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Religion tangent, split from: Military pushes overhaul of medal system

E.R. Campbell said:
Baptists, are you?

Since 11 April 1612!!

Interesting that most of the long list of his theological crimes pertained to his rejection of the Trinity and of infant baptism ...

that a great many of his descendants (& that true blue Tory Wightman below) would now attend Trinity-St Stephen United Church - where, of course, communion is undertaken. Yes, dear Catholics - there are indeed other religions which undertake this ritual (intended as an aside for those catholics who screamed bloody murder about PM Harper "taking communion" when it was a "Catholic"-only ritual).
You should have let the PM know!!!! Then instead of sticking it in his pocket and eating on the sly, he could have simply said he was taking it to show and tell at another church that does the same stuff.....
GAP said:
You should have let the PM know!!!! Then instead of sticking it in his pocket and eating on the sly, he could have simply said he was taking it to show and tell at another church that does the same stuff.....

Ohhh I tried, but -sigh- he wouldn't take my call.  :-\

Sadly, my schedule was too full that day.  8)
GAP said:
You should have let the PM know!!!! Then instead of sticking it in his pocket and eating on the sly, he could have simply said he was taking it to show and tell at another church that does the same stuff.....
Reporter had it wrong .. newspaper apologized and the publisher and editor were fired.

A New Brunswick newspaper that ran a front-page apology Tuesday for a story that claimed Prime Minister Stephen Harper had pocketed a communion wafer has also announced that its publisher and editor-in-chief are no longer with the paper.


ArmyVern said:
intended as an aside for those catholics who screamed bloody murder about PM Harper "taking communion" when it was a "Catholic"-only ritual.

Since the thread has spiraled......

The Catholics who "screamed bloody murder" did not do so because Communion is a Catholic-only ritual, they were not impressed because Stephen Harper was neither baptized nor confirmed in the Catholic church; two rituals you must go through before you can receive Communion.
PMedMoe said:
Since the thread has spiraled......

The Catholics who "screamed bloody murder" did not do so because Communion is a Catholic-only ritual, they were not impressed because Stephen Harper was neither baptized nor confirmed in the Catholic church; two rituals you must go through before you can receive Communion.


The act of not receiving the communion properly, is what the uproar was about.

The report, which was debunked, claimed he placed the host in his pocket.  The host represents Jesus, and him pocketing the "wafer", would have been an insult to the image of Christ.

Anyone, who wishes to receive the body if Christ may do so.


the 48th regulator said:

The act of not receiving the communion properly, is what the uproar was about.

The report, which was debunked, claimed he placed the host in his pocket.  The host represents Jesus, and him pocketing the "wafer", would have been an insult to the image of Christ.

Anyone, who wishes to receive the body if Christ may do so.



That may be so, tess.  However, we were not allowed to receive it until after Confirmation.
PMedMoe said:
Since the thread has spiraled......

The Catholics who "screamed bloody murder" did not do so because Communion is a Catholic-only ritual, they were not impressed because Stephen Harper was neither baptized nor confirmed in the Catholic church; two rituals you must go through before you can receive Communion.

No. Some of them were screaming about "why would he ever go up for communion even if he did consume the wafer - he's not a Catholic."

My point is, Catholics are not the only religion that undergo communion - and it seems many of them believed theirs was the only religion to do so. They complained that "As the PM, Harper should have at least had the common respect as the PM to learn about this "Catholic" ritual before heading up for communion" or "He's not a Catholic, he should never have taken it in the first place." To which Harper replied that he had been invited up to undertake it by the Priest. Apparently, some of those same screamers need to also find the common respect enough to learn that their own religion does not have sole "dibs" on this ritual.


Harper accepted the communion host at a Roman Catholic funeral service held for former governor general Romeo LeBlanc, not putting it in his mouth immediately. Why the non-Catholic was put in the position of accepting the host in the first place is unclear.

Many comments like that (in the non-Catholics do not participate in Communion - which is not factual and that's my point):

If the prime minister is not a Catholic, he should not have been receiving communion and if he comes up it places the priest in an awkward position, especially at a national funeral because everyone is watching," he said.

The above is from the article, but if you go through the comments to it - it's kind of funny how many Catholics really do think that theirs is the only religion that practices Communion. If you re-read my post you'll see that I was referring to those Catholics who DID scream bloody murder about PM Harper taking Communion due to his not being Catholic - utilizing statements such as "only Catholics practise Communion, he should have had enough respect for us to learn that prior to attending".

I was baptized, yet never confirmed - yet I can receive Communion.

Obviously, this needs to be split but I'm done anyway.  I'm a lapsed Catholic and do not profess to have any expertise regarding this issue, only what I know from my upbringing.

I wouldn't put too much faith (pun not intended) into the comments from the mob on a newspaper article.  Catholic or not, I suspect that most of these people are wearing a tin foil hat or, at the very least, blinders.  Look at the stupid comments on the CBC story about the Miramichi firm getting the contract for the military shelters.

