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"Tell Me A Story Soldier . . ." Film Fest touring Canada, seeking venues

The Bread Guy

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Directing Staff
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Just spotted this - they're looking for venues across Canada (scroll down on link for tentative show dates, and which places need a place to show).
.... Coming to a Venue Near You!
Edmonton MFRC Afghanistan Film Festival 23 Aug 2013

Canadian Soldiers, Sailors, and Air Men and Women are ordinary people doing an extraordinary job for Canada. Trying to get them to tell their story, their boots on the ground experience from the conflict in Afghanistan, however, is difficult. Responses range from “I was just doing my job” to “I can’t talk about it”.

Canada and Canadians have a historical tendency to forget their military when the crisis is past. The military can take much of the blame for this. We are not very good at telling the Canadian Forces story. The legacy album “Afghanistan: A Soldier’s Story” wants to make sure the “official” record of the Afghan Conflict includes the unofficial human stories of the men and women who served. To that end a series of films have been gathered and will be heading to communities across Canada to remind Canadians, and those who served, that the human stories of this conflict, of any conflict, must be shared. They are vital to an accurate historical representation, as well as to the cultivation of a more robust Canadian identity and consistent government support necessary to sustain a credible, responsive, military.

If you would like to have the film festival, in part or in full, and at no cost to you, come to your organization, whether you are a CF Base, a Reserve Unit, A Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, a Canadian Military Museum, a Canadian school, or a local community or business organization prepared to help tell the story of the Canadian Military in Afghanistan, we will be taking the show on the road this summer (see tentative schedule at the bottom of this page) Send email enquiries to consult@mywrdwrx.com. Further to this, if you are aware of and have access to any additional Afghan Mission films we should include in our line up, please let us know! ....