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Volunteer work to be competitive


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In January I found out that I'm on the list but not very high on the list so they suggested to me that volunteer work would make me look more competitive and improve my chances.  So far I did volunteer work as a test subject at the Hospital (nothing crazy) and I got, Feed Nova Scotia coming up this week, Cant wait. I also currently have a part time job and I'm looking for a full time job just in case it takes longer then expected.

I am not sure if I should have applied  for naval Radar Technician.  I want to do it but as I am waiting till April I'm having second thoughts on weather I will succeed.  As far as determination goes, I'm not giving up till they tell me I wont get in. Though I can't do anything about it till the trades open again.
Well, I don't tink volanteer would matter,did they realy told you to do so? usualy they don't tell were you lie in the list???
bakir said:
Well, I don't tink volanteer would matter,did they realy told you to do so? usualy they don't tell were you lie in the list???

First off, I just took a look at your posting history. Please use proper grammar and spelling on this website, as all members are asked to.

As far as whether or not volunteer work matters, it absolutely can impact your file. That is why it is on the application form. The CF is looking for well-rounded citizens, and volunteer work is an excellent way to show this. By volunteering, you have a more competitive file, just as you would if you had good work experience, good references, good physical fitness, etc.
Well I'm getting into better shape every day.  I was 190 at the medical in September and I am now 175.  I know I have good references.  I had a steady job for two and a half years and before that was collage and had part time work then and in high school.  Still I keep thinking its not enough but at least I see it as motivation.
Hello all,

  I have a question similar to that in this thread. I am currently in the process of applying with the RCMP as a Victim Services volunteer. The security clearance can take some time to come through. If I get merit listed before I get accepted to be a volunteer can I update my military application afterwards and have it reflected in my application? Does it require a lot of paperwork (like having to get my application looked at all over again) or does it just re-adjust my application on the merit list...that is, if it would make a difference?
