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Search results

  1. harv1rcr

    LAVborne T shirts

    That's awesome Kirk, I've never heard that before! Thanks for the compliments guys, though I borrowed the idea off a friend of mine. I just modified it to suit my own tastesĀ  8) lol. I've got a Canadian company that's willing to make these up for me, so if anybody is interested I'll make it...
  2. harv1rcr

    LAVborne T shirts

    Hello everyone, Just posting a quick thread just to see if there is any interest in these shirts. Cheers, Mike
  3. harv1rcr

    Has Eryx been used on Ops yet?

    I was with B-coy 5pl 1RCR on Op Medusa in 2006. At one point we were tasked to clear a building with some yanks and an ANA platoon and one of our sections used the Eryx to pop a hole in a wall for the ANA to enter through. Made a big a** hole in the concrete, was pretty impressive. After that we...
  4. harv1rcr

    Lav Borne t-shirt

    Dont know if this is the right spot to ask this question but here we go. I saw the pic in the humor gallery here on the site, and would love to get my hands on one of these shirts. Anyone know how to go about ordering some? Thanks.
  5. harv1rcr

    Wearing Uniforms Post-Release/Retirement (merged)

    Hmmm, looks like i'll be going in civies this year. Alright thanks for the help guys. Mike
  6. harv1rcr

    Wearing Uniforms Post-Release/Retirement (merged)

    I have not transfered to the reserves so that one is not applicable to me. And from what i gather from the above posts i would have to contact either my old unit (1 RCR) or the reserve unit in town to get permission to wear full DEUs or i can wear my old beret in civilian attire?
  7. harv1rcr

    Wearing Uniforms Post-Release/Retirement (merged)

    Hi all, i just recently got out of the CF and was wondering what the deal is for wearing DEU's once you have released. I would like to wear them for the Remembrance Day events this year. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. MikeĀ 