more than 2 or 3 days per month. Group hug now!

Dean, several Cdn reserve teams have participated in the Cambrian patrol competition against UK & Cdn Reg teams....  
A Cdn Reserve team from 33 Bde came out ahead with a Silver in 2004.
Reservists don't have the same skill sets as the Regs do BUT, they also have some the Regs don't (like thinking unconventional)

My purpose was not to disrespect the reserves, it was more to point out that a team for any military type of competition cannot come togethr as a tight unit by working together one weekend a month.

Respectfully; There is a factual mistake here. The Reserve Cambrian Patrol Team, at least from 32 CBG did not train just once a month. They trained every week and at least two weekends a month. Most also trained on their own or in small groups.

First they had to qualify, under the aegis of a really fit MWO from the 48.

Then they were given a program, that often began and ended with a BFT.

This went on for months.

All this to qualify for a standby spot. (More were picked than was necessary).

My source for this is personal observation, I taught a course last year and every weekend I was there they were there. One of my comrades was on the team and I spoke at length with him about the training regimen. It was damn tough....

And that's the facts as best I know them....
cplcaldwell said:
First they had to qualify, under the aegis of a really fit MWO from the 48.

It was damn tough....

And that's the facts as best I know them....

Agreed, because he is One tough Character, mentally and Knowledgwise, and a I know that personally.



Exactly Regulator, getting through six months of PT under that inestimable fellow is grounds for a citation at least...Reg or Res

Great guy, tough instructor.