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  1. Cody Scott

    November 2007 BMQ

    ugh haha i leave in 3 hours too from vancouver airport :D
  2. Cody Scott

    BMQ-November '07

    im heading from Vancouver to Montreal on the 24th and then St Jean on the 28th of november :D
  3. Cody Scott

    Cpl. Nathan Hornburg Killed in Afghanistan- 25 Sept/07

    Rest in Peace...BrotherĀ  :'( :cdn: :salute:
  4. Cody Scott

    Merit List

    Yeah thanks that does pretty much asnwer my question however, the merit list.. does it guarantee a position no matter?
  5. Cody Scott

    Merit List

    I didnt know where else to put this or find any information on it was wondering, I have been in the reserves for 8 months, had no courses yet and i made the decision to do a Coponent Trasnfer to the reg force infantry, recently finished my Interview for the CT and i have to go in to do my PT...
  6. Cody Scott

    How to get family on board

    The reserves wont neccessarily cut in with school work, its a once a week thing, and its pretty good you dont need their consent on joining if your 17 but if this is what you want to do, do it. tell your parents that your doing it, its what i did.
  7. Cody Scott

    A great BMQ video.

    the only choice you would have is to leave if you are not willing to put up their training
  8. Cody Scott

    A great BMQ video.

    that video makes me think more of what am i getting myself into but i am also willing to suck it up and learn, we are the ones who signed the papers to put ourselfs in that position, so then that means we should be willing to do as were told for our country
  9. Cody Scott

    anyone else have to gain weight?

    hey im pretty light too im 6'0 and about 155-160 lbs at 18 years ld but i have been working on cardio and weight training i try to eat alot, but my metabolism is extremely high, so gaining weight, fat weight is harder but muscle weight is increasing
  10. Cody Scott

    anyone else have to gain weight?

    well i bought the strawberry one, used it with water and with milk and its honestly the worst thing i have ever tasted
  11. Cody Scott

    Waiting for a BMQ date.

    im just really eager to start living life the army way well hopefully soon though :D
  12. Cody Scott

    Waiting for a BMQ date.

    yeah, well im hoping that there is alot of spots open because then im sure we will be called soon
  13. Cody Scott

    anyone else have to gain weight?

    i need to gain weight too i bought one of them protein shakes, but i just can down it, its disgusting they do work however
  14. Cody Scott

    Waiting for a BMQ date.

    i would love to leave by september, i just had my interview on friday for reg force, and i have done my medical, res force interview and test on jan 11, so i signed a CT and then when i did my interview, the lieutenant told me that there was alot of openings for infantry soldiers, and that i...
  15. Cody Scott

    Where is reg force BMQ located?

    well there didn't seem to be any problems for me getting in and i wasn't told i would do a BMQ with the reserves, i would rather much do it with the reg well then i guess i should change that shouldn't I?
  16. Cody Scott

    Where is reg force BMQ located?

    Well i just filled out a CT about a month ago, i haven't completed any courses or anything in the reserves, and i figured i wanted to go reg force so today i just finished my interview, but the lieutenant told me i could be going away pretty soon just some work to do. within a few months...
  17. Cody Scott

    Where is reg force BMQ located?

    what are yah talking bout?
  18. Cody Scott

    Where is reg force BMQ located?

    im just real eager to see where ill be heading anywhere is good
  19. Cody Scott

    Where is reg force BMQ located?

    i was just wondering if i could get all the locations of where it would be
  20. Cody Scott

    Army interview ( i need tips)

    well since im already in the army reserves and my trade is infantry, and i filled out a component transfer would i be 100% guaranteed a full time position in infantry?