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Five foreign nationals were arrested on the Ohio Turnpike.Pictures at the link of the arrestee's.

tomahawk6 said:
Five foreign nationals were arrested on the Ohio Turnpike.Pictures at the link of the arrestee's.


???  I'm not sure I understand the point in this topic.
Actually, Strike, I think the police in this case takes the journalists for idiots. And they may be right if there was no obvious follow up question to their statement: How can the police not know their nationality when they confiscated their passports ???

You will note that there is no reference to those passports being fakes.
Journeyman said:
???  I'm not sure I understand the point in this topic.

Migrants do fraud on a retai llevel (fake credit cards).

Bankers from Wall Street and its British equivalent do fraud on a wholesale level (LIBOR manipulations, sub-prime mortgages they knew to be based on lies etc).

Two guesses as to which group wind up in jail...
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Actually, Strike, I think the police in this case takes the journalists for idiots. And they may be right if there was no obvious follow up question to their statement: How can the police not know their nationality when they confiscated their passports ???

You will note that there is no reference to those passports being fakes.

^^^ This. They were allegedly carrying a credit card copier. If they were going to forge credit cards, forged passports are not beyond the realm of possibility.
Maybe, Recceguy, but the police did not mention that they were making any verification of those passport, just that they had confiscated them.

The police, if they believed these passport to be false, could just as easily mentioned that the accused were found in possession of "insert nationality" passports, but this remained to be verified. Why the secrecy of saying "we don't know the nationality" of the accused? Could it be these were American passport and the police wants to create an impression of "foreigners" because the accused they arrested have those foreign sounding names?

And BTW, anyone in the law business will tell you that verification of the validity of passports is fairly easy. There are internationally adopted special secret safety measures embedded in the passports that permit law enforcement to identify a passport as real or fake nowadays. No matter how good looking, these safety measures put the production of fake passports beyond the means of forgers.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Maybe, Recceguy, but the police did not mention that they were making any verification of those passport, just that they had confiscated them.

The police, if they believed these passport to be false, could just as easily mentioned that the accused were found in possession of "insert nationality" passports, but this remained to be verified. Why the secrecy of saying "we don't know the nationality" of the accused? Could it be these were American passport and the police wants to create an impression of "foreigners" because the accused they arrested have those foreign sounding names?

And BTW, anyone in the law business will tell you that verification of the validity of passports is fairly easy. There are internationally adopted special secret safety measures embedded in the passports that permit law enforcement to identify a passport as real or fake nowadays. No matter how good looking, these safety measures put the production of fake passports beyond the means of forgers.

Parts of ongoing investigations are not normally publicized, especially if another entity, like Homeland Security, has become involved.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Maybe, Recceguy, but the police did not mention that they were making any verification of those passport, just that they had confiscated them.

The police, if they believed these passport to be false, could just as easily mentioned that the accused were found in possession of "insert nationality" passports, but this remained to be verified. Why the secrecy of saying "we don't know the nationality" of the accused? Could it be these were American passport and the police wants to create an impression of "foreigners" because the accused they arrested have those foreign sounding names?

And BTW, anyone in the law business will tell you that verification of the validity of passports is fairly easy. There are internationally adopted special secret safety measures embedded in the passports that permit law enforcement to identify a passport as real or fake nowadays. No matter how good looking, these safety measures put the production of fake passports beyond the means of forgers.

I don't want to speculate on what the Authorities are doing after reading that report.  I chalk up the lack of clarity here on the reporter and the MSM for less than exemplary reporting. 
Not exactly a migrant threat to Europe.

9 year old girl in Halifax was choked on two occasions with a chain by our new immigrant-Canadians.  It looks like the original story was edited out to remove a few key points.

HALIFAX — Some concerned parents are reporting incidents of violence involving refugee students at Chebucto Heights Elementary School.

Reports of students choking, pushing, slapping and verbally abusing their fellow classmates are causing parents to worry about the school’s disciplinary action.

“There has always been some fighting and bickering going on at the school but never to this degree,” said Missy, the mother of two children who attend Chebucto Heights. She asked to be referred to by her nickname for this story.

Missy said her daughter, who is in Grade 3, was choked on Monday and Thursday last week by two refugee boys. School staff intervened, but to her knowledge, the students were not disciplined further.

