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  1. BMFG

    What is considered a spouse in the CF?

    wow guys thank you for caring enuff to answer my post! i guess we re gonna have to tuff it out in pembroke or pet for a year until we are common law.she really wants to work in ottawa im sure things will work out in the end thank you again for all of your info!
  2. BMFG

    What happens if you fail BMQ?

    i was in a reserve regiment 2 years ago i decided to reinlist in the reg force i am trying for RCR.hope that clears things up for you my appaulogies for any confusion.
  3. BMFG

    Day to day life in the infantry....

    As an infantry man in the reg force what do your day to day taks/jobs consist of when not over seas on course or on excresises.what i mean is for instance a clerk may come into work on the base in the morning and do his paper work for the day and go home at night what might someone in the...
  4. BMFG

    What is considered a spouse in the CF?

    thanks alot for your reply s some good ideas ..you gave me all the info i need ill have to play it by ear and see how things fall into place when i am posted thanks again!
  5. BMFG

    What happens if you fail BMQ?

    thanks guys by the way love the bannana hammock recce hehe.....im just a little worried because the mililitary in there great guidence and judgment has granted me recruit school bypass from my previous experience even though i havent put on a pair of combat boots in 2 amd a half years due to my...
  6. BMFG

    What happens if you fail BMQ?

    Being a reservist forĀ  2 years i have never seen anyone fail a course.I am just curious joining regs.what the failure rate is,if you have a chance to correct your failure and what the majority of people fail for.I am not worried about failure but being 30 yrs of age having to take basic all over...
  7. BMFG

    What is considered a spouse in the CF?

    well thank you for your replies could you direct me to that post ??
  8. BMFG

    What is considered a spouse in the CF?

    Thank you for you quick response to my post.Unfortunatley i have not yet lived with her which would not make us common law.We have discussed renting or buying having money in the bank makes renting in our eyes pointless as we have both been renting our own apartments for some time now.But we...
  9. BMFG

    What is considered a spouse in the CF?

    Hello all service men, women ,and spouses.I have been with my gf now for one year and a half.I recently went through the reruiting process and joined the reg force after serving 2 years as a reservist.I am from the toronto area and so is my gf.Although we are not married we are extremely close...