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Question regarding application requirements


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Hey there, I recently sent in my application online, and now I am planning on mailing in my ID/ School credentials. I see that Step 2 of the process however, is to send in references and statements of work history, etc with the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form and Personal Data Verification Consent Form.

I was wondering if I should just send these in all at once, or do they need all the items from Step 1 of the process before I am able to advance? Any help would be appreciated, thank you so much.

FYI the "steps" I'm referring to are from the canadian forces website - link: http://www.forces.ca/en/page/howtoapply-106#step2-2

EDIT: I also noticed they require 4 professional references on one of those forms, can any of these be the same as the 5 personal references?
I don't believe so. When I applied in July 2012 online, I received an email asking me to mail copies of my transcripts and proof of citizenship. The email said I will be notified when other forms are required. I later received an email indicated that my paperwork has been received and that my file has been transferred to the local CF Recruiting Centre. That email also indicated that when a decision has been made to process my application, I will be contacted to commence the rest of the application process. Some time later, I received an email with all of the additional forms required for security screening, etc. I filled out the forms, gathered the document originals, and took it to the local CFRC. At that point, the forms were done, and I was scheduled for CFAT. After CFAT, I was scheduled for the interview. And so on.

Your best bet is to follow instructions outlined in the emails you receive from CF. What they specify in the email is what they want from you. Always follow their instructions. However, remain keen. Phone in or come in once in a while to check on the status of your application. It tells them that you are interested and mgiht also remind them to proceed to next step. They have so many applicants, an occasional check may improve your chances.

Finally, if you have a question, and can think of something that can give you an edge or expedite your application process (such as perhaps mailing everything at once), make a 30 s phone call and ask if you can do that. It won't take much of anyone's time but who knows - might save several weeks of processing.

Best of luck. PM me if you have further questions.
Wow, thanks a lot. I'll do as the e-mails say then, and just send in my ID, then take it from there. I suppose I can fill in the other forms in the meantime.

Thanks again!
No problem. This is just my take on it. I felt it is the best way to simply follow their instructions. But you can always ask them questions to make sure, it doesn't hurt to ask. And I'll stress again: phone the CFRC once in a while to check on the status of your application. Maybe not so much when you know exactly what's happening (e.g. you've been scheduled for the aptitude test in one week, and are simply waiting to take it), but more so durnig the times when your application process is uncertain/stagnant (e.g. you were told you can't do your medical now because they are busy, so you need to call back to try schedule one when they free up). Be proactive with your application. And in the mean time, get in physical shape and strengthen your application if you don't feel it's competitive. (Talk to the recruiter to get a feel for how competitive it is.) CF likes to see sports, leadership, volunteering, etc.

I suppose you are right, you can start filling out the paperwork and gathering reference contacts, or at least think of who to ask. So you can expedite the process later. However, the CF should email you the forms they want filled out. Check later that they are the same ones.

I don't remember having to provide 5 personal references. I remember having to specify a contact (e.g. HR or someone else who can confirm your employment) from each workplace. And I remember including 4 professional references, but I believe they said personal references are acceptable if professional references are unavailable. What I did with mine is I mixed it up. I provided a former supervisor reference, a colleague reference, a university classmate reference, and an old friend reference. I figured it was a good mix to give them the best perspective from 4 different angles. I'm not claiming that's the best way to do it, just simply telling you how I approached it. My application process is still ongoing, so it remains to be seen how it will all turn out.

Best of luck, and don't forget to phone the CFRC with your questions. Cheers.