I bought my daughter a T shirt , in the Gagetown Canex. Had a charging beaver on it all done up in combats, a helmet and a rifle. The T shirt said " Where the hell is Gagetown" or similar. She was at school, all the kids admiring her cool shirt, then the bell rang for class. The teacher got one look at it, yanked her out of the class and made her wear it inside out for the rest of the day. She came home with a letter saying that 'violent and profane' apparel, depicting 'guns and war' were not allowed at the school, and to please ensure I checked my daughter's dress to ensure she wouldn't 'escape' the house wearing such a sordid item again.
I called to inform the school that I had purchased it for her and thought, when she had asked me, that it would be fine if she wore it. The attitude that came through the phone was so chilling, the phone seemed to freeze in my hand ;D. I asked if this was personal, school or board policy. It seemed to have been a judgement call by the teacher, backed by the principal.
We transferred our daughter to another school the following Sept, where she again wore the shirt, with no problem. When asked the reason for the transfer, I sited the hostile attitude of the staff to my chosen profession as a CF soldier "A soldier? In the Army? Transfer approved!!" Guess they were more used to the sheeple parents that wouldn't get up in their face.
The same school board that a couple of years later, requested I come and speak to the students about my tour in Bosnia :