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Scenario Syria Attacks Golan


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A debka story has me curious. A Syrian attack on the Golan would help Iran how ? It sure would be a disaster for Syria. Unless Iran starts lobbing missiles to help Israel, looks more like Iran gets to stand on the sidelines while someone else pays the piper.


DEBKAfile’s sources: Tehran and Damascus are gearing up for a pre-emptive Syrian attack on Israel to ward off a US strike on Iran’s nuclear sites

October 7, 2006, 9:52 AM (GMT+02:00)

Our military and Washington sources read as preparatory justification the Syrian ruler Bashar Asad’s statement Saturday, Oct. 7, that he expects an Israeli attack.

He was speaking in an interview to Kuwaiti paper al-Anba.

Asad’s Iranian-backed war plan would serve the purpose of forcing the Americans to divide their military assets between a strike against Iran and the defense of their allies in the Persia Gulf, Israel and US forces in Iraq. Both are seriously looking at a Syrian attack on the Golan which would escalate into a full-blown Syrian-Israeli war and a second Hizballah assault from Lebanon.

Asad’s remark that during the Lebanon hostilities, he was under pressure from the Syrian population to go to war against Israel and liberate the Golan is the most direct threat of belligerency of all his four Golan statements in the last month. He is implying that he stood up to the pressure once but may not do so again. And for the benefit of the Americans, the Europeans, the Saudis and the Egyptians - all of whom are pretty fed up with him – Asad is posing as the picture of self-restraint; anyone else in his place, he implies, would have taken advantage of the Lebanon war and made a grab for the Golan. Therefore, he is saying, he deserves to be treated with the respect due to a strategic asset by Western and moderate Arab powers instead of being targeted for an ouster.

The Syrian ruler would not threaten war without guarantees from Iran. According to DEBKAfile’s sources, Asad and Iran’s supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are prompted by the following motives:

1. Tehran is not prepared to wait passively for the Americans to build up their assault force in the Gulf and strike its nuclear facilities. A pre-emptive attack would suit them better.

2. Tehran and Damascus have not missed the debilitating crisis in which Israel’s political and military leadership are sunk since the Lebanon war. They do not propose to wait until the IDF pulls itself together enough to handle fresh aggression.

3. Both accept Israel’s deputy prime minister Shimon Peres’ assessment that Israel’s cities are not prepared for missile attack. Iran and Syria take it for granted that Israeli leaders understand they cannot afford to launch missiles against either one of them for fear of reprisal in kind.

4. Syria believes that if Hizballah could stand up to the Israeli army in Lebanon, its commandoes can capture sections of the Golan and walk off with an easy victory.

5. Tehran figures that the Bush administration is coming to the end of its patience in Iraq and preparing for a major review of its position there. The influential U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman, John Warner, said Friday that Iraq's government had 60 to 90 days to control the violence that threatens civil war or the United States would have to reconsider its options. This gives the Maliki government in Baghdad up to December or January to de-escalate if not halt the sectarian war engulfing the country.

Iran, Syria and Hizballah would not be averse to disrupting the American Iraq timeline by attacking Israel and putting the Bush administration on the spot, forced to address three warfronts simultaneously.
tomahawk6 said:
A debka story has me curious. A Syrian attack on the Golan would help Iran how ? It sure would be a disaster for Syria. Unless Iran starts lobbing missiles to help Israel, looks more like Iran gets to stand on the sidelines while someone else pays the piper.

Well, there's that.  But the article does suggest what advantage it brings...an attack on the Golan, if successful, would put Israel into a deep, deep security hole; if the heights fall, there's not much to prevent an invasion from pushing on southwards (in Israeli minds).  Therefore, the Israeli response could include a nuclear option.  The US would be forced to divert massive resources to assist Israel to maintain the country's security, which would completely disrupt their efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as make any pre-emptive attack on Iran problematic i.e. the US is already battling Islamic forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, is pouring military aid into Israel and then, in the midst of this, launches an attack on ANOTHER Islamic country?