And yes, I know Catholicism isn't the only religion to offer Communion.  I've been to other church services.
The priest went up to him, knowing he was not a Catholic, and gave him the communion.

It was the reports of him pocketing the host that caused a stir, and some misinterpreted the act and said he could not because he is not a Catholic.

Anyone can receive the host, although there are "strict" rules when one should (the soul must be cleansed, by confession, hence the first confession is done at your First communion not confirmation Moe you heathen).

BTW, I have not been going to mass, well since last year, although Niner and the kids go every Sunday.  So I have been "Shunned".

I was thinking of following Odin and Thor, or becoming Amish.  I like their Hats and Beards.



the 48th regulator said:
I was thinking of following Odin and Thor, or becoming Amish.  I like their Hats and Beards.



Nah, I don't think the beard would suit you.  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Obviously, this needs to be split but I'm done anyway.  I'm a lapsed Catholic and do not profess to have any expertise regarding this issue, only what I know from my upbringing.

And yes, I know Catholicism isn't the only religion to offer Communion.  I've been to other church services.

I'm a lapsed ... athiest. I do know that my boyfriend - the good french Catholic boy that he is - went up to receive Communion with my grandparents on Christmas Eve (I stayed seated on the pew...)

Good story from that evening at church. Apparently, the UCC in Amherst "lends" it's venue to the Catholics in Amherst for the Catholic Midnight Mass ceremony because their own Catholic Church is too small a venue for such an important night and attendance is full.

They head up for Communion and return to their pews ... my grandfather on one end, my mom, me, kids, BF, aunts, uncles, imbeciles in the middle and then my grandmother on the other end ... the ceremony concludes.

Grandpa leans down and states "Hurry up Muriel (grandma) and Darrell, let's get out of here before the Catholics raid us". Vern leans over and says to Grandpa "Hey Ralph --- we've already got a spy in the midst of us; Darrell is a Catholic!!" Grandpa says: "Well leave him here then." I really had to convince Darrell that Grandpa was just being ... well - like a typical Wightman (ie "me"  8))

Christmas day, phone rings and I answer. It's Grandpa. "Merry Christmas Grandpa." "Merry Christmas Ronnie - is Darrell there?" "Yes he is." "Good, put him on then." 1/2 hour later Darrell gets off the phone & nary another pers got to speak with grandpa. I said "See?? You're in."

Weird family have I. No wonder I'm the way I am.  ;D
PMedMoe said:
  I'm a lapsed Catholic

No offense to anyone here but i refer to it "enlightened catholic" as in "i am enlightened enough to have let go of this God stuff"
CDN Aviator said:
No offense to anyone here but i refer to it "enlightened catholic" as in "i am enlightened enough to have let go of this God stuff"

No offense taken.  I don't have a problem with God, I have a problem with religion.
Tess, I would never shun you - even with a beard.

Unless you failed to show up for a beer or 10 or 20 that had been pre-arranged.

ArmyVern said:
I'm a lapsed ... athiest. I do know that my boyfriend - the good french Catholic boy that he is - went up to receive Communion with my grandparents on Christmas Eve (I stayed seated on the pew...)

Good story from that evening at church. Apparently, the UCC in Amherst "lends" it's venue to the Catholics in Amherst for the Catholic Midnight Mass ceremony because their own Catholic Church is too small a venue for such an important night and attendance is full.

They head up for Communion and return to their pews ... my grandfather on one end, my mom, me, kids, BF, aunts, uncles, imbeciles in the middle and then my grandmother on the other end ... the ceremony concludes.

Grandpa leans down and states "Hurry up Muriel (grandma) and Darrell, let's get out of here before the Catholics raid us". Vern leans over and says to Grandpa "Hey Ralph --- we've already got a spy in the midst of us; Darrell is a Catholic!!" Grandpa says: "Well leave him here then." I really had to convince Darrell that Grandpa was just being ... well - like a typical Wightman (ie "me"  8))

Christmas day, phone rings and I answer. It's Grandpa. "Merry Christmas Grandpa." "Merry Christmas Ronnie - is Darrell there?" "Yes he is." "Good, put him on then." 1/2 hour later Darrell gets off the phone & nary another pers got to speak with grandpa. I said "See?? You're in."

Weird family have I. No wonder I'm the way I am.  ;D

I am Catholic too.

Is that all it took to be in.

Eating a tasteless wafer......


PMedMoe said:
No offense taken.  I don't have a problem with God, I have a problem with religion.

I developed a problem with both years and years ago.
CDN Aviator said:
No offense to anyone here but i refer to it "enlightened catholic" as in "i am enlightened enough to have let go of this God stuff"

No offense intended here, either.  I'm an "enlightened atheist" - as in enlightened enough not to disparage others' (especially my friends and neighbours) beliefs.

And Tess:  I've already got a beard - you've already got some hats - maybe together we're Amish?