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  1. Gunnar

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    Redolet lvcernam, but it's still a good start.
  2. Gunnar

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    In other news, Best Buy is in receivership in the US.  Not really a surprise.  There are MULTITUDES of web sites dedicated to how much they suck.  Looked a lot like handwriting on the wall to me....
  3. Gunnar

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    Cutting government subsidies to political parties that should be supported by their members?  Say it ain't so! Did you know that 82% of the Bloc Quebecois' funding comes from the Canadian taxpayer?  Imagine, we're funding the separatist message.  Like that makes sense.  If you're a Liberal...
  4. Gunnar

    BMQ to BMOQ - is it necessary?

    Dude, I'm looking for the dogpile, but I'm not seeing one. Did you have breakfast this morning?  You're coming across as snarky.  I've just been seeing people providing information in a relatively non-confrontational way.  A leader needs to consider what effect his words (and the tone in which...
  5. Gunnar

    Coddling children goes too far.

    <Full blown rant mode> The worse you can think of the school system in Canada, the more likely you are to be correct.  Another example of Pournelle's Iron Law at work. As the husband of a working teacher, I get to hear everything that goes on at work, and what their politically correct...
  6. Gunnar

    CAN's "War Poet" at warpoet.ca

    Canada's poet, Robert W. Service was a war poet as well, long before the modern conflict. Rhymes of a Red Cross Man brings a number of stories of war into view. http://plagiarist.com/poetry/4163/
  7. Gunnar

    The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

    Polite decline letters from major corporations who don't wish to get involved in anything "controversial" don't make the press, because it doesn't involve people or principles, just an exchange of polite letters.  Typically, if they don't make the press, the public doesn't care.  And if the...
  8. Gunnar

    Scenes from a helmet

    Okay, worst IMP:  Seal flippers and rice. Worst thing to say to the RSM: Okay, okay, I'll do it.  Geezus, why do you have to be so anal?
  9. Gunnar

    Scenes from a helmet

    Anything of a *personal enhancement* nature.  Likely purchased from your favourite spam artist....
  10. Gunnar

    Half of Canadians want reduction in Tory military spending: poll

    I think you're missing the point of polls as a method of ascertaining aggregate public opinion.  The point is not to allow people to qualify your statements, the point is to evaluate a broad-based response to neutral i.e., unloaded questions to see what people think. What is your opinion on...
  11. Gunnar

    Liberal morale

    I thought you might mean "morale".  Liberals are not noted for morals.  ;D Okay, I couldn't resist.
  12. Gunnar

    About Respect - Officers vs NCMs

    Same way it is earned anywhere.  By being visible, reliable, and leading by example. Mission before troops Troops before self. Actually, the regimental rogue has some good information on leadership on his site, www.regimentalrogue.com.  He's also on this site, but read his own web site first. ...
  13. Gunnar

    Half of Canadians want reduction in Tory military spending: poll

    What I find with these blind polls is that depending on the biases of who hired them (in my case, a pollster probably hired by the Liberals called and asked what were the important issues in the election), that you don't have options to truly answer their questions, or, their questions often...
  14. Gunnar

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Something to think about when you're 9 K into the 10K run.  Now you *can't* quit. You can run a lot on being ticked off, I'd wager.
  15. Gunnar

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    I'm just going to point out that you still have a responsibility to refuse illegal orders, etc., etc. No, I'm not condoning this guys cowardice, nor do I think he is in any way justified.  Just figured as long as we were throwing absolutes around that a little context was in order. Maybe...
  16. Gunnar

    USA Forces Under CAN Command @ New AFG FOB

    Would province be better?
  17. Gunnar

    USA Forces Under CAN Command @ New AFG FOB

    You're right of course.  I had forgotten that. Still, we are the recognized experts in that particular field, no? 
  18. Gunnar

    USA Forces Under CAN Command @ New AFG FOB

    When all reports are that our troops are "superb", and we speak the same language, and have similar goals, etc., etc....Why not?  We've been in Afghanistan, in that province, since the beginning.  We're holding our own well, but clearly we need MORE troops to hold the ground appropriately.  They...
  19. Gunnar

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I love the Royal Marines one....as buddy wanders off into the bush, secure that he has demonstrated his manhood to everyone, a platoon of heavily armed soldiers follows him back with almost professional nonchalance.....if that doesn't send the message, what does?
  20. Gunnar

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Yup.  But if they didn't slap Micheal Moore for doing it, they're not likely to slap this guy.