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So who's jealous

GAWD lets buy some.  Oh wait, we'd bankrupt the CF.  Pity.  ;D
This is an F-22 raptor, although the aicraft does look quite nice...Doesn't seem to have "proven" itself yet. It also costs alot.

But Canada has been participating in a better project :


JSF or Joint Strike Fighter.

This is one heck of a machine, it might not be a stealth fighter but does attribute certain features to lower its radar visibility.

Check out the cockpit :


If I understand well, the pilot fly's with the joystick on the right, and navigates threw his computer screen with a joystick on the left !

Oh and on a side note, that site you posted are quite off in some video's...They say an "Air Force" jet breaks the sound barrier, while it's an F-14 surrounded by a bunch of navy ships

I watched a documentry on the JSF and aparently it does have stealth capabilities and a vertical + horizontal takeoff and landing capability... pretty nice hunk 'a plane if you ask me  ;D
Rammy said:
This is an F-22 raptor, although the aicraft does look quite nice...Doesn't seem to have "proven" itself yet. It also costs alot.

But Canada has been participating in a better project :


JSF or Joint Strike Fighter.

This is one heck of a machine, it might not be a stealth fighter but does attribute certain features to lower its radar visibility.

Check out the cockpit :


If I understand well, the pilot fly's with the joystick on the right, and navigates threw his computer screen with a joystick on the left !

Oh and on a side note, that site you posted are quite off in some video's...They say an "Air Force" jet breaks the sound barrier, while it's an F-14 surrounded by a bunch of navy ships


Holy contradiction Batman! You talk about the F-22 not being proven and then in the same paragraph you talk about the virtues of a jet that just got the contract awarded a few years ago and has yet to even enter production.

FYI, the F-22 is an air superiority fighter, the JSF isn't designed for that. The F-22 will replace the F-15 while the JSF is set to replace the F-16, at least as far as the USAF is concerned. Also, the right side joystick isn't a new thing, the F-16 has had that configuration for nearly 30 years
Inch said:
Holy contradiction Batman! You talk about the F-22 not being proven and then in the same paragraph you talk about the virtues of a jet that just got the contract awarded a few years ago and has yet to even enter production.

FYI, the F-22 is an air superiority fighter, the JSF isn't designed for that. The F-22 will replace the F-15 while the JSF is set to replace the F-16, at least as far as the USAF is concerned. Also, the right side joystick isn't a new thing, the F-16 has had that configuration for nearly 30 years
Regarding the joystick on the right, correct me if I'm wrong..But where do you see me saying a joystick on the right is new ?

I posted the pics because of the new system that uses the left joystick to navigate threw a screen and the now all digital meters...Does any plane do that ?
Rammy said:
Regarding the joystick on the right, correct me if I'm wrong..But where do you see me saying a joystick on the right is new ?

I posted the pics because of the new system that uses the left joystick to navigate threw a screen and the now all digital meters...Does any plane do that ?

You didn't, but I got the impression that you were pointing that out as something cutting edge when in fact it's 1970's technology.

For the record, the "joystick" on the left is the throttle.

Lot's of planes have it, it's called HOTAS. Hands On Throttle and Stick, the F-15, F-22, F-16, etc all have it.
Inch said:
You didn't, but I got the impression that you were pointing that out as something cutting edge when in fact it's 1970's technology.

For the record, the "joystick" on the left is the throttle.

Lot's of planes have it, it's called HOTAS. Hands On Throttle and Stick, the F-15, F-22, F-16, etc all have it.

Alright then, my bad  :-X

Any idea what it does exacly? Looks interesting.
Rammy said:
Alright then, my bad   :-X

Any idea what it does exacly? Looks interesting.

I don't know the exact functions of the JSF's HOTAS system, but in general it allows pilots to make weapons, targeting, etc,  selections without taking their hands off the controls.
I read some very strange information the F-22 a couple of weeks ago.  Namely, that they had chosen to use an obsolete chip (older than what they're dropping into the F-16 Block 50/52/60) and because of that they're having some serious issues with software.

Matthew.  ???
I know this is a bit off topic, but will Canada actually purchase the JSF?

From what I understand, we've contributed $150 million to the development (a drop in the bucket supposedly) of the JSF, but, at the same time, we've allocated somewhere in the area of $1 billion to upgrade our own F-18's so that they are serviceable for another 10-15 years. When is the JSF scheduled for production? This may seem silly, but will Canada always need fighter planes?

I personally hope we get the JSF, but am pessimistic at the same time.
I think there has been a couple threads on this.  What I remember being said was that the life extension programme for the cf-18s will allowed them to remain viable till we purchase the next generation of fighter which could easily be the JSF, in 15-20 years.  It would make sense, at least to civie like me who has absolutely no military experience that the JSF or whatever plane in purchased will be phased in at about the same time the first of the '18s are removed from service in about 15 years.

Of course thats just my COMPLETELY uneducated opinion.
I would give ANYTHING to fly the Raptor, but for now I'd settle for the CF-18 or the JSF when the first ones roll into Canada by 2025, but oh wait, i can't...since the CF let people with glasses or laser surgery fly...
The JSF certainly would have the versatility that the CF is looking for.  Thought this was kinda cool, the next evolution for the snowbirds ?


