Well, he's 77 and I doubt he'll change his opinion anytime soon, Eye. "Old School" thinking. He also bet me $100 that I will quit basic because I'll find it too hard, stressful, whatever. You can believe I took that bet.
Gunnar said:Something to think about when you're 9 K into the 10K run. Now you *can't* quit.
You can run a lot on being ticked off, I'd wager.
I hear ya! I'm in great shape for my size; I can run 6k no problem, push ups and sit ups are easy but the one thing that truly ERKS me is fireman's carries. I'm reserve infantry and last summer on my dp1 they expected me to fireman carry a guy who was well over 150 pounds when I'm 115! DUH I can't run with that! For assault boats I was expected to lift my 230 pound instructor onto the boat, which I could do with assistance but not on my own so in turn I got marked a 2 for physical fitness for that week when I've always been exempt from my express tests and everything.. go figure.kawigirl said:Hi There,
Guys included. I was just reading some of the topics rearding running, pushups and situps and I find that they are very geared to men. (50-60 pushups at a time) I don't know to many if any girls that can do that. So I thought that I would start this area to chat. And there is alot of mature women and men just entering the forces. Like me, 35 years old, mom, wife and starting a new career after 16 years. I can almost run 3km, non stop at an OK pace, do 31 situp in 1 minute and just barely do 10 pushups. But I am making an effort to go to the gym 3 times a week and trying to run outside instead of on the treadmill. I start my BMQ in June. Very excited, very nervous and I know that I will be the weaker link at PT(running), but I may be really great at other things. I know that I had one of the best pairs of boots in cadets. And the two people that were better tan me, well they used some fancy paint type polish that is like a mirror, but watch out when it rained...hahaha!! So lets talk girl talk or mature men talk...I love and support the CF as my husband is also part of the CF. And if any of this offends anyone it is NOT suppose to. I would just like to know and talk about more realistic PT problems and solutions than the people that can do the 50 pushups, 60 sit-ups and run 20 km no problem.....Cheers, Kawigirl
Braver Stronger Smarter said:Celticgirl, what fitness centre did you go to? From the description (30 second circuit training) it sounds like Curves and, if it is, I was wondering what you think of it. There's one in my small town but I've never gone before.
Lil_T said:the problem with women and pushups is the difference in centre of gravity than men. My push ups are slowly improving - very slowly. but they're getting there.
Lil_T said:women's centre of gravity is in their pelvis, while men's centre of gravity in in their chest.
Right in everything else except this.Lil_T said:Whereas for men, because their centre of gravity is higher and thus further from the pivot point the push up is easier because there isn't as big a weight change on their arms. Not saying that pushups are impossible for women just that it's more difficult.
Celticgirl said:OK, I see what you are saying. I guess we females just need to build up our upper bodies more (via weight training). I have recently started working out at the gym again and already find it is making a difference in my upper body strength.
We did try the mock shuttle today, but got cut short by an aerobics class coming in. We were at level 5 when they came in and were prepared to keep going, so I think we're doing okay (huh Ada?). Tomorrow, we'll try it again, hopefully without interruptions. My fiance showed us how to pivot properly before we did it, so a few more practice runs and we should be good to go. 8) :blotto: