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Slimeball Jumps Onto 401 From Overpass With 5 Year Old Daughter - Dies


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This is disgusting. Thank God the little girl survived; I hope he's burning in hell right now.
I know its a horrifying story . I couldn't believe it when I heard it. Had to listen twice .  Like you said though thankfully the Little girl survived
As my mom so elegantly put it, "This guy deserves to be cut up and p|ssed on". Good ol ma  ;D
If you want to kill yourself by all means fill your boots but don't take innocent children with you, these stories just break my heart :( the poor mother must have been in shambles.

GIJANE said:
If you want to kill yourself by all means fill your boots but don't take innocent children with you, these stories just break my heart :( the poor mother must have been in shambles.


I'm sure that was his plan.  Some people get so caught up their hatred for someone that they will do anything to gain "revenge" and cause the other person pain.  The father, knowing that the child is the most important thing in the mother's life, knows that by killing the child, will destroy the mother.  Sick. 
Sh0rtbUs said:
As my mom so elegantly put it, "This guy deserves to be cut up and p|ssed on". Good ol ma  ;D
You can say that again!

That's just sick... sick sick sick sick sick.
No other word for it.
condor888000 said:
How bout funny? It works well for me........
Of course Shortbus' mother is funny, I was saying this whole SITUATION is sick.
I even put a little spacey thingie...

My mistake.  :-[
Oh, whoops........ :-[

Sorry about that, I'm just really, really slow tonight...........
She may be a little sick too... ;D

I honestly hesitate to even call this man a father. Too bad the kid got tied in with such a useless waste of flesh. On the lighter side of things, she'll grow up without him in her life, and at the age of 5, will hopefully have only vague recollection of her experience later in life.
Sh0rtbUs said:
She may be a little sick too... ;D

I honestly hesitate to even call this man a father. Too bad the kid got tied in with such a useless waste of flesh. On the lighter side of things, she'll grow up without him in her life, and at the age of 5, will hopefully have only vague recollection of her experience later in life.
But situations like this aren't exactly forgettable.  :-\
Oh I certainly dont expect her to forget it, but I would hope that because it happened to her at suc a young age, maybe it wont be such a sore spot for her later. If she was 13, I'm sure the phsycological scars would be much worse. Or maybe, being so young has the reverse effect, making it more traumatizing. Damn, we need a early childhood phsycoanalyst now...
Sh0rtbUs said:
Oh I certainly dont expect her to forget it, but I would hope that because it happened to her at suc a young age, maybe it wont be such a sore spot for her later. If she was 13, I'm sure the phsycological scars would be much worse. Or maybe, being so young has the reverse effect, making it more traumatizing. darn, we need a early childhood phsycoanalyst now...
True, however I'm sure she knew her life was in danger and knew that it was her own father who jumped over the bridge with her... that much is enough to scar someone forever.
You have a valid point, but I still believe that this little girl is going to have problems later on because of her horrible, horrible experience.  :'(
5 years old is pretty young, Im just saying that as time passes, her life is going to be less effective as she is less established in her life, in contrast to an older child. Ever wonder why you can give a kid with a broken arm a candy and its like nothing happened? They're understanding is on a different track than us. But we'll just leave it that she's definatly been fed a handicap in a healthy develpment at an early stage of life.  :o
people ask me how there can be a god.... thats proof right there... that she DID survive...

remember, she may have some harships growing up, but she is alve to endure them
J*sus H. Chr*st!

If you want to p*ss-off your â Å“Exâ ?, why the f*ck do you have to take your own daughter as a hostage?!?!

This guy certainly wasn't a â ?fatherâ ?, he was just a sh*t-for-brains that got his Ex pregnant.
A friend said to me "cant help but feel sorry for the fact that now she wont have a father". Way I see it, she never had 1 in the first place...

Just saw this this morning......

Child tossed onto 401 unconscious


TORONTO (CP) - The little girl who was thrown by her suicidal father onto the country's busiest highway was unconscious and needed help breathing Tuesday, painting a much grimmer picture than earlier reports that indicated she was talkative and alert after her three-storey plunge.

