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Recent content by Crimson

  1. Crimson


    I'm not having any luck with finding the instructions on wearing the 'hooker boots'. I could find instructions for wearing civilian cold weather boots to/from work and then changing into issued shoes/boots. I am trying to find out whether I can wear the boots during working hours with my skirt...
  2. Crimson

    OJT instead of PRETC..?

    My information may be out of date as I left PRETC in January but at that time you were told that you could not submit an EWAT application for a certain amount of time after being cleared in. I think it was one month.
  3. Crimson

    All About PAT (merged)

    PAT in St. Jean was the worst experience ever. You are treated like the lowest life form just for being there regardless of why you are there nor how you behave while there. You bear the scarlet letter "A" so that all may be witness to your disgrace. ("F" for those Francophones out there.) I...
  4. Crimson

    BMQ 8 Jan Borden- Who's going?

    Mithras, Since you can choose your element with Comms Research which element have you chosen? Personally, I chose Naval element.
  5. Crimson

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1:Comm Research Op Trade Choice 2: Steward Trade Choice 3: Application Date: August 23, 2006 First Contact: Sept 15? Med, aptitude completed : Med-Sept 25/06, Apt-Sept 21/06 Interview completed: Sept 25/06...
  6. Crimson

    BMQ 8 Jan Borden- Who's going?

    I just received my call and I'll be attending BMQ at Borden Ontario starting the 8th of January. I've been offered Comm Research Operator which is my first choice after finding out that I was V4 vision. I'm swearing in on December 21st and when I leave I'll be flying out of Vancouver. I'm...
  7. Crimson

    New PT Test Requirements...Thoughts?

    I am in the application process currently. I was told that I would not be given a PT test until I am already at BMQ. I'm not suggesting that I am going to fail but as devil's advocate here, I wasn't given the option of finding out if the training I've declared on my application is actually going...
  8. Crimson

    Email for Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

    I spoke to my friend who is the new recruiter and he said to tell you to call the number you have between Tuesday and Friday and leave your contact info on the answering machine and he'll get back to you.
  9. Crimson

    Email for Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

    I have a friend who I believe is in a position to help you there. I'll mention your post to him.
  10. Crimson

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: NCI OP Trade Choice 2: TAS OP Trade Choice 3: Application Date: August 23, 2006 First Contact: awaiting Med, aptitude completed : awaiting PT Test completed: awaiting Interview completed: awaiting Position...
  11. Crimson

    Soldiers of Fitness

    There is now a Vancouver branch of SoF for those who may be interested. I know I am.
  12. Crimson

    NCI OP question

    Thanks for the replies. :D You've been helpful.
  13. Crimson

    NCI OP question

    I heard from a friend of a friend (which is why I cannot ask the person directly as I don't know the person) a bit about the everyday experience as a Sonar Op. It was described as a trade where you didn't get to practice it very often so that he spent most of his time helping out in other...
  14. Crimson

    Christmas is coming, post gift ideas here.

    I tend towards enjoying gifts that are frivolous and that I would never spend my money on because there are always more important things. With that in mind you could arrange for her to have some sort of service performed for her. You could have molly maids come or arrange for catering or give...