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london BMQ? SQ? civies?

  • Thread starter Thread starter magicbus
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how much personal belongings will i need for my BMQ and SQ this summer? how much civies do i take with me?
Well if it were myself only one set, possibly two. Assuming you're not confined to base on weekends then you can always go back home [judging by your profile its not far away] or have a set for saturday and a set for every sunday. If you are CB'd then don't worry about it, they'll keep you occupied and you'll be in combats anyway  ;). Enjoy the forest city.
do i bring my own bag for this stuff or just put it in the bags ive been given? and second ill be on course for my bmq and sq for the summer, what else do u recommend i bring?
Talk to your chain of command, they'll be able to supply you with the default LFCA kit list or one specific for your courses. Should be easy for them to hunt one up to give to you. Even if it says Meaford on it and if you're going elsewhere it's still used throughout LFCA.

Additionally you should be able to survive putting it in the duffle bag(s)/rucksack provided. Most likely the kit list given to you will say for the summer you only bring one duffel. IF it does, don't fret, it's feasible. Second duffels are typically for arctic kit from my experience.
You will be on the London BMQ? The one starting on this Sunday?
I'll be on that course too.

The kit list I received said to bring one extra pair of civvies. So that's what I am going to bring.
so the things i should take with me would be:
the 2 bags they gave me with all the equipment they gave me.
the rucksack
and one or two pairs of civies that i will  have in the two bags they gave me.
does that sound about right with everyone?
IF you are in fact on the same course I am, the kit list said only one kit bag is to be brought.

If you want I can scan the kit list I received for you if you still have not received yours.

edit - I am no longer attending BMQ in London.

After looking over the kit list, I understand you can bring one duffel bag and the ruck.  I suppose everything must fit in those 2 bags, including your civvies.  That's what I'll be doing.
on the day i leave for my BMQ in london on sunday do i wear the uniform or do i wear civies?
Why are you starting a new thread just to ask a similar question to ones that you have already been asking? http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/45447.0.html

It's only going to make it confusing later on when someone else needs to know the same stuff and does a search.  Take your time, compile your questions, and ask them in one post if at all possible.  If answers lead to more questions, well then so be it.
I'm going to borden for bmq today and I was told to wear civies.
stop spamming the boards.
Stop asking questions here that would better be asked of your Chain of Command.
Stop stressing over small stuff, or you're going to be a wreck before you even begin any training.
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