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Search results

  1. Burrows

    Sky Hooks and Shore Line

    Here you go. ;)
  2. Burrows

    Cadet Highland Dress

    Cadets.ca - which is down for me right now - has an appendix on the CATOs covering highland dress on how to convert a cadet tunic to the doublet pattern (the cut along the bottom that allows the sporran to sit properly) Your officers should have a hard copy of this somewhere (especially in a...
  3. Burrows

    I win again!!!!!

    If you think you've won the lotto, I have some nice tanks you can buy.  They came as a bonus with the USD 10 000 000 000 000 000 I got from some deposed prince in Nigeria.
  4. Burrows

    Whine about Vern Thread - so that we can keep actual threads ... well, actual.

    It means she has all the sweetness of a woman.  And doesn't hesitate to pillage people with her penis (to quote one of my profs) when they try to get around their clothing entitlement. >:D
  5. Burrows

    Yet Another Upgrade...

    My heart weeps.  This is not the dark and ominous green I have grown to love.
  6. Burrows

    Violent Arrest of student at Univ.of Western Ontario sparks uproar on youtube

    The media has an omnipotent power to put whatever sort of spin they would like on any given story.  As a mainstream news source, many in the status quo will not look into deeper meaning. If the student was indeed under the influence of a controlled or prohibited substance and chose to resist...
  7. Burrows

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    "No, we can't get a pitcher of Pabst!  I only like Pabst when it comes from a Keg!" Promptly retorted "Where the hell do you think it comes from?  Do you think they pour 1000 cans into a barrel every morning?"
  8. Burrows

    Mafia "Godmother" jailed in China, kept STABLE of MEN for SEX

    I love your title summaries.
  9. Burrows

    Remedial Measures DAOD 4019-4 [merged]

    And we're done. Milnet.ca Staff
  10. Burrows

    Need alittle help selecting a MOC

    The problem with judging by age is that just because the government says we're adults, doesn't mean some people are actually capable of acting like one. You need to chill out. Milnet.ca Staff
  11. Burrows

    Ottawa couple fighting for twin EI parental leaves

    I pay EI at my job, yet as a student, even in post-secondary I do not qualify for EI if I lose my job.  Even better, because of my earnings last year, coupled with my assets, I don't qualify for government loans on school either. Personally, I have no issue with people taking care of two kids...
  12. Burrows

    Slagging Split From Mom says daughter should get slain soldier's medal

    A double standard would be if ruckmarch was warned and nobody else was.  Warning actions are left up to the discretion of the DS, not your own personal feelings - sorry.  As with all of our actions, warnings are contestable to the site owner.  However, whining that we aren't heavy handed enough...
  13. Burrows

    DRDC Research into Cadet Glider Accidents

    It is definitely interesting.  I'm curious to know as to the gender ratio for the courses where this data was collected.
  14. Burrows

    Cadet Officers

    Alright, we've beat this topic down in many incarnations.  It looks like we seem to have missed one of many threads that needed locking at some point. CIC Officers are "Real Officers" as an officer serves under the Queen's Commission which they receive.  They don't command men, but then again...
  15. Burrows

    Crocodile on a plane(!) sparks panic mid-flight

    Clearly an act of domestic (animal) terrorism. Don't like it?  How about "Home Grown"?  ;D
  16. Burrows

    Have psychiatric wards changed?

    To make a point here - Our capacity as moderators is only used when we are not "engaged" per se.  Just because we wear the staff banner, does not mean we are always "staff".  If a moderator is emotionally, or otherwise involved in a thread, another one of us will attend to it.  That is not to...
  17. Burrows

    Loud music in Starbucks...

    Well, in a timmies it would just turn into a contest. ;D
  18. Burrows

    Snakes in your.......pants?

    Well,  how can it be your pet if you can't take it home?
  19. Burrows

    Alleged police attack may nix soldier's Afghan tour

    Just food for thought and civil discussion: - Everyone can interpret things differently, including officers and the arrested at the scene. - Age is one of the worst stereotypers. - The video only shows part of the story, and articles have been biased. - From what I've seen, nothing has been...
  20. Burrows

    CT / Enrollment with CIC [Merged]

    Sorry to deviate from the topic - but, Northernalbertan - how many cadets do you have on paper?