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Vietnam War Draftdodger Meets His Natural End

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Army.ca Veteran
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- Joseph Henry Burgess, an American Draft Dodger who became a Canadian murderer, died in a gun battle with LEOs in Sandoval County, New Mexico.

- Unfortunately, a good man, Sgt Joe Harris, also died.  My condolences to the relatives and friends of Sgt Harris.
Maybe even "ironic", given his opposition to the use of force in Vietnam.
Just scrape the scum off your shoes and move on.....just cleaning up the landscape.
Who called this turd a "Canadian" ?
Shec said:
Who called this turd a "Canadian" ?

- One would have to assume that, being a draft dodger, our Immigration folks game him a much higher priority than a mere brain surgeon or molecular biologist.
TCBF said:
- One would have to assume that, being a draft dodger, our Immigration folks game him a much higher priority than a mere brain surgeon or molecular biologist.
I see you have not lost your wit nor sense of humor!!
Perhaps they said "Canadian murderer" in the fact that he murdered Canadians.

A$$hole  >:(
Good riddance to bad rubbish. The funny thing is that roughly 20,000 draft dodgers came up here to avoid the war while an estimated 40,000 Canadians crossed into the US to fight in Vietnam.
forcerecon85 said:
Good riddance to bad rubbish. The funny thing is that roughly 20,000 draft dodgers came up here to avoid the war while an estimated 40,000 Canadians crossed into the US to fight in Vietnam.

Actually I think the official numbers on the Canadians were somewhere around 30,000, but who's counting  :).....a large chunk of those were Canadians attending Colleges in the US (here I am weak on the rules), but apparently it made them eligible for the draft
GAP said:
Actually I think the official numbers on the Canadians were somewhere around 30,000, but who's counting  :).....a large chunk of those were Canadians attending Colleges in the US (here I am weak on the rules), but apparently it made them eligible for the draft

A very good friend of mine (my Best Man, as a matter of fact) is a Canadian - born in Thunder Bay.  When he was a kid his Mom moved the family to Idaho.  He was drafted (and he wasn't attending college at the time), and he served - two tours.  Actually the circumstances surrounding his volunteering for a second tour are rather humourous - but not apropos to this thread.

Many Canadians served - some were drafted (for whatever reason), some volunteered.

Whatever - the fella' who is the main focus of the news story was apparently a "disrespecter of the law" for all of his life.  Good riddance to him - it's extremely unfortunate that he took a police officer down with him.
While all draft dodgers seem to share cowardice, looks like they weren't all pacifists.

Goodbye a-hole, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

RIP to the police officer from NM, and condolences to his family.
VIChris said:
While all draft dodgers seem to share cowardice, looks like they weren't all pacifists.

Just because one doest want to go to war doesnt make him a coward. I am a strong believer in the fact that in a war such as Vietnam the draft is a very bad idea.

Glad to hear this guy is dead though... too bad it didnt happen some time ago.
basrah said:
Just because one doest want to go to war doesnt make him a coward. I am a strong believer in the fact that in a war such as Vietnam the draft is a very bad idea.

Glad to hear this guy is dead though... too bad it didnt happen some time ago.

He had the option of being a conscientious objector, so don't tell me it wasn't      cowardance.....
GAP said:
He had the option of being a conscientious objector, so don't tell me it wasn't      cowardance.....

Cowardance? Is that like something cowards do when they drink some beers and head out to the cowardclub?
basrah said:
Cowardance? Is that like something cowards do when they drink some beers and head out to the cowardclub?


It's also something that people who don't have the foggiest idea of what they're talking about do when they post in internet forums regarding subjects they are not familiar with.

Anonymity is great - ain't it?
Roy Harding said:

It's also something that people who don't have the foggiest idea of what they're talking about do when they post in internet forums regarding subjects they are not familiar with.

Anonymity is great - ain't it?

You are correct, I dont really know much about cowardice. Feel free to PM me if you would like to continue your internet tough guy act.
I've never been a "tough guy" - and I've never "acted" otherwise.

Your anonymity continues to allow you to do both.

Don't waste my time "calling me out", you little piece of excrement  - via PM or otherwise.
More info on the P.O.S.
Roy Harding said:
I've never been a "tough guy" - and I've never "acted" otherwise.

Your anonymity continues to allow you to do both.

Don't waste my time "calling me out", you little piece of excrement  - via PM or otherwise.

So this is the kind of directing staff this site has? I make a simple joke based on a spelling error and you lose it. I guess when you average 182 posts a day the internet can be pretty serious business!

As for the name calling, thats some nice internet tough guy there again!

As for knowing about the topic, I am guessing you have never met this guy, and I know I havent, so we both know zero about the case, or his motives for dodging the war. Could be cowardice, could be a number of factors, but since he is dead there is a good chance we will never know.
basrah said:
So this is the kind of directing staff this site has? I make a simple joke based on a spelling error and you lose it. I guess when you average 182 posts a day the internet can be pretty serious business!

As for the name calling, thats some nice internet tough guy there again!

As for knowing about the topic, I am guessing you have never met this guy, and I know I havent, so we both know zero about the case, or his motives for dodging the war. Could be cowardice, could be a number of factors, but since he is dead there is a good chance we will never know.

Your PM has been replied to.

Let's leave this crap off the board.
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