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  1. B

    Anything and everything to make the CF better/bigger...

    How do we make the CF bigger and better? 1. First, understand that a military can be a monumentally expensive service, and if proper planning is not well conducted by a nation's government... it can very quickly start to impact on the economy writ large. The basic term for the theory on this is...
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    Age Limits to Join

    Interesting bit of history... The average age of an American combat soldier in WWII was 26 yrs.  The average age in Vietnam was 19! Generally, the average age of soldiers in voluteer-based (or professional) militaries is considerably higher than conscription forces (for obvious reasons).  For...
  3. B

    Does Canada need a Military?

    A little ancient history, and some boring Latin - "Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum" -Means 'if you want peace, prepare for war'.  A Roman military writer known as Vegitus wrote the line after pondering the way the Spartans used to rape and pillage defenceless towns that indicated...
  4. B

    Bring back the Brig?

    Well said.  The CF is not just a 'job' in which you pick up your pay check and expect to be left alone.  It is responsible for the defence of the country.  A fine defence we'd be if our soldiers and sailors were more concerned about their individual rights than the greater good should things go...
  5. B

    I don't want to get blown up: Any problems with that?

    That's good advice.. I've been holding my ground about the whole thing... The parents are starting to come around.. my Dad is even starting to support the idea (though my Mom still has that frantic look in her eyes).  The amazing thing is that my brother is a COP... and as some of the earlier...
  6. B

    I don't want to get blown up: Any problems with that?

    Thanks for the discussion everyone... Its a pretty serious topic, and its not very easy to get anyone to speak frankly on the matter when you're going through the recruiting process.  Basically, the decision I'll have to make by April is either to stick it out for a while in a fairly low-key...
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    I don't want to get blown up: Any problems with that?

    Thank you.. that perspective helps. Any advice on how to deal with family and friends when they express concerns?  So far, I haven't been very good at easing their worries.
  8. B

    I don't want to get blown up: Any problems with that?

    Once upon a time, I was an idealistic young undergrad Commerce student with an idea:  The military appeals to me, but I don't want to get blown up. So.. I decided to join the reserves.  A great concept!  This way I would be able to test the waters (if you will) of the murky military life style...
  9. B

    National ID Cards

    Now.. normally I'm not hyper suspicious about this stuff, but is the card really necessary for Canadians to travel outside of Canada.. or is it more to keep the American-Canadian border happy?  Certainly.. our boarder is a HUGE issue, and for business sake.. we should try to keep it as open as...
  10. B

    Amazing Canadian Book!!!!!

    Thanks.. I'll check it out.
  11. B

    Brokeback Mountain Challenge

    You're all nuts!  Nuts I say!
  12. B

    Amazing Canadian Book!!!!!

    Just curious... Is that series from a Canadian perspective?
  13. B

    Amazing Canadian Book!!!!!

    Here's an excellent one as well: Its a novel called Bonk on the Head, by John James-Ford.  Its about a kid who joins a militia regiment in Ottawa, and then ends up on ROTC at RMC.  The book gives a pretty good account of Canadian military indoctrination (though highly fictionalized and quite...
  14. B

    Bring back the Brig?

    You know.. that's an interesting comment.  Amazingly.. drugs are a real, frigg'n big issue.  I'm not sure if its just the Navy.. but I've definitely seen a bit while going through officer training.  One guy just disappeared, and then it turned up that he was going in to town to pick up meth. (He...
  15. B

    Bring back the Brig?

    Well.. if your problem sailor covered all of those bases.. I agree with you completely.  Insubordination, drunkeness, and all that crap is pretty poisonous stuff if its not quashed.  I ask you this though:  Can't a commanding officer issue disciplinary service similar to what you described...
  16. B

    Bring back the Brig?

    Just for the sake of clarification.  What in this case constitutes a 'problem sailor'?  Are we talking minor charges, consistant poor behaviour, or just outright silliness of the highest calabre?  What justifies locking up a member these days?
  17. B

    Members' Marital Status

    I certainly hope the senior member is wrong... His spouse styles really limit the population...  :-X
  18. B

    New Maritime Intelligence Trade: Reg Force Transferable?

    This is a tough question to answer.  So I'll make the response long and convoluted: - I personally haven't done any long-term class-B contracts as an Int-O.  This is because I completed my training last summer, and am finishing up school.  I know the transfer requirements because I've just gone...
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    Component Transfer Question: Armour Corps

    Thanks for the reassurance...  Starting work this summer would be a relief...
  20. B

    New Maritime Intelligence Trade: Reg Force Transferable?

    I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one... Both Army Int officers and Navy Int officers take the same course to become MOC qualified.  In fact.. they both have the same MOC... which is 82.  The old Navy trade NCAGS used to be MOC - 86.  Yes.. Navy int. officers still get the same...