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reserve chaplaincy possibilities

crazytrain conductor

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I am currently an M.Div candidate, so I get that direct entry as a Chaplain is not a go.  This is also still a process of spiritual discernment as well, subject to many things, being ecclesiastical approval, fitness testing, aptitude among other details. 

A few questions then - on the matter of finance, is there reserve training funding that will pay for the remainder of my degree in exchange for service (I will have 2 years left of a 3 yr program by the time I have my ducks lined up and am ready to go if this is an option).  I am employed by one of the Canadian railways - if paid education is a possibility, does this count as military service, ie: is my current employer obligated to hold my position on the railway while I complete studies (I do know that they cannot refuse time off to serve as a reservist).

As the time repayment is two to one, would the three or four months of the summer between terms count towards that repayment. 

I am also mid forties in age.  Not a problem, just wondering if that affects the possibilities of paid education.

Good day crazytrain conductor,

Regular Force

You are correct that your current education level does not meet the requirements for the Direct Entry Officer (DEO) entry plan for the regular force. That being said there is also a Subsidized Education  For Master of Divinity entry plan (SEELM). This is a paid education entry plan for the regular force the requirements are as follows:

You need to have the appropriate baccalaureate degree completed for admittance into an accredited Canadian Master of Divinity (MDiv) Program. You are also require to have unconditional acceptance into a Master of Divinity (MDiv) Program at an accredited Canadian University. Additionally you need to be eligible to be ordained (or Equivalent) upon successful completion of the MDiv/BTh or equivalent program.

From the information that you have told me you may be eligible to submit an application to join the Regular force through this paid education entry plan.

Applicants enrolled for this paid education entry plan would sign an initial contract of 10 years. This length of service includes your time at school.

Primary Reserve Force

In the reserves there is a Reserve Entry Scheme Officer (RESO) Entry Plan for the Chaplain Occupation. For this entry plan you must have any baccalaureate degree and you need to be enrolled as a full-time student in a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or equivalent program at an accredited Canadian post-secondary educational institute. You also need to be eligible to be ordained (or equivalent) upon successful completion of the MDiv/BTh or equivalent program. From tradition you need to have representation on the Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy (ICCMC) and you need to be eligible to receive mandate of the Chaplain General upon the attainment of the academic and pastoral requirements of chaplaincy.

Service in the Primary Reserve is a part time commitment and if successful on your application for RESO you would receive financial support for your continuing education related to military employment towards your tuition. You will not receive a salary while in school however you may receive class A pay when parading with your Primary Reserve unit. You would also not be required to sign a contract for X amount of years of service upon the completion of your schooling.

You will need to look into the provincial legislation of your province of residence pertaining to the job protection of your civilian employment of Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve Personnel when on duty as it may vary from province to province.

Common to both regular and primary reserve Chaplain applicants

It must be recognized that the academic standards above are not necessarily the norm for qualified spiritual leaders of some faiths, and it is recommended that you contact the Chaplain General’s office or the Regional Chaplain’s office for initial guidance on your application to join the CAF for this occupation.

That being said all Chaplain applicants’ need to contact either the Chaplain General’s office or the Regional Chaplain to initiate the application process. You will receive guidance from the Chaplain General’s Office, in all aspects of the process.  The points of contact are listed below:

Chaplain General
              Office: 1-866-502-2203

British Columbia
Office: (250) 363-4028

Office: (780) 973-4011 Local 6040

Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Office: (204) 833-2500 Local 5289

Office: (416) 633-6200 Local 5111

Office: (514) 252-2777 Local 4033

Office: (902) 721-8662

For more information on Chaplain Training and the ICCMC follow this link:


For more information on the Chaplain occupation and to submit an application follow this link to our recruiting website:

Thank you for your time and for your response.  I was not aware of the SEELM program, and this makes more sense than how the RESO training was explained to me. 