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  1. kerfuffled

    Afghanistan: Lessons Learned (merged)

    Boondocksaint, awesome posts, my heart swells with pride at you fine Canadian lads. God bless. :salute: Am right this minute cracking a beer in your honour. :cdn:
  2. kerfuffled

    Canada Day, Patriotism, and Foreign Nationals

    Around here all the ethnic groups get to have their cultural events and festivals, nobody gets denied that. It's just that we have one day a year to celebrate what we have going for us here and there are citzens who don't appreciate and respect the nation. PS: I am not that big a geek to drink...
  3. kerfuffled

    Canada Day, Patriotism, and Foreign Nationals

    Here's my story. Yesterday I got into it with my idiot brother-in-law and a few of my other in-laws at a little Canada Day get-to-gether. They are of Italian heritage. They are also confused and ignorant of their surroundings. It being Canada Day I asked him why he was covered in Italian flags...
  4. kerfuffled

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    I live in the Windsor area(LaSalle Represent!!!) and let me tell you, that story did way more harm to the WIB than to the co-op program. On the contrary, there have been many letters to the paper from people (especially relatives of military folks) who strongly disagree with their views and the...
  5. kerfuffled

    A Black Mark

    Talk about your blanket statements. Don't put words into my post that arent there, chachi. I read enough posts in this thread to see how some people will debate the absurd and defend a shitheads rights.I was merely dropping my 2 cents, I have already made up my mind about the topic and don't...
  6. kerfuffled

    Gotta Love the Drone!!

    That pic is so photoshopped. ::)
  7. kerfuffled

    A Black Mark

    Porn is porn and always will be, but child porn is a sick crime committed upon the truly innocent. For a member of the armed forces to get a slap on the wrist for it makes me just as mad as when I see anyone else get away with it. Someone who views this garbage is just a step away from DOING it...