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Unit Ghost's


Army.ca Veteran
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In 6Fd Armouries we have one.

C.S.M Gill, who look's after us and stiil does to this day.
I'm told that the properties at HMCS Discovery are haunted. Around Halloween last year there was an article in the Vancouver Courier about the ghosts, so I was bugging their JRC PMC to sell tours of the haunted buildings during October 31st.
Spr.Earl said:
In 6Fd Armouries we have one.

C.S.M Gill, who looks after us and still does to this day.

A few time's late at night you will "hear" a good step which can be only attributed too a Soldier doning his last rounds!!
I have heard this a few time's back in the 70's when I slept in the Armouries .
As of late no name's no pack drill brought a psychic and S.S.M. Gill is there in the Armouries in N.Van
good story...

Spr Earl, who exactly was S.S.M. Gill?
I will get back too you as it's a long story but his Ghost still walks the Armoury.
I have heard him doing his patrol's.
Many have heard many odd noises late at nite.
We have had physic come in and the major spirit is C.S.M. Gill plus a few others.
combat_medic said:
I'm told that the properties at HMCS Discovery are haunted. Around Halloween last year there was an article in the Vancouver Courier about the ghosts, so I was bugging their JRC PMC to sell tours of the haunted buildings during October 31st.
In the past it was known as Dead Man's Island?
I vaguely remember hearing about the ghost in 6th Fields Armouries waay back.

Combat Medic, you mean you never heard about the ghost piper who prowls around in the upper levels of the Seaforth Armouries?
Spr Earl: Yeah, it's referred to as "Dead Man's Island" and rumors of it being an old graveyard, but none of that was true. However, I know several sailors who have pulled late shifts out there who all swear they heard/saw something spooky... I'm telling ya, they could make it a big tourist location for the ghost hunters and make enough money to cover their budget deficit! ;)

Danjanou: I've never heard anything about a ghost piper upstairs. Maybe it's because the Junior Ranks are up there and we're too loud. What's the story?
Back in the dark ages when I was a junior rank in the that same loud mess, a certain newly minted just  back from the Middle East  M/Cpl  sat as newbies down and explained that there was a ghost piper that lived and sometimes played up in the attic. Said M/Cpl also told us he'd seen/heard? the ghost one evening late in the mess when he was wandering around in the stairwells past the far end of the mess where the doors lead to the ladies washroom (memory is a bit fuzzy, we're talking 1977 here) where the stairwell leads down to the Sgt's and Officer's mess. I guess he was orderly Cpl that night, otherwise I can't see any reason to be prowling around in there.

Now maybe he was having us off. Ask him, I here he's still around (the M/Cpl I mean not sure about the ghost) although I believe he's come up in rank since. Tell him his classmate from MWO crse says hi. :)
I heard the ghost wasn't a piper, but an old Sr NCO who had a heart attack at a mess dinner in the Sgts' and WOs' Mess.
Which MCpl are you referring to? I can only think of one guy in the unit whose been around that long that's still in.
combat_medic said:
Spr Earl: Yeah, it's referred to as "Dead Man's Island" and rumors of it being an old graveyard, but none of that was true. However, I know several sailors who have pulled late shifts out there who all swear they heard/saw something spooky... I'm telling ya, they could make it a big tourist location for the ghost hunters and make enough money to cover their budget deficit! ;)

It is a tourist attraction..  I'm in Vancouver and I have to find the tourists attractions for my friends who are coming soon..  It IS on the map!!  just off of Stanley Park!!
Maybe I'll try to go there at night...  with binoculars!!  I don't know if ghosts can be seen trhu binoculars though...  ::)
Not related to the Military, but I was told this story by one of my instructors in Fire School.

Apparently one of the older fire stations in St John's NF is haunted, by whom has escaped me, but it is haunted enough to scare the firefighters from going into the basement. So much so that during one of the larger fires in the city's recent years one of the Chiefs called back to this station for a portable water tank (Think small swimming pool) the thing was being stored in the basement, however, they had to spend a bit of time trying to find someone brave enough to go into the basement to get the thing.

Don't know if it is true or not, funny either way.

IMHO the  Seaforth Armouries has the spookieness to it for a ghost. With lots of history to it.

