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hello, this is just a question i have that is in regards to curiosity. Do our CF soldiers use and equip silencers on weapons? or are they issued to special soldiers for certain accuired missions? can you obtain and use a silencer as a choice of your own? thank you very much!
- Wehmann ;D
The word is suppressors, silencers is a movie term. I don't know about such eqpt being used by the CF in general (been out of the loop officially since 1995), but the CF's SF community would have them, as they do here for use on the SR25, SR98, Colt M4, H&K MP5 family, and M9/92F family of 9mm pistols.
Cold beers,

Wes, is 100% correct the term is suppressor.

  All the CF's sniper weapon systesm are suppressed.  Outside DHTC not much else is suppressed.

Maybe you can answer this one on a high caliber (.50 Cal Barrett) does the muzzle brake do anything to suppress the noise or is it's purpose solely to absorb recoil.
Forget the .50 cal boys Barretts has a new piece of kit on the block: XM109
wes opinion?
A question I've always had about suppresors, but never got a straight answer on:

If a round is supersonic, isn't the suppresion of the report kind of pointless, as the crack of the round is still present? Obviously not, but could someone explain why?

I am not a munitions expert but I'll hazard a guess here. 2 reasons. 1) Shooting at ranges short enough that the supersonic characteristic of the  bullet is irrelevant beause the sound catches up so fast 2) Concealment of your position even after they would normally hear your bullet.
BKells said:
Concealment of your position even after they would normally hear your bullet.
That was what I thought as well, anything else?
Methods of locating a shooter are crack thump.
Crack is the supersonic bullet the thump it the expanding propellant gasses leaving the muzzle -- the suppressor keeps the gasses inside in a contained and inert environment so no explosive noise is created.

Basically you will hear the round but be unable to determine where it came from.

Muzzle brakes -- the redirect muzzle gasses back to ward the shooter and observer -- (unpleasant to say the least) does nothign for noise abatement.
Caesar here is a link for you, I too a laymen in this area but I thought a little searching was in order
Suppressor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressor

"A silencer does not make a soldier silent, but it does make him invisible."
-Finnish Proverb

I see suppressors for sale in the United States (Rifle Magazines) for an AR15/M16 would it be legal to use it (overseas) and if so would the CF let you use it. Thanks  :cdn:

canuck#1 said:
I see suppressors for sale in the United States (Rifle Magazines) for an AR15/M16 would it be legal to use it (overseas) and if so would the CF let you use it. Thanks  :cdn:

No and get caught with one without approval...can you say JAIL?

Why isn't it? Just asking, cause if you can buy them in the states and Snipers can use it in warfare why couldn't regular infantry use it?. Sorry for the stupid questions, I'm young and ignorant about the subject. Thanx Again  :cdn:
From another Thread, but I think you should read it:

Ex-Dragoon said:
The CF is not like a video game kids, its real life. Just because you get issued with an MP5 with a suppressor, don't think for one instant as soon as you sign up you will ever see these things. Start using your heads, you are not becoming a character in Counterstrike, you are becoming a soldier in the CF for Canada. You do not get your choice of weapons, you don't always get a pistol(some people will go through their career never firing one), some of you may eventually get in with the CSOR and maybe even JTF2, although I would not count on it. Go in and join with an open mind, but don't expect it to be like in the movies, in any books you have read or any game you have played, its real life and life has a habit of not doing exactly as you envision.

It is the Rules that we go by.  You break the rules, you will go to JAIL, as was suggested earlier.

Any more questions?
This is intially dealing with suppressor usage in the CF (conventional forces)
The only rifle currently suppressed are CF sniper weapons, the MacMillan Tac-50, PGWDTI Timberwolf, Armalite AR10-T and Diemaco(Colt Canada - a division of General Dynamics) C7CT.

However members of sniper dets have affixed suppressors to the C8SFW/C8FTHB (the can from the C7CT).  (3 R22eR also attached the CT can to a C8A1 for a video but it cannot be fired that way due to the barrel diamater not being compatible with the suppressor attachment point.)

Now pics  ;)



like the Leaf...

AR10 -- edit no pic - the only pic I have is this is from a unit that is publicity shy...


Other misc suppressed pics

Midlength 6.8 SPC

MRS concept gun ( the MRS which came the unfortunate C7CT boat anchor)

C8SFW with C7CT suppressor

CF PDW candidate

Current technology suppressors effectively remove muzzle blast from the equation and add a aprox 25 fps to the muzzle velocity.  Thus the weapon is not anymore ineffective (many seem to think there is a velocity loss with a suppressor - as was true with the old submachien gun suppressors from the 70's that added port to bleed pressure and rubber wipes to futher trap expanding gasses)
with the suppressor than without -- and the 10" C8CWB with OPSINC suppressor used elswhere in the CF is actually a tad more effective with the can.
Since the expanding muzzle gasses are retarded and do not suffer explosive combustion at the muzzle there is no thump (from crack thump) thus both flash and report sound is minimized - true their is still super sonic bullet flight noise - but it is next to impossible to determine the direction of fire (no thump) when the second report (the sonic wave "thump" from the muzzle gasses allow proper oreintation to locate the shooter) is missing.
Furthemore since the muzzle gasses do not explosively expand recoil is reduced to a larger degree.

Break this part down for an equipment loser.....are you saying the gun has MORE range with a "suppressor"?
Argh -- I had a page typed that I lost when this got collated...

I'm the Duty Office today so I have to go pay attention to my job for a bit-- so more later.

But NO - no more range -- just not any less range.

More to follow
