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rms clerk and aptitude test


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Hello !

I just have a question about RMS clerk and the aptitude test.
I am pretty awful at math but have gotten good grades in accounting. I know RMS clerk deals with a lot of accounting, is there a lot of math involved as well? (Math like on the aptitude test)

I have been going over my grade ten math and studying so I will be prepared for the aptitude test. I downloaded the cfat app, have been studying from aptitude test websites, and the aptitude practice test from forces.ca. -- So far I still suck haha! But I will keep studying until I'm confident enough. I'm 22, so its been awhile since I've done math like this!

Does anyone know the percentage of math you need to pass or fail to be accepted as rms clerk? I feel fine with the 2 other parts of the test, just not the problem solving.

Thank you.

I know some of you may be annoyed I've asked this question, since it may have previously been answered. I did look back and did not see any similar questions!
It is one thing to pass the test, it is another thing to pass the test and be competitive.

Don't aim for the minimum, set the bar higher.
You must meet the minimum cut-off score at the 30th percentile for Problem Solving. IIRC, the math portion was not overly complicated; if you've got half a brain, and the desire to improve your skills prior to taking the test as you have mentioned, you should have no issues far surpassing the minimum entry standards. Just keep studying.  :)

As a side, depending on your unit/what pillar you choose when the trade splits, you actually may see very little to no accounting on a day to day basis.
Kathrine1 said:
(Math like on the aptitude test)

Reply #8