Also the acoustics are terrible, full of shrill echos that only a concrete building can offer, and I found it hard to make out what the CO was saying duing an orientation meeting.  So any sort of noise travels around and ends up coming back to you sounding quite strange.

I used to live nearby the North Van Armouries and IMHO it has always been a spooky place right at the foot of Mahon park.

Out in Vancouver Wrek Beach has some old concrete gun implacements down on the shore, that have an interesting feeling to them.

When I was in Range Control in Calgary around 1992 or 93 it was run out of Sarcee school. An old school that had been used by the Indian reserve and then the military (it was right in the middle of the Harvey PMQ's). At that time we used to have to spend overnight in the building alone.

It wasn't uncommon to hear footsteps in the halls, the gym doors opening and closing, childrens voices and laughter in the gym and all sorts of other unexplained stuff.

It got so bad that one Mcpl from the strats (who shall remain nameless as he is a friend ;D) refused to go into the building alone after hours and would not work nights by himself.

I'm sure there are many stories of haunted CF places and stuff but that is the only one that I personally know of.

Slim :D
mclipper, it may have been a Snr NCO, like I said it's been a while since I was told the story. Besides good ghost stories and come to think of it good war stories often get embellished a bit in the retelling. The Pipes bit does seem appropriate for the setting. As noting the place was/is rather spooky.

I wonder if they are two ghosts? In 1978-79 a very popular Seaforth Sgt died in a boating accident ( I won't mention his name here but mc, CM and other Seaforths may know of him). I did have the priveledge of being assigned to his section at Milcon in Lewis in 1978 and and for a relatively new troopie he was a good role model.

Combat Medic check your PM's for who the M/Cpl is/was

The armoury in Windsor is haunted.  There are a couple of stories who they are(were).  One was a CSM from the Essex Scottish who was too old to go overseas and hung himself in the officer's mess tower room.  Another is a live in caretaker who did himself in.  Spoke with  few people who personally experienced spooky happenings.  I, myself, experienced something very weird one night.
I wonder if the ghost(s) will move with us when we officially occupy the new armoury.
Is the "Mystery Master Corporal" worthy of mention here? I know he roamed the halls of the M buildings in Gagetown when I did my QL2 there. He wasn't unfriendly or spooky, he just wandered around checking doorknobs of the trainees rooms. You could tell that he had been making his rounds because he would make abstract art on the lawn of the building with your bed/clothing/kit. As we'd be marching back to the lines we'd all be looking and counting windows to try and guess who had gotten hit. My room was only hit once and we unmasked the Mystery Man that night as he had just finished tossing our room when we walked in. Funny, I didn't know that ghosts wore PLFus Epaulets. Don't worry M/Cpl wherever you are, your identity is safe with me.

It was a great motivational tool............

Is that what the Padlocks are for? ;D
And what can you do to said mystery ghost if you catch them going through your stuff?

When I was in 3PP, our officer's mess had a ghost. The mess was an old building, built by the British in the late 19th century for a Royal Artillery garrison. Located at the end of Work Point overlooking the harbour, It was a long, rambling two-storey wooden structure which really looked alot more like a private residence than a mess. The story was that during WWII, the garrison commander's son had been killed by a milk truck just beside the mess. Supposedly, the child's ghost lingered near the site of his death. The story had been around for years by the time I got there. I never saw the ghost,although others claimed they had. I did do an Orderly Officer duty one night during Christmas leave. The battalion was stood down, and the mess was empty-all the live-in guys were away. It was a stormy December night, and the wind was howling in off the ocean, making the whole place creak and squeal. Didn't sleep too well, but I never saw the ghost.

scott1nsh: Another fire ghost story: The Winnipeg Fire Museum (where I was until recently a member) is located in the old Number Three station, in what is now a pretty bad part of town. It is a typical old station with high ceilings, a big kitchen, upstairs quarters, a hose tower and a dungeon cellar. The story is that back in the early '20s a young firefighter was responding to the bells in the middle of the night. He ran for the pole, slipped, and went down the pole hole head first, striking his head on the apparatus floor. He died, and supposedly his ghost can still  be seen and heard walking the upper hallway at night.
