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Was he drunk again?-MND insults MP's Sweater


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MP asks about war - Minister insults her outfit
Robert Fife, Ottawa Bureau Chief  
National Post
Wednesday, January 29, 2003

OTTAWA - John McCallum, the Defence Minister, apologized to the Commons yesterday after mocking the sweater of Tory MP Elsie Wayne. After Ms. Wayne asked a question about equipment that could prevent friendly fire deaths, Mr. McCallum replied: "Mr. Speaker, it has been suggested that if our soldiers were to wear the dress of the Honourable Member over there, they would be very well identified."

The Defence Minister's observation was greeted with uproarious laughter from Liberal members, including the Prime Minister.

Mr. McCallum then sat down without actually answering Ms. Wayne's question.

Ms. Wayne, who is the Conservative defence critic and vice-chairwoman of the Commons defence committee, had risen to ask whether Canada has put thermal imaging screens on the armoured personnel carriers that might be deployed in a war against Iraq. Such equipment could help prevent a repeat of the friendly fire incident that killed four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, by allowing U.S. warplanes to identify the troops as friendly forces.

After Question Period ended, Bill Blaikie, the NDP House leader, demanded Mr. McCallum apologize for the remark.

Mr. McCallum offered an apology, saying Ms. Wayne deserved a serious answer to her question: "In the excitement of the moment, I used inappropriate language and for that I would like to apologize."

Ms. Wayne, who has been voted the worst-dressed MP by Hill Times, a parliamentary newspaper, said outside the House that she was deeply hurt Mr. McCallum would make fun of her style of dress.

Ms. Wayne wore a black argyle turtleneck covered in sparkly gold and silver sequins yesterday.

"I was absolutely shocked, I truly was, to think he would get up and make such a trivial reply to such a serious question as that," she told reporters.

"I truly couldn't believe it. I have to say I was hurt. I really was. I didn't wear this sweater to have attention. I just put it on because it was cold outside, that's all."

Asked how she felt when she saw the Prime Minister laughing at Mr. McCallum's remark, Ms. Wayne said: "That doesn't surprise me with this government. You can see what they have done to the military. Look at how they've cut the budgets."

Later, Ms. Wayne waded into a media scrum with Mr. McCallum to tell him it was inappropriate to make fun of her sweater in response to a serious question about protecting the lives of Canadian soldiers.

"I do apologize for the flippant comment. I know you are a very strong defender of the Canadian Forces," Mr. McCallum told her. He promised to have an answer to her question today.

Ms. Wayne was one of the first MPs to defend Mr. McCallum when he vowed to quit drinking alcohol after an embarrassing incident at an Air Canada ticket counter in Toronto.

Mr. McCallum, the former chief economist of the Royal Bank of Canada, has made other gaffes since his appointment to Cabinet two years ago.

In August, he mixed up the site of Canada's First World War battle at Vimy Ridge with the city of Vichy, capital of the Nazi puppet regime that occupied France during the Second World War.

A former McGill University professor, Mr. McCallum admitted at the time that he had never been taught about the raid, one of the greatest battles in Canadian military history.

In September, speaking about plans for a NATO rapid reaction force, Mr. McCallum confused Afghanistan with Pakistan when describing tensions between Indian and Pakistan over the disputed border territory of Kashmir.
I saw what she was wearing, and although the ministers coments were ill advised and clearly out of order it was quite funny :D
Well, if I saw someone wearing such horrible looking clothes everyday on parliament hill, I‘d probably have a slip of the tounge as well....
Shouldn‘t there be a dress code?

This is all their going to talk abut in the media for days. Maybe weeks. So and so insulted how someone dressed hes going to have to appologise the Prime Minister will appologise she will go on TV speaking out about the grave misconduct in the house of commons. Everything in there gets turned into a circus. I hope our friends to the south ever see what goes on there.