Certainly, a cool appraisal of the situation may suggest that it's a risky course with lots of opportunities to back-fire, but one can't separate out the emotive part of the equation.  Syria has been smouldering over their loss of the Golan for almost 40 years, and that's only exacerbated by their humiliating failure to recapture the Heights in 1973.

Finally, don't forget that Syria is a secular Islamic state, while Iran is a theocracy.  If Syria does repeat the failure of 1973 and Assad's grip on Syria weakens or fails altogether, it could pave the way for the rise of another theocratic, fundamentalist Islamic state in the region, fanned on by the ongoing US "crusade" against Islam.

Really, what does Iran have to lose in all this?
I suspect that the IDF will hold it's own against the Syrian army, the IDF would be in the defensive with good air support, the Syrians would be far less motivated than the Hezbollah and I suspect that much of the IDF is doing some serious navel gazing right now, so if the Syrians attacked by next year the IDF will already be in much better shape than now. Also Syria has seen what the IDF can do to infrastructure, and Syria doe not have the cash to replace much of it's own crumbling infrastructure, so I expect a lot of posturing and sabre rattling, but little action.
Syrian troops move closer to Israel border

Israeli Defence Minister says there’s no indication of imminent Syrian attack in coming months.

JERUSALEM - Syrian armed forces appear to be moving closer to the border with Israel and the military is being strengthened with Iranian help, an Israeli newspaper reported Thursday.

"The Syrian armed forces are being strengthened in an unprecedented way in recent memory with the help of generous funding from Iran," wrote Zeev Schiff, the military affairs correspondent for the liberal Haaretz daily.

"The main emphasis of the efforts has been missiles and long-range rockets to compensate for the weak air force," he added.

"It appears that the Syrians have moved forces closer to the border with Israel on the Golan Heights."

Schiff pointed to similar movements prior to a Syrian offensive on the same front during the Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur War in October 1973.

    The Israeli Defense Minister says he is not worried about Syrian troops massing at the border?? Perhaps he already has a plan in place to take care of the issue. Israel is certainly not known for being complacent when it comes to any potential threats. Never underestimate the Israeli Defense Force.
    Iranian money is behind the Syrian military buildup. If Syria even throws a rock across the border they will get hammered followed closely by a friendly neighbourhood IDF visit to Iran.
One thing which has not been noted is Israel's heavy use of reservists. They can be called quickly, but this causes disruption to the economy.

I suspect Syria might try a little calling "Wolf" to try and disrupt the Israeli economy (such as we see here), with the possibility in mind that they may find an opening to take advantage of. The IDF on the other hand, needs to play a cool waiting game, and not commit until the proper moment (whatever that may be).
Israel stages Golan war games
21/02/2007 16:59  - (SA) 
Jerusalem - Israel was on Wednesday conducting its most important war games in five years on the Golan Heights, the strategic plateau seized from Syria 40 years ago, defence minister Amir Peretz said.

"Conducting these exercises in this area does not at all mean that they are connected to a possible conflict," Peretz told public radio.

"These exercises are the army's most important for five years and mainly intend to absorb lessons learnt from the war," he added, referring to Israel's conflict against Shi'ite milita Hezbollah in Lebanon last summer.

A regiment of paratroopers was taking part in the operation, together with infantry, sappers and the air force.

Last December, Peretz said Israel had no intention of launching war against Syria despite local media speculation about a possible such conflict in the summer of 2007.

    It appears we are witnessing a strategic game of chess. The pieces have been placed on the board and each player is contemplating their first moves.
New Syrian Terror Group Threatens Israel

Marking its official public debut, a purported new Syrian terror group last week claimed it is holding a missing Israeli soldier and would free the captive in exchange for nine Syrians held in Israeli jails.

A group calling itself the Syrian Committees for the Liberation of the Golan Heights faxed a statement to reporters addressing "the Zionists" and offering a prisoner-swap deal for Israeli soldier Guy Hever, who has been missing since 1997 and who the group claimed is in its custody. Hever disappeared in the Golan Heights near the Syrian border.

