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I really need some information about joining the military reserves.

I've been giving it some thought for a while now, and I'm currently in my grade 10 year of High School. I do very well and am in all of the advanced classes, but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pay my way through University. I want to join the reserves to make more money than what I do now (minimum wage) and gain experience as well as reap some of the benefits of being a reserve soldier. Upon looking at the forces.ca site, I found that they do offer a plan for education, that is a maximum of $2000 a year for a maximum of 4 years, however that's only for PRIMARY reserve. Can someone explain to me what primary reserve means for me? I only want to join as a reservist, and really don't want to be deported or placed into combat, as I'm joining the military for the career benefits of it. Should I join? Why should I join?


Also, if someone could help me with confronting my father about my choice, that would be great too. I really think he would be outraged by the idea, as he's upset that I made the choice to play rugby even.

Thanks again!  :cdn:
MorganC said:
Can someone explain to me what primary reserve means for me? I only want to join as a reservist, and really don't want to be deported or placed into combat

I don't think that word means what you think it means.
MorganC said:
Should I join? Why should I join?

[...] as he's upset that I made the choice to play rugby even.


You should never join the Forces for reasons other people gave to you that you adopted. Find your own reasons, make sure they represent who you are and that there is motivation behind them.

As for Rugby... Rugby is another matter. Congratulations on joining the greatest game on Earth.  :nod:
Rugby IS the game they play in heaven!

However, I am a little disturbed that you only want to join the Reserve in order to reap the benefits of being a Reserve soldier, but you don't want to be deployed or sent into combat.  If you are going to join the CF, be it regular or reserve, you are joining a family with a strong ethos of service before self.  There is no place in this family for someone who only wants the good things, but is unwilling to accept the responsibilities that go with it.  Those responsibilities often include going in harm's way in the service of your country.  If you can't understand or accept this, then you really need to re-think this and settle back into your minimum wage job (and see how far you get when you tell your boss that you only want to flip burgers, but not make french fries).

Good luck with whatever you choose, but always remember that there is no point in doing anything if you are not willing to take all that goes with it.
Pusser said:
However, I am a little disturbed that you only want to join the Reserve in order to reap the benefits of being a Reserve soldier, but you don't want to be deployed or sent into combat.


At least he's being honest about it though.