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  1. Gunnar

    Profs say students lack maturity, feel entitled

    Wonder if Obama has the course?  It might be useful to POTUS.
  2. Gunnar

    Profs say students lack maturity, feel entitled

    He's probably just a mediocre thinker.  8)
  3. Gunnar

    Taliban "Workplace Accident" Merged Thread

    I am not, nor have ever been, a member of the CF. One respects one's opponent only when they are worthy of respect, just as with anyone else.  This opponent has shown themselves willing to kill women and children, hide behind them, take hostages, profit from the sale of drugs (while strenuously...
  4. Gunnar

    Word association (just for fun)

  5. Gunnar

    Most dreadful PT experience

    When would you ever have to climb up a sheer cliff viewed as unclimbable using only ropes in a combat situation? When would you ever march 3 miles up the middle of a freezing cold creek to take an enemy position? Canadians have done both. In a combat situation, anything that leads to the...
  6. Gunnar

    Help: Offence of Impersonating an Officer?

    None of them.  We're all honest upstanding citizens.  Especially if we're Doctors/Airborne/Snipers who have their own rock bands.  I mean, as a professional in those areas,  you can't afford to lie.
  7. Gunnar

    Montreal PD asks City to prohibit insults

    We need to prohibit anything that could make anyone feel bad. That should be easy to enforce. ;D
  8. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

    ...a *personal* prothesis as a BFA...
  9. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

    ..the latest recruit for...
  10. Gunnar

    Old wounds slow to heal on Plains of Abraham - CBC News

    I think a short response is in order: The re-enactment is for Canadians, as it concerns Canadian history.  Since those of you are offended do not consider yourselves to *be* Canadians, perhaps it were just best if you stayed home and shut your mouths.  This is OUR celebration.  I fail to see...
  11. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

  12. Gunnar

    Boot cleaning / polishing / care of

    I'm not military, so take this for what it's worth.... I wore mine in the shower, and cleaned off all the old polish with a brillo pad.  Then started applying polish from scratch.  Soon, after many, many small circles, I was able to get that mirror shine. Polish still tends to flake from...
  13. Gunnar

    Little Canada ... but full of itself

    Strangely, NDP seems to be a similar disorder.  ;D
  14. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

    ...unfortunately he had a Vogon as a seat mate, who felt the need to recite him poetry....
  15. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

    ...replacing the old system of tin cans and binder twine, that has been used for communication since....
  16. Gunnar

    CUPE Leader Sid Ryan's Anti Israel Comments Spark Outrage - Empty Apology Makes it Worse

    Well, even if he is a Socialist Worker, is he truly a Nationalist? (National Socialist  German Worker's Party = Nazi)
  17. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

    ...by the fact that we had 8 cases of beer, a gymnast sword-swallower and 3 double jointed midgets which when combined with....
  18. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

    ...luckily, since mein luftkissenfahrzeug ist voll aalen....
  19. Gunnar

    So there I was.......

    ...where they look like a man with one foot in the grave, and scarcely the strength of a louse....
  20. Gunnar

    A Nation of Wimps

    What's the difference? By definition, "retarded" means slow, or slowed down. If you're not quick to grasp things, because you have a learning disability, then you're slow.  If you're learning disabled/slow/retarded/stupid, is it not all shades of degree?  (Okay, retarded could imply mental...