According to the Halifax Regional School Board, refugees began registering at Chebucto Heights, located in the Cowie Hill neighbourhood of Halifax, in mid-February.

School board spokesman Doug Hadley said, as of last week, there were 252 refugee students enrolled in the region, with another 71 waiting on settlement of permanent housing.

Missy’s son, who is in Grade 5, has also been the subject of rough play on the soccer field. During games, refugee students reportedly take their thumb and slide it across their neck from left to right while staring into the eyes of their competitor; imitating the slicing of the throat.

And from the Rebel
The Herald says Missy's daughter, who attends Chebucto Heights Elementary School, was “choked on Monday and Thursday last week by two refugee boys” and “a chain was used on both occasions”.
(April 10 9am ET UPDATE:)

The story at the original link has changed and certain aspects have been removed. The statement made by one of the aggressors that "Muslims rule the world" no longer is in the posted story, as well as other components which speak to motive. No reason is given for the edit. Here is the original Chronicle story:


I'm sure there will be some bullying going on as that's what happens between kids, but the school district better sort it out with what's acceptable behavior and not with the newcomers.
Around here, School Boards policies are pretty simple for anything that can be construed as a death threat: the police is called in. There are few things that smarten up parents more than two cops showing up at the door to tell them their little angel is on notice with police, or if old enough is going in front of Youth court.

Parents today tend to discount anything bad from their kids if it comes from the school's principal, but cops telling them they investigated and it is their kid that did this is something else.
jollyjacktar said:
I'm sure there will be some bullying going on as that's what happens between kids, but the school district better sort it out with what's acceptable behavior and not with the newcomers.

I agree bullying will happen anywhere however choking someone with a metal chain seems like a pretty serious extent of it.  Actually I'm not sure why it was chalked up as school yard bullying and not assault with a weapon..

Reading that story there are two things I 'm concerned about. Whether or not the school board will make excuses for this type of behavior because they are new comers and will Canada start acting like Germany and censoring news stories and articles that paint our new friends in a bad light.
I'm curious why the story changed all of a sudden, maybe the parent was lying about their child being choked twice with a chain.
Jarnhamar said:
I agree bullying will happen anywhere however choking someone with a metal chain seems like a pretty serious extent of it.  Actually I'm not sure why it was chalked up as school yard bullying and not assault with a weapon..

Reading that story there are two things I 'm concerned about. Whether or not the school board will make excuses for this type of behavior because they are new comers and will Canada start acting like Germany and censoring news stories and articles that paint our new friends in a bad light.
I'm curious why the story changed all of a sudden, maybe the parent was lying about their child being choked twice with a chain.

I am not 100% sure that the portion of the story with respect to the chain and the statement are accurate.  If true, those kids and their parents need to have both boots of authority land on them from on high. 

Otherwise, the school board can get together with the new families and educate them on what is expected of them and the consequences if they fall short.  Nip it in the bud now and set the tone.  Escalate as required.  I like the response from what OGBD said is the position in his area.
If you really want action, lodge a complaint that the bully imitated the action of pointing and firing a handgun.
Brad Sallows said:
If you really want action, lodge a complaint that the bully imitated the action of pointing and firing a handgun.

I can't help but think that if you really want action, don't bother lodging a complaint against a member of a special interest group.
I don't hold out a lot of hope that the authorities or the press here will do any better or any different from what they're doing in Europe.
One thing to bear in mind with anything coming out of the Chronically Horrible newsroom at this time....they are going into week 12 of a lockout/strike.

Their regular writers are not writing...

Well that's strange. The story was taken down.  A note left in place includes
Bullying is a sensitive subject. So is the integration of newcomers, particularly those who have faced challenges, even trauma, on their way here.

Our story was incomplete and insufficiently corroborated, given the serious nature of the allegations.

Readers also rightly pointed out that the headline ‘Parents worried over school kids’ brutality’ was unfortunate. Using the word brutality to describe children, particularly of an identifiable cultural group, is problematic.

To me that reads kids were beat up but the real victims are the bullies
Jarnhamar said:
Well that's strange. The story was taken down.  A note left in place includes 

To me that reads kids were beat up but the real victims are the bullies

The school district is screaming bloody blue murder about the story saying it's not true, there's no problem, they're taking care of things.  Nothing to see here...