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  1. E

    Sault Ste. Marie DP1 Arty

    I heard we were staying at a college or something? Don't hold me too that, it's just what I heard from somebody. Spazz...dont spaz out (sorry, I had too ;D). If you want add me to msn or shoot me an e-mail and I can scan the kit list I recieved and send it to you.
  2. E

    Sault Ste. Marie DP1 Arty

    I have been given one. If you would like I could scan it and send it to you.
  3. E

    Sault Ste. Marie DP1 Arty

    My course got changed from London to Sault. I'll be going up on the 28th to the Sault for BMQ and DP1 Arty.
  4. E

    london BMQ? SQ? civies?

    IF you are in fact on the same course I am, the kit list said only one kit bag is to be brought. If you want I can scan the kit list I received for you if you still have not received yours. edit - I am no longer attending BMQ in London.
  5. E

    london BMQ? SQ? civies?

    You will be on the London BMQ? The one starting on this Sunday? I'll be on that course too. The kit list I received said to bring one extra pair of civvies. So that's what I am going to bring.