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Terrorist Assaults on France (Jan 2015) - Charlie Hebdo, Executed Police, Gun Fights and Hostage Tak


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The satirical weekly has courted controversy in the past with its take on news and current affairs.

Its latest tweet was a cartoon of the Islamic State militant group leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

RIP.  Hope the French authorities get them.
The French have a history of being "thorough" in these sorts of investigations.
12 are being reported ask killed now, including two police.  The gunmen managed to break contact in a car.
CBC was showing some edited footage on the news channel.  My condolences go to the famlies, friends and co-workers of the victims as well as the citizens of Paris and France.  I hope the Republic does a full court press on everyone connected to this attack as I'm sure they will.
Did I hear right, the killers asked for the victims by name?
Condolences to the families, RIP to the victims. 
Yes, CTV is reporting the attackers did ask for specific people by name.

My condolances to family, friends and coworkers.
Two officers on guard outside were killed.Its looking like ISIS veterans.Police will be taking a different approach to these returning terrorists IMO.
Note that the terrorists also had a get away plan, which means they did not plan to seek martyrdom and have the potential to strike again. It is being reported that they attacked while the weekly editorial meeting was underway which implies some knowledge, inside or not, as well as careful planning.
tomahawk6 said:
Two officers on guard outside were killed.Its looking like ISIS veterans.Police will be taking a different approach to these returning terrorists IMO.

If they can find them and prove it, it should influence how all countries deal with ISIS trained returning citizens of western countries.
A very graphic video is on the french sites showing them executing one of the police officers.
tomahawk6 said:
Two officers on guard outside were killed.Its looking like ISIS veterans.Police will be taking a different approach to these returning terrorists IMO.

They were not just killed.  Video shows two terrorists going to a wounded Police officer and executing him. 

Eventually, the rest of the world religions will have had enough of "turning the other cheek" and will rally against these barbarians.  The question is now: when?
I have a queasy feeling the next few weeks may be a bad time to be a Muslim in France........
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I have a queasy feeling the next few weeks may be a bad time to be a Muslim in France........
France has the largest Muslim population in Europe.  Islamic radicals have been conducting acts of violence, ranging from violent protests to armed attacks, since the 1950's.  This is not new to the French, and they have large Security organizations that have proven in the past to be very effective in tracking down violent perpetrators.  The attacks of Legionnaires in Southern France, a couple of years ago, is an example of how effective these Security forces can be in tracking down the culprits of the attacks.
It's going to give the French Fascists & skinheads freedom to go after Muslims, as long as they target the nutbars I don't have a problem with nutbars doing other nutbars, except they will choose the easy targets instead.
This, from our PM:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the shooting that occurred in Paris, France:

“I am angered and saddened to hear of the terrorist attack today in the offices of the Parisian news magazine “Charlie Hebdo,” which has killed at least 12 individuals, including two police officers.

“On behalf of all Canadians, I offer my deepest condolences to the family and friends of those who lost their lives during this heinous crime and wish a speedy recovery to those injured. The perpetrators of this attack must be apprehended and brought to justice.

“This barbaric act, along with recent attacks in Sydney, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, and Ottawa, is a grim reminder that no country is immune to the types of terrorist attacks we have seen elsewhere around the world.

“Canada and its allies will not be intimidated and will continue to stand firmly together against terrorists who would threaten the peace, freedom and democracy our countries so dearly value. Canadians stand with France on this dark day.”
Colin P said:
A very graphic video is on the french sites showing them executing one of the police officers.

LiveLeak posts it at:  http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bc6_1420632668

I am pissed.  I saw this video earlier, off of a French feed, and it clearly showed the two barbarians EXECUTING the wounded policeman.  Funker530 and CNN, along with the British media outlets, have blurred out the action or completely deleted it, in their reporting.  There is no such PC reporting in the US when it comes to police activity against criminals, but when barbarians commit an atrocity like this, it is screened out.  Do our MSM now fear retribution from these barbarians if they expose them as the violent barbarians that they are?  SAD commentary on our media in turning a blind eye on a real threat to our society.

yes it is a french site , but here is the video you were pissed of not being able to see
A post I read from another site that seems fitting.

This article from Christopher Hitchens is very appropriate about now. I could only imagine what Hitchens would say were he alive today.

Well, THAT didn't take long ....
The gunmen who stormed the offices of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris “displayed a degree of skill and calmness that comes only from advanced military training,” The Telegraph reports.

The observation begs the question: were the gunmen part of a military organization such as ISIS or sent by a government with a professionally trained military? ....
Rock on, conspiracy nutbars theorists .... :Tin-Foil-Hat: