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  1. Gunnar

    The Khadr Thread

    Don't confuse his wisdom with his authority.  It is understood that serving members would feel disgust etc., which is adequately demonstrated by writing such things as "This person is a waste of perfectly breathable air" and words to that effect.  However, as this site is read by MORE than...
  2. Gunnar

    Word association (just for fun)

  3. Gunnar

    Muslims Allege Racial Profiling for 2010 Olympic Security Positions

    Who's paying for this?  You?  Anyone who buys a plane ticket?  And what are we paying for?  Bargain basement, $8 an hour "agents" who will make certain to strip search every woman with a bouncy chest?  Or intensely professional security/intel people who will become intensely bored by the 8000...
  4. Gunnar


    This is another American email, poorly shifted to a Canadian context.  The term "Under God" comes from the American pledge of allegiance, which shouldn't be on Canadian money.
  5. Gunnar

    How are Chaplains perceived by other CF members?

    Based on everything I have heard from those who serve, the padres are everything a priest is supposed to be--Good Christians (et al) who attempt to guide their flock, without pressuring them on obscure points of doctrine.  They soldier on.  They are a shoulder to lean on, a hand up, and...
  6. Gunnar

    United Breaks Guitars

    I saw this and immediately thought of "Thank you Republic Airlines" by Tom Paxton.  This isn't the first singer to get the attention of a large corporation by making a funny song....but I like it.
  7. Gunnar

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    There's a simple expedient for that, if you have the guts.
  8. Gunnar

    Word association (just for fun)

  9. Gunnar

    Word association (just for fun)

  10. Gunnar

    National" Borders- Trouble at The Cornwall Crossing

    I also like the added implications that only Canadian citizens can cash welfare or UI cheques.  And enter Canada freely, like to go to work.
  11. Gunnar

    What song is stuck in your head?

    Barbie Girl, by Aqua. Something to advance the troops to, I'm thinkin' ;D
  12. Gunnar

    Question on Swords and Lanyards

    Knowing nothing about ceremonial, but a little bit about lanyards and swords.... If you wrap it around your wrist, and a vigourous salute goes awry, then the lanyard prevents you from throwing your sword into the crowd, from the top of the horse, where it would be likely to spear someone.  This...
  13. Gunnar

    Word association (just for fun)

  14. Gunnar

    North Korea (Superthread)

    Every now and again, you need to do something wholly raw, wholly indefensible, as a clear and stern warning that certain things are NOT to be considered.  Had the US simply nuked the North Korean capital when they starting rattling sabres about how kewl their nuclear program was, we wouldn't...
  15. Gunnar

    North Korea (Superthread)

    When a child throws a screaming hissy fit, he is telling his parents "I'll act like this every time  you try to discipline me, until you learn your place".  Prompt action by the parents usually nips that in the bud, and the child stops throwing tantrums.  If the parent caves, the kid throws a...
  16. Gunnar

    Would you like to put a ‘Support our troops’ ribbon on your own vehicle?

    Do you not believe you are worthy of support?  Or, do you not believe that the Canadian military, who is engaged in operations on our behalf is worthy of support?  Or do you not believe that the ideals that led you to join the military are not worthy of support? I understand not wanting to look...
  17. Gunnar

    A Collection Of Army.ca Humour - including SKIPPY'S DAMN LIST AGAIN!!

    MEMORANDUM FOR:  Major Big High Guy FROM:  The drunk fool in Hawaii SUBJECT:  After Actions Report 1. TYPE OF OPERATION:  Goat Rope Boondogle & some real work. 2. DATE OF OPERATION:  21 Sept 08 thru 27 Sept 08 (21 Sept and 27 Sept reserved as travel days). 3. LOCATION: Mary’s House of Pasties...
  18. Gunnar

    Ex-soldier jailed for sex attack

    Make that drunk EX-soldier.
  19. Gunnar

    Word association (just for fun)

  20. Gunnar

    Word association (just for fun)
