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  1. Mamma Bear

    Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

    Well I, myself have been wearing the NEW GP boots since Jan 07 and truly enjoy them. They are comfortable and not like the slippery WWB. The lacing system works rather well and so far no fraying of the laces...I was issued them by my physiotherapist in Borden. And yes they do go nicely with all...
  2. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    Well at least I can spell people correctly....And thats all I have to say you. Anyone have any other questions or comments feel free to email me. Too much going on in my life right now I dont need comments from someone. Maybe you need a lecture on people skills. Maybe this is why some people...
  3. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    Right now in Borden there are alot coming from previous time and are getting skilled and semi-skilled from getting Recruit Bypass. Alot doing PLA right now to correctly find out how much of their 3`s they are having to redo. With the Medic trade it has changed so much from way long ago. So I`m...
  4. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    Oh sunshine take a chill pill...if I have offended anyone im truly sorry..But I dont think I did. And reference to ppl...i think thats what we are is people...Not trying to be difficult but please alot worse things going on these days than to worry about words and letters... :cdn: :salute:
  5. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    For me it wasnt my medical that took so long it was waiting for my records to get dug out of archives.....medical portion actually was fast coming back from Borden...so i guess im lucky that way...But oh i hear ya on the waiting part of it but it did give me more time to get physically ready for...
  6. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    How true thats a good point...but trust me had a wee bit of time in St Jean before this happened and got a good refresher on the mind games...Drill well that didnt change...the major stuff has changed and that im getting done later on so no big worries at this end all in good time is what ive...
  7. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    Well who knows that would be something these ppl need to look into...no signing bonus for me going Medic again.......oh i wish
  8. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    Well i wore a uniform the last time from 86-89 and have been out of uniform since and hey if they give it to one they have to continue the trend...Yes i have to qualify in weapons training, first aid and all that jazz....But good things come to those who wait i guess...Good luck ill keep my...
  9. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    Yes i got it while in St Jean.again long story...was approached by someone from CFRG HQ and asked where i was recruited from (Ottawa) and they said this policy has been out for a while and not too many of the recruiting offices know about it. Well right now in Borden and alot of direct entries...
  10. Mamma Bear

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    Well its not rumour its a fact..How do I know you say...well its happened to me. I went thru Cornwallis in 86...yea ok stop laughing....a Long story short i was granted Recruit Bypass in St Jean in October and right now im in Borden awaiting my 3`s...This came from CFRG HQ here in Borden.
  11. Mamma Bear

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Guess its who you end up speaking to because my previous service was more than 10 yrs ago...alot more..And i received my Recruit Bypass in November 2006 and presently patiently awaiting my Course in Borden...Thank god for small miracles...mine is a way too long of a story to post on here..trust me
  12. Mamma Bear


    Well lets put it in a different perspective....it usually takes a long time to join the forces with the paperwork and whatnot. Its not a quick deal VRing...Waiting for paperwork to be sent over from his Platoon Staff to Pat Platoon Staff. A Message to be sent out cause he is VRing, a Release...
  13. Mamma Bear

    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    Well ppl here is my 2 cents think i could shed alot of light on the topic since i have been living in Q`s in Petawawa since 1996 and i have no complaints my rent is only 413.00/month and my Q is far from being a piece of crap or unliveable...new windows thru the entired Q, new kitchen floor and...
  14. Mamma Bear

    attached postings??

    Well write a memo requesting the attached posting and include information about contacts according to your trade. Im going thru as a Medic so my hubby got contacts of the CO of 2 Fd Amb along with the RSM. And the PO and the MAJ over at the Base Hospital...They try to place you within your...
  15. Mamma Bear

    attached postings??

    Izzie sorry to hear about ur injury and I have first hand knowledge how attached postings work..I also injured myself during Basic and was placed on Pat Platoon...in December i was given a 6 mth T-Cat and the pen is mightier than the sword..I wrote a memo requesting an attached posting to...
  16. Mamma Bear

    Got my offer, but with 5 months in PAT?? Yea, I don't think so...

    Well take it from me first hand knowledge of Pat Platoon at CFLRS...its what u make of it. Have seen all types of ppl come and go thru the doors of Pat Platoon. VR`s they come and they go FAST well unless u piss of the Platoon Staff...and the Platoon Staff with Pat Platoon is totally awesome...
  17. Mamma Bear

    Members' Marital Status

    I totally agree about the 3 different types of spouses. I have been around the military either a military member or a military spouce for the last 20 yrs and have seen alot of marriage fall. Either the soliders wife or gf have been yanked from their peacefull life after the member has completed...
  18. Mamma Bear

    R0212E and R0213E Platoon PEOPLE.....LOL

    Well to all 0212 and 0213 guys in Meaford.......mmmmmmmmm keep ur chins up and remember only 3 wks to go and u will finally get to realize the military is totally different a wee bit of freedom headed ur way....Well least i hope so....Thinking of u guys always and tell Pilon the beer is a...
  19. Mamma Bear

    R0212E and R0213E Platoon PEOPLE.....LOL

    Yepper remember you sunshine Hope all is well and will be thinking of ya when ur graduating. All is well in Petawawa and take care and good luck in the future.... :cdn:
  20. Mamma Bear

    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    Well Petawawa is what u make of it  been in Pet 89-93 and now since 96 and love it. Alot to door for the outdoors minded camping fishing boating camping hiking u name it. Yes Algonquin Park close by. Work wise also its what u make of it just new to the military but spent alot of time here as a...