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  1. V

    NCM on FPS, Severance pay?

    Assuming that you are being released under 4B - Completion of a Fixed Period of Service, then yes, you should be receiving severance pay.
  2. V

    FPS and IPS memo help

    Just for information if anyone is interested, I found the link to the ref that can be found outside the DIN: ADM(HR-MIL) INSTRUCTION 05/05 - THE NEW CF REGULAR FORCE TERMS OF SERVICE http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/instructions/engraph/0505_admhrmil_e.asp
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    FPS and IPS memo help

    Thank you all for your help and replies. I had a chat with the Chief Clerk and my WO and submitted the memo. Now will just have to wait a few months and see what happens. Cheers!
  4. V

    21 years later & I get my shot at Pilot

    Thanks for sharing your story - it seems to have motivated a friend to reapply after being refused the first time around (about 15 years ago).  Good luck with the training!
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    FPS and IPS memo help

    George: I am an ATIS tech. My career manager is one of the people who told me to write the memo (my WO also said the same thing), but neither offered any guidance on what to write. Other than the obvious (memo title Request for IPS) I am wondering what else to say; is there a CFAO about this...
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    FPS and IPS memo help

    Hello All, I was hoping someone could offer suggestions on how to word my Request for IPS memo. My current contract (FPS) expires in two years for a combined total of 20 years (broken service, hence FPS), and I was recently told that I had to put in a memo and request an IPS as it would not be...