The Syrian Committees for the Liberation of the Golan first announced its establishment in a widely-circulated exclusive interview with WND last June.

At the time, and again during a second, in-person interview with this column and American radio host Gordon Liddy in December, leaders for the Syrian group threatened that if Israel didn’t vacate the Golan Heights within months, the group would launch "resistance operations" against Israeli positions and Jewish communities in the Golan Heights.

The leaders said the group is modeling itself after the Syrian-backed Lebanese Hizbullah militia.

      Will this pawn move first?
    Another move on the chess board by Russia. I think they want an invite to the big meeting in March between US,Iran and Syria?

Russia Moves in Support of Syria, Iran, Hamas-Led PA
10 Adar 5767, 28 February 07 02:49by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz(IsraelNN.com) Russia's announcement Tuesday that it would work to promote international support for the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority, its intention to supply missiles to Syria and its opposition to sanctions against Iran present a worrying trend for Israel.

Russian officials said that the agreement reached between the leaders of Hamas and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to incorporate the latter's Fatah terrorist organization in the PA governing coalition is sufficient cause to end the international boycott of the PA.  The Western nations imposed the financial boycott of the PA in January of last year, when the Islamic fundamentalist Hamas organization swept the majority of the seats in the PA parliament in a landslide election victory.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the agreement reached in Mecca earlier this month between Fatah and Hamas shows "wisdom, reason and responsibility before the Palestinian people." He made the statement prior to meeting with Damascus-based Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal.  The agreement has not yet been implemented.

"We are pushing for all members of the international community to support this process and make it irreversible, including efforts to lift the blockade," Lavrov added.

Speaking to Russian reporters on Tuesday, Mashaal reiterated the Hamas position that it does not recognize the State of Israel, saying, "First of all, Israel should stop the occupation of Palestine territories and put an end to the suffering of Palestinians." The Hamas charter, as well as all of its official statements and documents, defines all of Israel, in both its pre- and post-1967 borders, as "occupied Palestine."

The Russian move towards funding the Hamas regime found an echo in a report issued by the United Nations Human Rights Council, which suggested that that the Western-led economic boycott of the PA must be lifted in order to fight poverty in the Gaza area.

Backing Syria and Iran, Too
The Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority is not the only entity hostile to Jews and Israel behind which Russia has been throwing its support.

According to information received by Israel, Russia is set to conclude a deal, worth several hundred million dollars, to transfer thousands of advanced anti-tank missiles to Syria. Such missiles were used by Hizbullah during Israel's war in Lebanon this past summer and caused a large proportion of Israeli troop casualties during the 34 days of military confrontation.

Syria's ally, Iran, is also a beneficiary of Russian support. The ongoing assistance Russia provides for construction and operation of the Bushehr nuclear plant in southern Iran is soon to take a dangerous turn, with the start of nuclear fuel deliveries in March 2007.

Russia has continued to oppose increasing UN Security Council sanctions against Iran. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has continued to insist that the Security Council confine its attempts to limit, not end, Iran’s nuclear development activities.

In protest over Russia's assistance to Iran, the Magshimey Herut (Freedom Makers) organization will be holding a protest on Thursday afternoon in Jerusalem's Paris Square. The group is demanding that the Israeli government cut off diplomatic and economic ties with Russia.

"Israel must take a moral stand and send a clear message to the global community that we will not pursue diplomacy or commerce with nations working towards our annihilation," a statement from the group said.

"The Jewish People must find the moral courage to stand up to super-powers in such situations," Eli Yosef of Magshimei Herut told IsraelNationalRadio's Yishai Fleisher.  Click here to hear their talk.

Magshimey Herut is a new youth movement operating in coordination with the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish National Fund. It is not a part of the right-wing Herut party, but the party has expressed its support of the youth movement's Zionist goals and aims.