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Very recent injury


New Member
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I've been planning on applying to the military for quite some now, and I've finally made the decision to apply to ROTP.  I was working on gathering references and getting ready to go to the recruiting office this week or next, but last Thursday I injured my wrist badly.  The doctors couldn't tell if my scaphoid was broken or not so I'm going back next week for more x-rays.  My concern is whether I'll be allowed to go through with the application process, let alone be accepted with either a broken or injured (as the case may be) wrist even though I will easily be good to go by the time I would start training.

Does anyone have any experience with a similar situation?  I'm thinking that I'll just go to the recruiters and give 'er, see how it goes and all but any insight would be great.

I don't see why an injury would stop you from applying, but they will definitely not put you on BMOQ if you are injured.
It is October.  Selection for ROTP is a long way off.  You wouldn't even hear if you were selected until next Spring, let along begin any training.
Depending on where you are applying, quite a few CFRC's are back-logged on Medical Exams ... therefore, if you apply now, by the time you complete the CFAT, you will probably do the interview next before having to do the medical, giving you time to heal.

Worst case scenario, the medical people make you go back to your own doctor to get a note. And as George said, selection for ROTP doesn't even START until November ... so you've got quite a bit of time before you get a job offer.
