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Regarding Air Navigator Aptitude Test


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Hi, I'm on my way through the application process to maybe become a air nav. I have so far passed the interview and general aptitude test. Next is medical and nav test. Now I have heard from various people that this aptitude test is quite difficult. So this of course is getting me a little concerned. Does anyone have any advice or hints to what this test is like? Can anyone who know the structure of the test, or maybe has attempted the test give me a few pointers. I know the test includes questions testing your abilities in math and physics and maybe reading dials and charts. Let me know that you think.

Note: I am a commercial pilot (my eyes not 20/20, so no CF pilot for me) and so i do have relative experience in navigation. I was thinking of just studying and doing some nav. exercises  out of my aviation textbooks to start... anything else??

Oh and i'm not looking answers, just suggestions.

Thanks, Neil  :cdn:

Note: My vision is within limits...

Highschool 10-12 math and not worth studying for because a big factor is speed. You will be require to do these problems very fast so if you're not already familiar with how to do the math problems and taking time figuring out the formulas, you will have trouble. Although, brushing up and preparing for the test is never a bad idea but for me, I don't think it would've made much a difference. The chart readings you heard about will required to be completed very fast. Goodluck with the Nav, roughly only 25% will pass the Nav Test.
The book "From The Ground Up" was recommended to me and I have just started reading it.
Math is important for the air nav test. If I were you I would defently review math.. high school stuff. If your going such a speed how long will it take you to go such a distance, those kinda problems...also fractions, linear equations.. stuff like that. And speed is the important thing. Speed is the important part of all the air nav tests, actually. Remember that!

  I only through all the questions on one of the three types of tests. I passed tho, so I think its that way on purpose.

Well you definately don't need 20/20 uncorrected vision... but you probably need 20/20 corrected.  So as long as you can see with glasses/contacts... and probably can't be worse then the regular standards for the military without glasses.  Correct me if I'm wrong as I can't find official info......
Steel Horse said:
What are the exact vision requirements for air nav then?


That link is getting burned out by the number of times I'm posting it  ;D

If you don't want to read the whole thing then it's V3 standard with a max refractive limits of -2.00D sphere, 1.25D cylinder.  You'll see the last two numbers on your eyeglass prescription (the first is essentially how nearsighted you are, the last how astigmatic you are).  That's fairly poor vision, as I'm -1.00 sphere and need to wear glasses/contacts pretty much all the time.
Thanks for the replys, i will inform the forum of how i did...Haha thats sounds funny