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A Deeply Fractured US

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I will comment with equal interest on any other current or former president of the United States who is criminally indicted, should that come to pass. And I’ll be just as careful to stick to actual court records, judicial proceedings, affidavits etc and to steer clear of innuendo and sensationalism as I have been with Trump and the criminal allegations he faces.
The fracture I'm currently observing with amusement is the one resembling "we have to tear off bits of democracy in order to save it."

The rate of production of articles trying to answer "Why is Trump's popularity still so high with so much legal jeopardy surrounding him?" seems to be increasing as primary season nears. An obvious answer is that ornery voters object to the decision (ie. ballot choice) being taken out of their hands, and there are a lot of ornery voters.
The fracture I'm currently observing with amusement is the one resembling "we have to tear off bits of democracy in order to save it."

The rate of production of articles trying to answer "Why is Trump's popularity still so high with so much legal jeopardy surrounding him?" seems to be increasing as primary season nears. An obvious answer is that ornery voters object to the decision (ie. ballot choice) being taken out of their hands, and there are a lot of ornery voters.
Nah. It has to be more than that. No one takes a voter's ballot choice out of their hands. Every ornery voter can put a write-in candidate of their choice on the ballot.

The only thing happening is that the primary system determines which candidate in a given district the majority of the party electorate choose to be their sole candidate. What's happening here is that a majority of Republican electors seem to want Trump as their party's choice. (If the polls are to be believed)

I can see (but not necessarily agree with) the objectives that these ornery voters have for transforming the government bureaucracy that exists but I continue to have trouble seeing how those voters totally ignore the risk factors that attach to Trump vis-a-vis destroying the very freedoms they cherish most about America.

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Wow. Good fucking morning to you too. BTW, there is zero desperation on my part. It takes a lot more than you and the US election to get me excited these days.

I also love how you and most others give Biden and his administration a complete total pass here.

Oh, wait. This isn't a Deeply Fractured US, otherwise we'd be looking at the spectrum. It's the Get Trump thread. You should really get the mods to change the title.
I’m no President Biden fan, or a fan of Democrats in general. But the GoP had 4 years to go forward with anything, and the efforts now appear fairly desperate and smack of whataboutism.

I really wish that Trump would just die in his sleep, so the GOP could get past this embarrassing part and look to actual issues to make policy on.
I’m no President Biden fan, or a fan of Democrats in general. But the GoP had 4 years to go forward with anything, and the efforts now appear fairly desperate and smack of whataboutism.

I really wish that Trump would just die in his sleep, so the GOP could get past this embarrassing part and look to actual issues to make policy on.

Setting aside congressional theatrics- there have been Republican state attorneys general, district attorneys, and judges in a multitude of jurisdictions for years and years, jurisdictions where their re-election is absolutely locked in safe. In a whole bunch of jurisdictions, nothing politically has stopped the convening of grand juries, the presentation of evidence, the subpoenaing of witnesses, the obtaining of search warrants, and the furtherance of investigations and prosecutions for any crime for which evidence can be shown to exist. I would submit that the simple truth is that the overwhelming majority of such prosecutors, courts, and attorneys general, regardless of political leanings, understand their obligations to the law. If there are offences to be investigated and prosecuted, they will. If they haven’t, even against an avowed political foe, then just possibly the reliable evidence of criminality simply isn’t there.

The day we see a search warrant affidavit for Biden’s residence or property, or an indictment returned against him by a grand jury, I’ll be taking the next bit of free time I have to read and digest it- because that would be just as momentous to America’s political fractures and I would find it just as interesting. As it stands, there’s only one president that’s happened to.
Nah. It has to be more than that. No one takes a voter's ballot choice out of their hands. Every ornery voter can put a write-in candidate of their choice on the ballot.
Two different things. Colorado Democrats don't have to succeed; the attempt is enough.

The "fracture" is mostly over perceptions, particularly of fairness. Whatever can be squared with the law is not always a wise course of action, regardless whether it merely seems or actually is abusive. Too many people overlook the appearance of impropriety and bias, do very little to mitigate it, and in effect aggravate the problem by pursuing the improprieties that suit their bias while ignoring others.
Meanwhile, there appears to be a bit of a global shift. People have had enough of the havoc created by left wing, globalist, WEF & Soros politicians.

Lots of countries shifting to the right and electing right thinking presidents, premiers and prime ministers.

