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Should Canada indict Bush?

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This came to me this morning via e-mail. I'm not saying I agree with this, just thought it might be interseting to hear people's thoughts on this article.

Should Canada indict Bush?


When U.S. President George W. Bush arrives in Ottawa â ” probably later this year â ” should he be welcomed? Or should he be charged with war crimes?

It's an interesting question. On the face of it, Bush seems a perfect candidate for prosecution under Canada's Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act.

This act was passed in 2000 to bring Canada's ineffectual laws in line with the rules of the new International Criminal Court. While never tested, it lays out sweeping categories under which a foreign leader like Bush could face arrest.

In particular, it holds that anyone who commits a war crime, even outside Canada, may be prosecuted by our courts. What is a war crime? According to the statute, it is any conduct defined as such by "customary international law" or by conventions that Canada has adopted.

War crimes also specifically include any breach of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, such as torture, degradation, wilfully depriving prisoners of war of their rights "to a fair and regular trial," launching attacks "in the knowledge that such attacks will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians" and deportation of persons from an area under occupation.

Outside of one well-publicized (and quickly squelched) attempt in Belgium, no one has tried to formally indict Bush. But both Oxfam International and the U.S. group Human Rights Watch have warned that some of the actions undertaken by the U.S. and its allies, particularly in Iraq, may fall under the war crime rubric.

The case for the prosecution looks quite promising. First, there is the fact of the Iraq war itself. After 1945, Allied tribunals in Nuremberg and Tokyo â ” in an astonishing precedent â ” ruled that states no longer had the unfettered right to invade other countries and that leaders who started such conflicts could be tried for waging illegal war.

Concurrently, the new United Nations outlawed all aggressive wars except those authorized by its Security Council.

Today, a strong case could be made that Bush violated the Nuremberg principles by invading Iraq. Indeed, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has already labelled that war illegal in terms of the U.N. Charter.

Second, there is the manner in which the U.S. conducted this war.

The mistreatment of prisoners at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison is a clear contravention of the Geneva Accord. The U.S. is also deporting selected prisoners to camps outside of Iraq (another contravention). U.S. press reports also talk of shadowy prisons in Jordan run by the CIA, where suspects are routinely tortured. And the estimated civilian death toll of 100,000 may well contravene the Geneva Accords prohibition against the use of excessive force.

Canada's war crimes law specifically permits prosecution not only of those who carry out such crimes but of the military and political superiors who allow them to happen.

What has emerged since Abu Ghraib shows that officials at the highest levels of the Bush administration permitted and even encouraged the use of torture.

Given that Bush, as he likes to remind everyone, is the U.S. military's commander-in-chief, it is hard to argue he bears no responsibility.

Then there is Guantanamo Bay. The U.S. says detainees there do not fall under the Geneva accords. That's an old argument.

In 1946, Japanese defendants explained their mistreatment of prisoners of war by noting that their country had never signed any of the Geneva Conventions. The Japanese were convicted anyway.

Oddly enough, Canada may be one of the few places where someone like Bush could be brought to justice. Impeachment in the U.S. is most unlikely. And, at Bush's insistence, the new international criminal court has no jurisdiction over any American.

But a Canadian war crimes charge, too, would face many hurdles. Bush was furious last year when Belgians launched a war crimes suit in their country against him â ” so furious that Belgium not only backed down under U.S. threats but changed its law to prevent further recurrences.

As well, according to a foreign affairs spokesperson, visiting heads of state are immune from prosecution when in Canada on official business. If Ottawa wanted to act, it would have to wait until Bush was out of office â ” or hope to catch him when he comes up here to fish.

And, of course, Canada's government would have to want to act. War crimes prosecutions are political decisions that must be authorized by the federal attorney-general.

Still, Prime Minister Paul Martin has staked out his strong opposition to war crimes. This was his focus in a September address to the U.N. General Assembly.

There, Martin was talking specifically about war crimes committed by militiamen in far-off Sudan. But as my friends on the Star's editorial board noted in one of their strong defences of concerted international action against war crimes, the rule must be, "One law for all."

Not that it isn't a stupid idea, but perhaps when we discuss Michael Moore's incarceration for interfering in the recent elections, then we can discuss the broader application of our laws?

Sauce for the goose, and all that...
The person who wrote this article should stop sensationalizing and stick to facts.  This is typical of the media band wagon.  Obviously, the author is not thoroughly familiar with international law and forgets that there are more than 1 way of looking at a situation
annemarielyman said:

When U.S. President George W. Bush arrives in Ottawa â ” probably later this year â ” should he be welcomed? Or should he be charged with war crimes?

It's an interesting question. On the face of it, Bush seems a perfect candidate for prosecution under Canada's Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act.

This act was passed in 2000 to bring Canada's ineffectual laws in line with the rules of the new International Criminal Court. While never tested, it lays out sweeping categories under which a foreign leader like Bush could face arrest.


As well, according to a foreign affairs spokesperson, visiting heads of state are immune from prosecution when in Canada on official business. If Ottawa wanted to act, it would have to wait until Bush was out of office â ” or hope to catch him when he comes up here to fish.

Walcom is sh*t disturbing in an especially juvenile manner: sovereign immunity trumps all local laws.   He, clearly, knows that but he publishes his drivel in an attempt to stir up the even more juvenile knee-jerk anti-American lags and layabouts.   I'm sure that the rent-a-crowd will have a good supply of 'Indict Bush for War Crimes' banners when they litter the streets of Ottawa next week.
Sure, why not. The only thing that will happen is Canada will become the 52nd state, because I know for damn sure, they would take exception to us "capturing" their president and invade us. I'm sure they'd like to do that anyway, but this would give them a legit reason. Good idea in theory, but bad in practice.
Hawaii or Alaska, I don't know all their states, as it doesn't concern me
Um, actually we would be the 51st but that's not important.
I think it's a dumb idea. The last thing we need to do is piss of Bush more, Chreitien did it for 3 years and all it ended up doing was cause more tension between Canada and the States. He seems ready to remove the ban on Canadian beef lets not fuck it up. Not to mention the fact it would just cause a bunch of red tape and in the end Canada would just end up either handing him back.
Um . . . there's only fifty states.

Let's see -- Canada's too big to be a single state.  Alaska and Texas wouldn't like being downgraded that way.

Hmm.  BC and Alberta could be 51 and 52.  Saskatchewan -- 53.  Yukon might like to become a county in Alaska rather than a separate state.  NW Territories has some nice fishing lakes.  They can be 54.  Nunavat and all that territory in the Arctic might want to become the Largest Gambling Casino on Planet Earth, following in the footsteps of US Indian tribes.  They can be 55 -- what a tax base!

Let's see.  Manitoba - 56.  Ontario -- man I don't know.  We already have a department of incredible fantasies -- Washington, DC (we were smart enough NOT to make THAT a state).  How about Ontario becoming a National Park?  It borders on the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay.  I'll bet the fishing is fantastic.  Hunting would be good too, at least until all the politicians are hunted out.

Newfoundland -- 57.  How many Maratime Provinces are there?  I always get confused on those.  58 -- 59 -- 60.  Does that take care of them all?

Oh, right.  Quebec.  Nah.  Unless France wants it back . . . ?  No?

Well, shoot.  Forget the whole thing.  You guys are stuck with them.  We have enough troubles of our own.

Thanks anyway.

I think the US should become part of Canada instead...............

On second though..............never mind i like my country the way it is !!
This thread should have been a non starter and is without merit. It's already off track.
The only thing I meant by my remark was that they would invade us and then make us their b1tch.
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