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  1. N

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Whichever recruiting page you got that from, you may want to let them know that Second Lieutenant is the equivalent of an Acting Sub-Lieutenant and Lieutenant is the equivalent of Sub-Lieutenant.
  2. N

    University Degree

    Just a quick note that most Universities want you to have completed 50% of your credit hours from them in order to be granted a degree. However, there may be some special circumstances in which they may not require you to have 50%.
  3. N

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    For DEO applicants to NUR O, you will be promoted to 2Lt (Acting Sub-Lieutenent in the Navy) and simultaneously promoted to Lt (Sub-Lieutenent) upon completion of BMOQ and my understanding is that your promotion is back dated to your enrolment date, so your pay will also be back dated.