Hard working people everywhere are tired of the climate bullshit, globalization, anti fossil fuel adherents, losing their livelihoods, farms and property because of cow farts and the rising costs of everything essential. People don't want windmills, solar panels and other government pie in the sky, make the plebes pay for it crap. At home Biden and Trudeau have had their day. They're aging like ripe bananas.

I don't know who is going to win the republican nomination, but smart money is on whoever it is, will be elected. Even though most countries, even some third world ones, have their elections figured out, I'm sure there will still be shenanigans with mail in ballots, drop boxes, equipment breaking down at opportune times, etc in the States. If they can serial number money, they are able to serialize mail in ballots. But then it would be harder to cheat so it won't happen. And the leftist canard about voter ID is another joke. Going after Trump because he won't accept the results while Abraham's, Clinton and a whole bunch of democrats are still saying their elections were stolen and claiming Trump as an illegitimate president. Parroting Trump’s assertions, but nobody's going after them. Clinton even complained about bidens election, whining "Why didn't they (the DNC) that for me?" Read into that what you will.

Fortunately, our ballots are handrolic, counted by humans, checked, rechecked and returns made. Pretty hard to fudge that system.

Anyway, keep slamming Trump while the ALLEGED Biden crime family keeps their scam going, working with the Red Chinese and whoever else will pay their bribes. Perhaps we'll even find out the Big Guy is really Barry Soetoro. At least, if the Republicans win, Barry won't get his fourth term.
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Ugh. I hope Trump lives for years yet, in part for this exact reason. Both he and America deserve to see all the various legal processes through to whatever the eventual results should be.
If he dies, you'll likely have to give up the internet. How will you fill your days?
If he dies, you'll likely have to give up the internet. How will you fill your days?

I respect that you’re choosing to take advantage of the incredible leeway the site staff give you on this thread, but if you’re that hung up on my occasional replies you’re free to put me on ignore yet again.
I respect that you’re choosing to take advantage of the incredible leeway the site staff give you on this thread, but if you’re that hung up on my occasional replies you’re free to put me on ignore yet again.
I broke the rules and did my time for it. That incredible leeway? I'm sure the Mods know what they are doing, regardless of your thoughts on it.😉I'm sure they don't mind dissenting voices to your points. It's a discussion forum, even if you want to make it all about dumping on Trump. You've been on ignore for months. But I look occasionally just to see if we agree on anything.🙂
There is no way I could accurately portray what they are saying. So I'll just post the video.

I notice they didn't say 'alleged' biden crime family.
They must have credible evidence to be talking about it, openly and publicly.
On the face of it, it certainly sounds legit.

My thoughts,
If he's not guilty, biden has some real heavy explaining to do.
It would kill his chances at a second term, but I think the dems would welcome this as a means of getting ride of him.
He may bail early and give a few months to Harris. She can make a complete balls up of it and make biden look not so bad and she'll be the one to carry the loss in her legacy.
Too do that, one easy to use excuse is his health. The perfect one would be physical of some sort. However, I think, especially if he needs to testify or answer questions, that they could go the mental incapacity route. Unload it all on Hunter and let the Big Guy fish the swimming pool.
Mike Johnson Just Blew a Hole in the GOP’s Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Mike Johnson accidentally revealed just how weak the Republican impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden is, when he failed to actually defend one of the central accusations against the president on the merits.

Johnson held a Tuesday press conference with Representatives Jim Jordan and James Comer, who have spearheaded the investigation into Biden, to discuss the ongoing impeachment inquiry. Although Republicans have been levying various accusations against Biden for the past few months, making multiple allegations of political corruption, they have yet to produce any actual evidence demonstrating that their charges have merit.

More at link.

Former top Ukraine prosecutor comes out swinging against Joe and Hunter Biden: Exclusive interview​

Given Biden's propensity for revising history, I tend to side with Shokin. Of course the administration is going to cover for Biden. We'll see what shakes out. There appears to be plenty of evidence of other monetary shenanigans. We'll see how they try to explain all his accounts, LLCs, etc. This still has a long way to go. I believe Hunter is slated for his Congressional meeting on the 13th. That should start the ball rolling. Then we can start to see, maybe, who is lying to whom.

Don't know how much was said before, but the rest of the interview following his telling of strong arming Ukraine is here. If you can make any sense of it.

I don't see how it changes anything. Did it happen or is he lying again?
The people who aver that Kushner meeting with Russians was some kind of evidence of "Russian Collusion" are SoL when they try to claim that a few meetings that involved Biden are evidence of nothing. They already set the bar.

