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This "child" needs serious help.


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Boy, 7, goes on animal killing spree in Australian zoo

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The director of an Australian zoo said on Friday he is "horrified" after a seven-year-old boy broke into the zoo, fed an assortment of animals to a crocodile and clubbed various lizards to death with a rock.

The boy's attacks happened early Wednesday and were captured on a zoo security camera, said Rex Neindorf, director of the Alice Springs Reptile Centre in Australia's Northern Territory.

The boy, whose identity cannot be revealed, jumped the zoo's security fence before bludgeoning three lizards to death with a rock, including the zoo's much-loved 20-year-old goanna, which he then fed to "Terry," an 11-foot, 440-pound saltwater crocodile, said Neindorf.

The boy also threw several live animals into the crocodile's enclosure, and at one point tried to clamber over the fence surrounding the enclosure in an effort to get closer to the crocodile.

More on link

After I read the article to a co-worker we both said it was too bad he didn't get into the crocodile enclosure.

Another serial killer in the making. What happens to people in their early years that turns them into sociopaths? I find it hard to believe anyone is just born this way, but seven years old? Wow.  :(
Another serial killer in the making. What happens to people in their early years that turns them into sociopaths? I find it hard to believe anyone is just born this way, but seven years old? Wow.

Law enforcement in Australia would call this child and his future endeavours....."job security"::)
Celticgirl said:
Another serial killer in the making. What happens to people in their early years that turns them into sociopaths? I find it hard to believe anyone is just born this way, but seven years old? Wow.  :(

You should read " Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie & Video Game Violence" By: Lt. Col Dave Grossman.

Pilon said:
You should read " Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie & Video Game Violence" By: Lt. Col Dave Grossman.

Sounds interesting. Thank you for the recommendation.
I read that the other day and I was disgusted. The thing that upsets me most? This kid will get off free. "He's too young to be held responsible" is what it said in the article I read. That's total bs. The kid knew exactly what he was doing. He knew it was wrong and should be punished. You know, a lot of the best known killers started off just like this: killing animals. Not saying this kid's gonna grow up to be a killer but still, he needs some serious help. 
This really has not made much of a headline here, but where were his parents?? No doubt full of KFC, smoking cigarettes, and passed out drunk on a many-o-flagon of the cheapest wine possible. Perhaps maybe metho, or some other cheap form of a buzz.

Stereotyping? Nope, you just got to be here to see how it is, and you don't have to look too far. At times areas here are far worse than a Soweto neighbourhood. Far worse than anything I had ever seen in some conditions in Canada, yet similar in many ways.

I beleive children are products of their environment. Parents who don't GAF, have kids that don't GAF either. Poor parenting has a lot to do with this. At 0-dark-30 on any given day, when I was 7 yrs old, my parents knew where I was, in bed SLEEPING with my cat!

ALCON, remember the location, its the Alice after all, high aboriginal popluation, high unemployment, large housing projects, high crime, etc. Its not the pretty post card town many are lead to believe.

Sad but true.

The parents should be held CRIMINALLY accountable (gaol), the kid put into some psych centre of some type of assistance, as in my view the worst is yet to come. The NT Police and legal systems are hard corps in many ways, more ballzy that other parts of the PC country

As for a suit against the parents, ha! Thats like getting blood from a stone. His parents probably don't care except for the welfare-family allowance cheque (which is pi$$ed away fortnightly), and have no assets to pay any one out.

Almost as bad as the 13 year old here in Winnipeg who is charged with shooting another child. The worst part is, apparently he is well known to police with a long list of serious offenses, most of which were committed before he was 12. Of course seeing some of the glue bag parents downtown nothing really surprises me.

This kid is something else though as well. Pretty sick.
Time to start fortifying the Kool Aid with a dash or two of potassium chloride
Celticgirl said:
Another serial killer in the making. What happens to people in their early years that turns them into sociopaths? I find it hard to believe anyone is just born this way, but seven years old? Wow.  :(

- Actually, many of them ARE born that way: Genetics.  It's like computer programming: GI=GO, Garbage In Equals Garbage Out.
TCBF said:
- Actually, many of them ARE born that way: Genetics.  It's like computer programming: GI=GO, Garbage In Equals Garbage Out.

Lack of conscience is genetic? I could potentially accept that sociopathic tendencies could be the result of some abnormality during pregnancy or childbirth, but I'm not sure I believe in sociopathy as possibly being a hereditary trait.

Either way, are we wrong to point fingers at the parents? Are they responsible if their child was born without a conscience? Just playing the devil's advocate here. I know that I, for one, tend to judge the parents in situations like this, but perhaps they should be pitied instead of vilified.
Hereditary? If high intellgence is hereditary, or a talent for athletics is hereditary (Peyton Manning - Archie Manning), why shouold sociopathic tendencies not be hereditary?

I'm not an expert in this field, but common sense tells me that those traits can be inherited.
What did this kid see in the home? Environment has a bearing on this as well.
Bad parents = bad children.

Lack of discipline in a childs upbringing, or a lax of punishment for doing things that are clearly wrong to the child, solidifies the kids ability to chalk it up as being ok to do cause mom and dad didn't kick my arse all over the place.

Factor in such useless handcuffing entities as the HRC or the lawmaking pundits who feel spanking is against the law and you get what you get.

Go back to the 60's and 70's before stupidity took over and hand out the belt,strap and spankings en masse.

And sometimes, despite the parents best efforts, good parents=rotten kids.  If you don't believe there are such things as natural born assholes, you're nuts.
Good Commerical: Children See, Children Do

Dr. Spock be damned!!!  {not Mr. Spock!}

Send the parents to jail for being bad parents.  Don't give me that garbage about single parent bringing me up on low income.  My mom raised me and my brother after her divorce...in the old days, mom got the kids, period...she routinely went out of town for work, she was an interior display person...she dressed maniquins and made stores look presentable to customer. 
My brother and I turned out alright....shut up Schultzy... We both joined the military.    :cdn:
Kat Stevens said:
And sometimes, despite the parents best efforts, good parents=rotten kids.  If you don't believe there are such things as natural born assholes, you're nuts.

I agree, you can only fix so many, but fixing none is leading to a breakdown in general. Most punk kids these days have no respect at all for anything. No amount of punishment will deter thier mindset, thus you have a social headache. Can't beat sense into em and can't kill em off, so we suffer the endless cycle of stupidity over and over.

The gene pool needs a healthy cleaning.....

Celticgirl said:
Lack of conscience is genetic? I could potentially accept that sociopathic tendencies could be the result of some abnormality during pregnancy or childbirth, but I'm not sure I believe in sociopathy as possibly being a hereditary trait. ...

Genetics and Developmental Psychology
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly,  Jul 2004  by Plomin, Robert

"...  One of the most dramatic shifts in developmental psychology during the past 50 years has been toward acceptance of a more balanced view that recognizes the importance of genetics as well as environment. This shift can be seen in the growing number of genetic papers in mainstream developmental psychology journals and in funded research grants. The public also accepts a major contribution of genetics. For example, a recent poll found that more than 90% of parents and teachers reported that genetics was at least as important as environment for mental illness, personality, learning difficulties, and intelligence (Walker & Plomin, 2003)."

- http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3749/is_200407/ai_n9431078
Kat Stevens said:
And sometimes, despite the parents best efforts, good parents=rotten kids.  If you don't believe there are such things as natural born assholes, you're nuts.

Hear, hear........