Five-year-old Inara Amarsi was in critical condition, breathing only with the help of a ventilator, Lisa Lipkin, a spokeswoman for the Hospital for Sick Children, said Tuesday. Her condition was still critical as of late Tuesday, a spokesman for the hospital confirmed.

Doctors were waiting to see if she regained consciousness before deciding if surgery was necessary.

Lipkin said it was uncertain whether the child was expected to recover from Sunday's trauma.

"Right now, she's being monitored in the critical care unit," she said in the hospital's first official word on the girl's condition since the child was dropped on Highway 401 from an overpass in the city's east end.

And in her first statement, Amarsi's mother thanked the public for an outpouring of sympathy it has shown for her daughter's well-being. People have dropped off letters, cards and gifts at the hospital wishing the girl a full recovery and lending her family their emotional support.

"I want to thank the public for their good wishes and prayers for my child," Shamsha Amarsi said in written comments issued by the hospital.

"Right now, my efforts are concentrated on supporting my daughter during this difficult time."

One media report said Inara had undergone head surgery Monday night. Another outlet said she was alert and talking shortly after her fall.

Police were calling her survival "miraculous" because she did not suffer a single broken bone. Children's bones haven't fully calcified, so their skeletal structure is more elastic.

But Lipkin confirmed Inara's condition has not improved since she was admitted Sunday night, and that she did not undergo surgery for chest and abdominal injuries.

Shamsha Amarsi's estranged husband, Alnoor Amarsi, 48, who had custody of his daughter on Sundays, dangled the girl from a bridge above roaring traffic as police pleaded with him to spare her.

But he tossed her onto the highway below, near a junction connecting the 401 to the Don Valley Parkway, another major freeway. The girl landed in one of the highway's 16 lanes but was not hit by oncoming traffic.

A moment later, her father jumped to his death.

An autopsy conducted Monday concluded he died of blunt-force injuries but was not hit by any vehicles, said Joseph Martino, acting spokesman for Ontario's Special Investigations Unit.

The couple was going through a difficult divorce and the man had been refused more time with his daughter. His suicide notes said he hated his estranged wife and that he intended to kill the girl.

The girl's uncle, who declined to give his name, said the incident could have been prevented if there were stronger measures in place to detect suicidal tendencies before they erupt into tragedies.

"He's not the only one to be blamed here," he said.

"The legal system, everyone - we have continuously spoken to them over and over again explaining his (psychotic tendencies)."

Martino said Tuesday the SIU, which took over the investigation into the man's death Monday, will interview officers and other witnesses at the scene over the next few days.

"We always like to get these interviews done as quickly as possible," said Martino.

The agency investigates circumstances involving police and civilians that result in serious injury, sexual assault or death.


Apparently Some not so good news. watching the news and i found this.

Distressing Diagnosis 

It seemed too much of a miracle. And now there's word that the little girl thrown from a highway overpass by her father on Sunday may not be faring as well as first thought.

The five-year-old remains in critical condition at the Hospital for Sick Children, with severe chest and abdominal injuries, after she was tossed onto the 401 from Don Mills Road.

And contrary to earlier and more optimistic reports, she's not conscious, not talking â “ and she's on a respirator to aid her breathing.

Now that her mother has come forward, we can finally tell you her name â “ she's little Inara Amsari.

Her distraught mom issued her first public statement on the tragedy Tuesday afternoon, in appreciation of the outpouring of support for the family.

â Å“I want to thank the public for their good wishes and prayers for my child," Shamsha Amarsi notes. â Å“Right now, my efforts are concentrated on supporting my daughter during this difficult time."

The entire city has been riveted by the senseless tragedy that's befallen this family. Her estranged father was on a scheduled visit with the child, when he called his wife from a cellphone and told her what he had planned.

Cops talked briefly with the man, but were unable to stop him from carrying out his murderous mission. He died from the fall.

His daughter somehow survived, but doctors aren't sure if she'll be able to win her desperate struggle for life.

March 8, 2005

lord I hope the poor girl pulls through...