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  1. M

    American Airlines crash at Reagan international 29 Jan 2025

    From what I have read, it sounds like the change to 33 was initiated after the approach to 01 had commenced. Reprogramming and re-briefing a new approach would definitely require discontinuing the approach to 01, and probably being vectored to set up for approach to 33. A late visual...
  2. M

    American Airlines crash at Reagan international 29 Jan 2025

    I haven't been able to find any recordings of AA5432's original approach clearance for runway 01, but just for clarification, being re-cleared for the visual 33 would not require the crew to cancel IFR, nor would that be common practice for a crew to do. Once a visual approach has been...
  3. M

    Initiatives launched to retain and increase RCAF personnel experience levels

    In modern airliners and biz jets, most of the flying is done with the autopilot engaged. All take offs and the vast majority of landings will be hand flown. For auto land, the aircraft must be equipped, as well as the airport. The pilot can decide if they want to hand fly for a while, or can...
  4. M

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    These are excerpts from Maisonneuve's new book, which was still being written prior to the CDS change of command.
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    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    G120TP to replace the current G120A in Portage la Prairie, and the PC-21 to replace the Harvard II in Moose Jaw, would be my guess. The Grob is a simpler aircraft for initial training before progressing to the Harvard II / PC21. King Air 260 for Multi-Engine pilot training, and Dash-8 400 for...
  6. M

    CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

    Yes, I'm referring to just the type rating course itself. Wow - 5-10k does seem to be the average cost. Very surprising - it's much more expensive on the corporate jet side.
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    CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

    Yes, you can buy a type rating if you already possess the requisite license (CPL or ATPL), which in turn have their own respective experience requirements. 5K for ground school and sim time? Did you mean to type 50K?
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  9. M

    CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

    Bombardier will gradually be moving Global production to a new facility at the northwest corner of YYZ, next to FedEx (once facility is complete). Most recent article I could find...
  10. M

    Opportunity to update the CC-150 fleet?

    From the article: "With 245,000 lb. (111,000 kg) of fuel in its standard internal tanks, the A330 is the first aircraft adapted for aerial refueling that did not require installation of extra fuel bladders, enabling it to carry its full load of fuel while reserving all of its main and lower...
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    CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

    ?? The only discontinued (largest) Challenger model was the 800, which was based on the CRJ-200. Challenger 300/350/now 3500 is the only "smaller" Challenger, and production is ongoing. Production of the larger (original) Challenger 650 is ongoing as well.
  12. M

    2023 UCP Alberta election

    Very easy to see a distinction between all of the horrific scenarios involving the mass murder of innocents discussed above, and a government encouraging vaccination with a goal of saving lives.
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    New Crown

    The King of Canada is a distinct entity apart from the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The King of Canada has no official religious role, whereas the King of the UK does, as Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
  14. M

    "Why I preferred the Navy, from a culture POV."

    Just curious if you could explain the significance of this pipe, and if there's a good story behind it? My only (favourable) impression of VAdm Norman is based on coverage of his legal fight.
  15. M

    A Deeply Fractured US

    Durham's investigation hasn't been without its own difficulties. But as you've noted, either report is liable to be dismissed based on one's partisan leanings.
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    A Deeply Fractured US

    Either both reports matter, or neither does.
  17. M

    A Deeply Fractured US

    I'll say it again: there is no comparison to be made between Bush-Gore in 2000, and Trump-Biden in 2020; the former was a legitimate legal matter (that the courts actually deemed worthy of hearing, by the way) that was settled, and the results accepted by Gore. The latter is simply Trump...
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    A Deeply Fractured US

    Irrelevant. Neither Bush, nor Gore is continuing to claim that the 2000 election was illegitimate. Gore eventually conceded after pursuing legal remedy. There is no comparison to be made. I assume those "pro-democracy" people key to rehabilitating trust in the electoral process include those...
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    A Deeply Fractured US

    "Complaining" about an election after the fact serves to discredit the electoral process for subsequent elections. Repeating those complaints after they are proven false serves to further erode that trust. How can a system be redeemed if the chief complaints against it are fictitious?
  20. M

    A Deeply Fractured US

    You have already asserted that efforts to undermine an election are "more damaging" before and during an election than efforts "after the fact". In a continuous election cycle, "after the fact" is "before" the next election, so I would argue that any effort to undermine or discredit is...