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Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022

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I am not fan of the Queen or the Monarchy.

I do feel for her family. Wishing them all the best.
So for a unit, what will be the procedures and requirement if the queen dies. Halfmast for sure, Black fabric around portraits?
While I am not a particular fan of the royal family, I do have tremendous respect for Her Majesty for her years of service and dedication. She has served us well for many, many years. God save our Queen.
So for a unit, what will be the procedures and requirement if the queen dies. Halfmast for sure, Black fabric around portraits?
There is a whole procedure for what is to be done, and how, when the Court is Mourning. It's written down somewhere and I'm 99.99% sure some very senior folks - including inside DND and the CF, are reviewing it right now.

The last time I can recall full Court Mourning was when Governor General Vanier died - March 1967.
I am already trying source black armbands, as I suspect whoever has them will be out of stock shortly. My HQ is slow with procedures and advice, so trying to get a head start.
While I am not a particular fan of the royal family, I do have tremendous respect for Her Majesty for her years of service and dedication. She has served us well for many, many years. God save our Queen.
Our country is 155 years old and she has been our Queen for 69 of those years, almost half of our existence as a country.
This is shocking news; the Queen has always been a constant in my life. Prime Ministers come and go but she has always been there. In my life I have lived under two Prime Ministers in England, Edward Heath, and Harold Wilson and in Canada 9 different PMs, Pierre Trudeau, Joe Clark, John Turner, Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin. Stephen Harper, and Justin Trudeau but have only known one Monarch. This will take some time to process.
Long live the King.

What a stabilizing presence she has been through an increasingly screwed up and disruptive world. And the institution that is the crown has helped to protect us from some of the ideological and political excesses that other nations have struggled with. Her successor will struggle to properly take that up.
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