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Want to join but I'm leaving for 6 months, anything I better do right now?

Guillaume C.

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Hello, since a week I'm reading all I can about joining the army (what a wonderful site btw!) and It might very well be my choice of carreer(looking for infantry mainly). In 10 days I'm going to Egypt/Jordany/Syria for 6 months, I wonder if there is anything I should do before leaving, or if I should go to the recruiting center when I'm back. A reservist also told me they might inquire about this travel in middle east, is it likely to cause problems?

And just out of curiosity; is being quite small, 5'5", make thing harder in the infantry? I for sure cant transport material as easily as someone almost twice my weight.
Having a visit to a scheduled country will delay your application process quite a bit.  Check with your recruiter before you go.  There are cases on this website of people's reliability screening taking upwards of 2 years to complete, because of such vacations.  Good luck.


I would suggest you look into what you will be required to do for your Enhanced Reliability/Security Check.

You may also want to look at "SIZE" in your SEARCH of this site.  

You will find all kinds of info if you do look.  It will show initiative.  The CF likes its' people to have initiative.

Called the recruiting center today and I've been told to keep as much reference of my travel as possible. If it goes good it should take 6 month more than normal.... :/

as for size, dunno if there is something I dont catch with the search function, but I've not found anything revelent, a bit about girls and skinny person, but it was not about the infantry. I'll check more but if you got an answer it would be nice
its not the size of the dog in the fight...
its the size of fight in the dog