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  1. Burrows

    Cadet Smoking

    Ontario is a screwed up place and allows minors to smoke legally and then punishes the vendor if they are caught selling to minors.
  2. Burrows

    1974 Valcartier Grenade Deaths (gov't action, memorial, etc.)

    Nobody is ranting.  The user wished to convey that the company was predominantly francophone and thus may not be very capable with English.
  3. Burrows

    History's Greatest Army?

    Except, you know.  China and India kinda have you beat in quantity of people that can be fielded, and last I checked guns don't walk by themselves.
  4. Burrows

    "+1" Posts --- and the removal of them

    Don't make me come over there and "silence" you both for rowdy behaviour!
  5. Burrows

    Tattoo Photo Thread

    "I've never seen that before!"  ~Jim, One hour of job experience.
  6. Burrows

    What have you won thus far in the Roll Up the Rim?

    Free doughnut.  Out of 12 cups so far.  OH, and it wasn't even won by me really.  Someone else gave it to me.
  7. Burrows

    Drumming Out?

    To add a bit of trivia to this, the term drumming out originates from actual drumming.  If what I've learned in history is correct, during the red coat days, the drummers would line the path to the gate and beat their drum with snare released.
  8. Burrows

    Thinking about joining Cadets

    Your first stop is www.cadets.ca
  9. Burrows

    Look out Power Wheels.

    I want one.
  10. Burrows

    Milnet Photo Challenge: January 2008 CPGear Contest

    Looks more like some crazy newfie moonshine. :blotto:
  11. Burrows

    More training nights

    I'm quite fond of my weekends.
  12. Burrows

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    is it wrong that I prefer their uniforms to my own?
  13. Burrows

    Time well wasted

    I don't think you were here for "The Gratuitous All Caps Thread Pt 2"
  14. Burrows

    what qualifications do you have?

    FR doesn't make you qualified to instruct it.  There is a separate course and several hours of work required before you're allowed to instruct a class by yourself.
  15. Burrows

    Aquarium Fish Tanks

    I had ciclids, until they killed eachother.
  16. Burrows

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    "I dressed up for THIS THREAD!"
  17. Burrows

    Post Count?

    It's a bad joke built into the software.
  18. Burrows

    Passengers Refuse To Fly

    If thats how they treat their property, imagine how they handle our baggage! :blotto:
  19. Burrows

    Army Cadet Standards

    See the section of this thread titled The DEAD END Topics. Also, please change your name as you are NOT a MCpl, you are a C/MCpl.  Standards are only lax in corps that don't enforce their standards. Milnet.ca Staff
  20. Burrows

    2nd Grader Suspended for Drawing Gun

    All it takes is one moron. Said moron starts as a teacher, becomes a vice principal, then a principal, then Superintendant.  Then we have today.