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21 years later & I get my shot at Pilot

Hi there, I just wanted to add my 2 cents to this thread because I'm proud to say I've been married to Happydiver for over 18 years now and we have two fantastic teenagers, one boy and one girl.  There is sooooooo much more to this story than can ever be told, but when he talks about "looking for a silver lining no matter what life throws at you" this is truly coming from a man who has been to hell and back, and more than once.  A lesser man would have given up long ago but he has more grit, charater and drive in his little toe than I have in my entire body.  Not only did he never quit, he never let me quit either (even when I REALLY, REALLY wanted too!).  I hope his story is an inspiration to everyone....it certainly is for me.  For the first time in well over a decade I truly believe that what goes around comes around and sometimes there is such a thing as second chances.  Nobody deserves one more than my husband and knowing him like I do, I have no doubts that he will succeed.....I plan on throwing him  one heck of a "Wings" party in about 3-4 years from now!!! ;D
Another update:  My hubby finished IAP/BOTC on 02 Aug 07 and I am so proud of him, he finished 2nd out of 153 on his course.  He is now doing 44 weeks of French SLT in Campus Fort St-Jean (aka CMR) and rumour has it after that he will probably have 18 months of OJT before he gets to start his training at Portage.  I'm just crossing every finger and toe that he gets to do his OJT back here in Comox.  I think his Training number is #196 or something ridiculous like that so it looks like it'll be probably more like 5 years from now before he gets his Wings.  By the way, everyone EXCEPT the Pilots got to leave St-Jean Garrison right after their Grad Parade and most started their training right away.  There are so many Pilot-trainees in the system right now that there was nowhere else to stick them , not even enought OJT positions could be found at the moment even though the whole SLT thing has dramatically changed recently as most of you might have heard from the Recruiting Centres and nobody else is doing SLT directly after IAP/BOTC.  I may be wrong but I've heard that the Recruiting Centres have stopped recruiting DEU Pilots for now....my hubby was told he was probably one of the last for awhile until the backlog improves.  I just had a funny thought, if it all works out he'll probably be getting his CD during his first operational posting (he had almost 5 years of prior service)....yeesh!  Well, he's waited 21 years already....what's a few more years in the big picture I guess and he's grateful he made it back in before they stopped recruiting pilots (somebody correct me if I'm wrong OK?).  True to form, my hubby is making the best of things, learning lots of French and he's finished his first OPME and is starting his second one now.  Another positive is that our youngest child will definately have Graduated from Grade 12 by the time we get posted (she's in Grade 9 now) and she's really happy about that!           
Very inspirational story. Makes getting those 15 credits sound easier. :P

My life dream was a to be a Canadian Forces pilot as well. I applied at 39yrs old and being a mere 6'10" tall was disqualified due to my height (somewhat expected).
Despite officially receiving the crushing news, I decided being a member of the Canadian Forces was important to me so I continued with my second choice, that of Aerospace Control Engineer. My application has met its share of ups, downs and delays, often having me wonder if I will ever receive "the call".  I would like to thank you and say that your story has provided me motivation, knowing that if I suck it up and stick it out everything will square itself away in due time.

Thanks for sharing your story - it seems to have motivated a friend to reapply after being refused the first time around (about 15 years ago).  Good luck with the training!
KenJacobson said:
my second choice, that of Aerospace Control Engineer.

Its Aerospace Controller.........not Aerospace Control Engineer
Sorry about that. I was sure that in some of the documentation I received the Officer version of Aerospace Control trade was called Aerospace Control Engineer and the NCM trade was Aerospace Control Operator. In any case I stand corrected. :salute:
From the CF recruiting website :

The primary role of an Aerospace Controller (AEC) is to contribute to air operations by providing Air Traffic Control Services and Air Weapons Control. AECs take on a multitude of operational and staff challenges that can take them across Canada and around the world. Tasks range from controlling air traffic at one of the many airbases throughout Canada or, as part of an international peacekeeping force on the ground, to controlling multinational air operations. Challenging staff and command positions are also available in high profile places in Canada, the United States and Europe.

Hey there,

I've been following this thread every so often.  Anyone have any news regarding MrHappy and his quest to earn his wings?  Mr or Mrs Happy.  Are you there.

News from me RE my thread started last year. http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/65902.0.html.  I just found out that Laser Refractive surgery is now acceptable for Pilot.  Now I just have to keep focus on the degree and making sure that at 33 I still can become a CF-18 pilot (I highly doubt this though).

I'll keep you folks updated.
