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Hi, I'm an 18 year old male interesting in joining the Canadian Forces Infantry.  To see if I can handle the lifestyle, I decided I'd try and enlist in the Royal Westminster Regiment.  But here's where I'm unsure.  I'm physically strong, as in, I workout quite often, and I'm mentally strong..But I am not capable of doing the run yet.  After asking the Regiment how long application process would take,  I was told 6 months to a year and a half.  My question is, Should I apply now to the Regiment and continue training to attain the skills I need to accomplish the run, Or wait it out till I can do it and then apply?

I'm kind of hoping to be in the Reserve before April of 2011, since Infantry spots may be opening around then.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading
- Final
If the process is taking that long, apply now. I would recommend that you continue training. Add some cardio, 5-10km 3-4 times per week and you should be fine.
Is your final goal to join the regular forces? If so, I'll refer you to this post, which is regarding a slightly different situation than yours, but has many similarities:


Take that however you wish.
As I sit here sipping on a kadopka, I will agree with Nostix, and recommend that you read some of the topics already posted on "Joining the Reserves", "Joining the CF", "Trades Open/Closed", etc.

And this topic is now LOCKED.

Milnet Staff
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