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  1. C

    CAP for Cele 2015

    Hello All I just got out of BMOQ (puff). I am a DEO with CELE (Air) being the trade. Initially I was told that I will be sent to Kingston for the course training but I ended up in Borden. Since I got here I have been hearing that even CELE need to do CAP in gagetown. I even met a CELE who just...
  2. C

    BMOQ travel

    PMedMoe is keeping TRACK of everything here,,, NICE!! I wish I had known about this earlier, ah well never really got asked the question if i would like to bring my own vehicle. Hope they will let me once I start the OJT in Kingston..
  3. C

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Alright so I finally got my ticket. Will be flying from Toronto to Montreal for BMOQ. Still no word on the contract letter though. I am wondering if I will get one before I even start this thing.. :-\
  4. C

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    It is SO confusing,,  if you look at the cflrs website and this link suggests http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/training-establishments/recruit-school-joining-instructions.page  it sounds like as if you are allowed to bring in your vehicle and park it there. I asked my file manager and she said you...
  5. C

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Yeah I am supposed to swear in on August 27th and starting BMOQ from September 1st but have not received any kind of package like I had been told to expect in the mail. Don`t think CAF is very good with sending documents/papers on time.. Hope everything else takes place in an orderly manner..
  6. C

    BMOQ travel

    Thank you for replying Chelomo, would you happen to know how to contact or get their (CoC/Clerk) contact info ?
  7. C

    BMOQ travel

    Thank you for the answer Ksiiqtaboo
  8. C

    BMOQ travel

    Oh man i better get this BASIC terminology right before I go there for the actual training ,,lol My APOLOGIES fellas,, I wanted to say the "occupational training" instead of BMOQ..... ah silly me .. :facepalm:
  9. C

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    I was wondering, do you know what is the basis for the promotion to Cpl. ?
  10. C

    BMOQ travel

    WHAT ???  ::)  :facepalm:
  11. C

    BMOQ travel

    Hello all I have accepted the offer of CELE DEO and will be commencing my BMQ from September 1st. From what I have been told, my BMOQ will start from December 1st. I understand you are not allowed to bring your vehicle during the BMQ but can keep it during BMOQ. My BMOQ will be in Kingston...
  12. C

    Engineering Officer

    Hi Blake,, I am assuming this question was for me since nobody else replied..lol Anyhow, I STRONGLY believe that your choice of engineering should ENTIRELY depend on what you like the most out of the courses. Eg - if you like maths or want to take courses that are more maths oriented, i would...
  13. C

    Awaiting official offer - cutting it close

    That is an interesting/unique case.. I accepted an offer today for CELE DEO position. My swearing in is on August 27th and course starts from September 1 and then December 5. If I remember correctly one officer I had talked to a month ago had told me to come back in September to get my...
  14. C

    Question- Can My Father Live With Me?

    Thank you for your response medicineman,, Point well taken.. But do you know if you have an option to live off the base after the training is over?
  15. C

    Question- Can My Father Live With Me?

    Hello I just got selected as a DEO , CELE officer. I will be undergoing the basic training/ (course start date is september1st and the swearing in ceremony is August 27th). My widowed father lives with me and he is a dependent on me. My relatives don`t live in this country. He is over 60...
  16. C

    Engineering Officer

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I know its late but you said you joined it as  a reserve. I got accepted as a CELE officer, DEO (regular officer). I was wondering how are reserve officers different than the regular ones? I am an engineer myself btw..
  17. C

    CELE-DEO 2014

    Alright GOOD NEWS folks I GOT ACCEPTED as a CELE officer. GOT the phone call today.. Have to decide by tomorrow afternoon..
  18. C

    CELE-DEO 2014

    @DAA - Hoping to get in as a CELE-DEO in April @Smart Bomb - you can do it too dude, its not that difficult, just go over the practice tests few times (in time constraint conditions just like the actual exam). The medical stuff is nothing but just a bunch of paper work.                     GOOD...
  19. C

    CELE-DEO 2014

    @ Rector CR - Hahaha,,,,good one sir ,, I realized after reading your response that I had put too many details in there. @Cam 2013 - you got it right buddy.
  20. C

    CELE-DEO 2014

    Hello All I am a newbie on this forum. In case I am posting in the wrong forum, my apologies in advance. I am wondering if there are others out there like me waiting for April 2014 to come faster so we can join the forces. Reply, if you are in the same boat. It would be GREAT to know some of...