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Recent content by Pyromechanica

  1. Pyromechanica

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Wow it's just the fourth weekend? I guess you had a holiday break then that's why. Or perhaps I just haven't seen you in a while haha. Swim test? I never did one... hmm I wonder if it's a new requirement. Well, good luck on your exams. But don't miss a weekend unless you can get it approved...
  2. Pyromechanica

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    Hi! First of all, thanks for this amazing thread. But secondly, I have a question, and since there were 27 pages to go through, and the search function yielded no result, I'm just going to ask it. I have a problem when it comes to running. Whenever I run with my unit, the pace is usually...
  3. Pyromechanica

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Hey Polo! It's Leung... so hows the course going for ya? Just wondering :) I'm going to assume you are either on First Aid or the C7 shoot.
  4. Pyromechanica

    civilian boot camps

    I second that haha. Closed mouth especially.
  5. Pyromechanica

    Really really really old training video.

    Yeah most of it was from SQ. As for the other comments, the gravel place where we were conducting the pyro tests was actually a gravel open lot, there just happen to be vehicles that pulled out of it ;).
  6. Pyromechanica

    Really really really old training video.

    None other than Pte. Leung man... Sups Gayson
  7. Pyromechanica

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    I found some really old footage of the Canadian Army in my attic... Or did I :D? Here
  8. Pyromechanica

    Brush Fire in Borden

    Should have came earlier...
  9. Pyromechanica

    Help! Directions to CFB Borden...

    Yeah I tried map quest, but it doesn't show me where Blackdown is... I'll be missing just Saturday morning. Hopefully if they do Gas Hut on Sunday (according to schedule), I will be there for it. Seeya Sat Sappo!
  10. Pyromechanica

    Help! Directions to CFB Borden...

    Hmmm getting lippy aren't we  ;) Any helpful answers?
  11. Pyromechanica

    Help! Directions to CFB Borden...

    OK, so I have the unfortunate occasion to write a mandatory university exam during one of my Basic weekends, so right after the exam I plan on traveling to CFB Borden to continue my training. The problem is, I don't know how to get there! I've checked some maps online and off, but I want to...
  12. Pyromechanica

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    The thing is though they give a time limit on those math problems on the CFAT... in fact the whole CFAT is timed. Just do the math quickly I guess?
  13. Pyromechanica

    Pilot applicant has to wait 1 month just to TAKE a medical exam

    Took me about around 7 months to get in. Chillax, you have it good  ;).
  14. Pyromechanica

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I just came back from a movie at the theater and I saw the CF ad. One thing though, was that the old olive uniforms the inf were wearing in the ad? I also hear a lot more CF radio commercials, like the one where the female goes "So do you want an adventure?" or something along the lines of that.