Former top Ukraine prosecutor comes out swinging against Joe and Hunter Biden: Exclusive interview​

Given Biden's propensity for revising history, I tend to side with Shokin. Of course the administration is going to cover for Biden. We'll see what shakes out. There appears to be plenty of evidence of other monetary shenanigans. We'll see how they try to explain all his accounts, LLCs, etc. This still has a long way to go. I believe Hunter is slated for his Congressional meeting on the 13th. That should start the ball rolling. Then we can start to see, maybe, who is lying to whom.

Don't know how much was said before, but the rest of the interview following his telling of strong arming Ukraine is here. If you can make any sense of it.

I don't see how it changes anything. Did it happen or is he lying again?
Except that Prosecutor was notoriously dirty and hindering the Ukraining anti corruption investigations and cases…

Look I’m no Biden fan, but pulling up a corrupt prosecutor isn’t exactly a compelling case.
Except that Prosecutor was notoriously dirty and hindering the Ukraining anti corruption investigations and cases…

Look I’m no Biden fan, but pulling up a corrupt prosecutor isn’t exactly a compelling case.
Are there any politicians there that aren't corrupt? There's a lot of money that's going unaccounted for, iirc. We know Shokin was looking into Barisma and biden got him fired. Hunter remained on the board and the investigation was washed away under the new guy. Is he crooked also? Many think so.
Besides it's not Shokin or his replacement we need look at. It's the Biden crime family we need to concentrate on and their involvement and why they meddled.
Are there any politicians there that aren't corrupt? There's a lot of money that's going unaccounted for, iirc. We know Shokin was looking into Barisma and biden got him fired. Hunter remained on the board and the investigation was washed away under the new guy. Is he crooked also? Many think so.
Besides it's not Shokin or his replacement we need look at. It's the Biden crime family we need to concentrate on and their involvement and why they meddled.
So you want to ignore the how ever many federal and state charges against Trump and co (and lawyers) and instead focus on Biden?

They have an impeachment hearing on the go, so if they have a case they can make it, but whether or not there is a 'Biden crime family' doesn't change the fact that Trump, his family and hangers on are greasy, fraudeulent white collar criminals. It also doesn't change the fact that Trump refused to peacefully change over after losing a fairly contested election (despite the gerrymandering), and got his supporters to try and break the Constitution in the house, while getting a mob to storm Congress.

This isn't an either/or thing, and your obsession with vague unproven facts on one side, while ignoring mountains of documented proof on the other is a bit unhinged.
So you want to ignore the how ever many federal and state charges against Trump and co (and lawyers) and instead focus on Biden?

They have an impeachment hearing on the go, so if they have a case they can make it, but whether or not there is a 'Biden crime family' doesn't change the fact that Trump, his family and hangers on are greasy, fraudeulent white collar criminals. It also doesn't change the fact that Trump refused to peacefully change over after losing a fairly contested election (despite the gerrymandering), and got his supporters to try and break the Constitution in the house, while getting a mob to storm Congress.

This isn't an either/or thing, and your obsession with vague unproven facts on one side, while ignoring mountains of documented proof on the other is a bit unhinged.
Thanks for proving my point that this is not the Fractured US thread, but the Get Trump thread. There's lots of info here about the Trump troubles, but you just insist in piling on Trump. They call that TDS. They have lots of trials on the go. Enough to satisfy most, except those that that have an unhealthy hatred of Trump. For you to go ballistic because I shifted the narrative to Biden is both telling and humorous.

Biden is a proven liar. They are doing this right by gathering evidence. Real physical evidence. Not Shifty Adam Schiff's, non materializing evidence for his Russian Collusion scam and impeachment proceedings.

As for Trump, they have over 40 charges against him. If they have a case they can make it. Whether or not Trump has done these things doesn't change the fact that the Biden Crime Family, is a family of hangers on, greasy, fraudulent white collar criminals. See how that works?

So are you a Biden fan then? A sitting, lying POTUS involved in money laundering, influence peddling, consorting with Red China, phony LLCs and bank accounts? That's not important to discuss? In a thread supposedly about all US politics. Sorry to drag it off your favourite whipping post. Like I said earlier ask to have the thread title changed.

Not being beholden to you for anything, you don't get to tell me what to post and what to believe. Maybe in Biden’s America you can, but not here.

Your whiny closing para isn't worth responding to.
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