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Rejected by Army, Man Gets Vet Benefits-Article

John Nayduk

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A man who never served with the Canadian Armed Forces has been granted
veterans benefits.

Rejected by army, man gets veterans benefits
Last Updated Wed, 16 Apr 2003 7:29:04
OTTAWA - A man who never served with the Canadian Armed Forces has been granted veterans benefits.

The National Service Bureau of the War Amps learned on Tuesday that Hugh Trainor had been granted benefits under the Veterans Independence Program.

Trainor, 80, of Summerside, P.E.I., applied for veterans benefits because he travelled across the Straits of Northumberland from the Island to Nova Scotia to enlist during the Second World War.

His application for service was rejected on medical grounds, but because he travelled through a designated war zone at the expense of the federal government, he argued he was entitled to the special allowance paid to veterans of overseas service.

Veterans Affairs rejected the application, so Trainor appealed to the courts. Federal courts recommended that the Veterans Review and Appeal Board reconsider the case.

On March 31, the board decided Trainor would be entitled to hospitalization, help with his medical needs and other benefits.

Cliff Chadderton, CEO of the War Amputations of Canada, wrote a letter in January to Veterans Affairs Minister Rey Pagtakhan, asking him to support the board's original decision to deny the benefit.

Written by CBC News Online staff

that‘s stupid how he can abuse the system like that an get away with it

he shouldent have thoese benefits
I generally just shake my head at such absurdity. However, it would be nice to know all the circumstances like if the man really had pressing medical costs that weren‘t being covered by the healthcare system or some other extenuating circumstances.
Circumstances ??? There is no grey area here: the man did not serve, he shouldn‘t get the benefits... if the govt really wishes to give him money, call it something else. But don‘t insult the men who put their life on the line !!!
I agree it should not be Veteran‘s Affairs handing out the money. The Courts should never have made that recommendation. I‘m saying I would like to know whether this just a ploy to get more money to pay off his RV, or if it‘s a desperate attempt to come up with needed finances to cover medical costs - in which case I wouldn‘t blame the guy for trying it.
Time to play the Devil‘s Advocate.....

This guy is 80 years old, I doubt he could even climb inside an RV, nevermind try and pay one off.

Secondly.... When we send potential recruits to the recruiting centre, we sometimes cart them around town using DND vehicles. If he/she gets in an accident in a DND vehicle on "official" CF business, is he/she covered? Unfortunately DVA takes care of ALL medical pensions when it comes to DND business. (Keep in mind that SISIP didn‘t exist back then.)

The point here (and probably presented during the court case) is that the potential recruit had to travel through a War Zone while on DND sanction business (ie being recruited). I‘m sure that it is grey areas like these points that allowed this very OLD man to win this case (for the time being).

Would this man have a regimental number or any paperwork on file showing that he tried to enlist but was refused for medical reasons?

Should he be limited in the benefits he receives as he did not see military service?

I believe that people who volunteered for military service in WW2(and who were refused for medical reasons) were issued some sort of War Badge or lapel pin but I could be mistaken.
He is 80 years old. if it dosent set any bad precedents, I say let him have some quality of life in his old age..
After the sex change...errr, "gender reassignment"... that the CF paid for several years ago, nothing surprises me.

Ah well, what do I care. Say, is that my leg that I can see through that green kleenex...I mean, pants... that I‘m wearing?
It does set bad precedent. I think he should be paid for, but not out of the Veteran‘s Affairs budget. Take it out of John Manley‘s office fund, there‘s a ton of money there.

Seriously, though, Zoomie does make some valid points - but those CF recruits on the bus are only covered for immediate insurance needs - ie an accident - not pension type coverage after age 80!! They don‘t get that unless they serve.
This is not the first time that this type of thing has happened. A few years ago it was found that members of the Greek Community in Toronto were awarded War Veterans Allowance for service in the Greek forces during WW II. It was later found that even though they had Cerificates of Service from the Greek government most of them would not have been old enough to have served during WW II.
Just another example of our government in action. Look at the hard time they gave WO Stopforth.
A greedy oppotunistic ******* is a greedy oppotunistic ******* whether he is 20, 80, or 120. He found a way to play the system, and our pathetic excuse for government let him get away with it. How anyone can have sympathy for this opportunist is beyond me.

There are still Native Canadian vets who actually made it to a theatre of war and saw the **** from a front row seat who are being denied benefits, or at any rate being offered meager payoffs that have been stalled for ridiculous lengths of time in the hope they would just die off instead of demanding they recive the benefits they **EARNED***.

I think the guys from the local Legion should be given this guy‘s name and address, so they can visit him and give him an opportunity to use those benefits he "earned" in the nearest hospital catering to real vets. Maybe then he could share a story or two about his "time in the service".
Whos more to fault. The guy taking advantage of the system or the system letting themselves be taken advantage of.
They give some guy who didn‘t serve benefits, yet the Aboriginal people who served got nothing?

This is very stupid, but I‘m not surprised.
It was in the news last night that some veterans groups intend to oppose or fight this. Should be interesting to see how it turns out.