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2 sets of stuff

On the topic of shaving, is it acceptable for recruits to shave their own heads everyday whilst shaving their bumfluff?
If you arrive at basic in cue-ball mode, have your ID pic taken in cue-ball mode, you have to STAY in cue ball mode. That means shaving that 40 lb smartie every day... you don't have that kind of time....

St Jean significantly frowns on the cue-ball look, especially if you are doing it on joining the army. (Burnt head look, etc)
My brother in law is bald, he did some of Phase III training over the summer, he was red from the eyebrows to the neck and white from the eyebrows up  >:D I thought he looked like a can of coke  :D
Island Ryhno said:
My brother in law is bald, he did some of Phase III training over the summer, he was red from the eyebrows to the neck and white from the eyebrows up   >:D I thought he looked like a can of coke   :D

Gotta love those MilSpex watchband tans too - I still have mine.
Meridian said:
St Jean significantly frowns on the cue-ball look, especially if you are doing it on joining the army. (Burnt head look, etc)


I usually cut it really short in the summer to stay cool. This weekend I took it right down to the scalp. Guess I have at least 3 months to let it grow back before I head off to St-Jean. 
Same here I also like to cut my hair short a one all over. If I go to BMQ with  a short haircut will the CI's be mad at me thinking that I chickend out getting my haircut from the army because I like having my hair short?
No short hair is De Riguer as they say, but shaving your head completely bald is a no no (not officially I suppose but..) No matter how short your hair is when you get there, they will make you go to the barber and charge you $13 or whatever it is, uniformity, whatever one person does, everyone does, remember that one and you'll go far!  :P
Gotcha about the uniformity.

But is a bald head also frowned upon once you get to your regiment?
question about shaving. what if your like me and a 17 year old who only gets "peach fuzz"  :-[ about every 4 days,, will i still have to shave my bare skin with on hair on it or what? ???
Actually, if your hair is already next-to-bald, they wont have you sit in the chair again, and waste money. They can't force you to waste your money anyway. But you'll sit in the room (and in ranks) with the rest of them in the Orange Sector (every course candidate's most feared place)

If your hair is very short, you still will get shaved, for that initial indoc.. but if there is literally nothing there to shave, y ou are safe.
Yes Meridian you are right, I should clarify. Everyone goes to Orange sector..duhn..duhn..duhn(that's creepy music) and sometimes the overly worked instructors "forget" that you don't need a haircut and get sheared like the rest of the sheep anyway.  :P My brother in law is bald and he got sent to the barber, and the barber actually laughed his b*lls off at him.  8)
B.McTeer said:
question about shaving. what if your like me and a 17 year old who only gets "peach fuzz"   :-[ about every 4 days,, will i still have to shave my bare skin with on hair on it or what? ???

Yes, Once every 24 hr period.
Island Ryhno said:
Yes Meridian you are right, I should clarify. Everyone goes to Orange sector..duhn..duhn..duhn(that's creepy music) and sometimes the overly worked instructors "forget" that you don't need a haircut and get sheared like the rest of the sheep anyway.   :P My brother in law is bald and he got sent to the barber, and the barber actually laughed his b*lls off at him.   8)

They take everyone to the barber, and say everyone goes up, no exceptions. So I'd stand up, point at my head (with no hair on it) the barber would give me a confused look and laugh so I sat back down, no worries.
Oh for Pete's sake. There is no reason for razor burn. Didn't your papas teach you how to shave????

For those whose dads didnot take the time here it is.

1. Shave after you get out of the shower, not before. This softens the hair so that it is easier to cut.
2. Use a good glycerin based shaving cream. I use a cake and a brush but that is because I like my skin free of pimples as well as clean shaven. For those who like zits I would recommend any of the scented shaving gels or creams on the market.
3. Use a fresh blade. If it is an effort to cut through the bristles then it is time for a new blade. I use a Mach Three and it works great!
4. Shave with the growth of your beard. This means that you start at the top and pull down. If you shave up you will get ingrown hairs.
5. Rinse well after you shave. Not just with a splash of water but with a face cloth and warm water.
6. Who ever came up with an alcohol based aftershave was a sick SOB. Moisturize after you shave and in the summer you might as well use a skin lotion that has an SPF.
7. In the winter time and on Winter ex especially, shave at night before you hit the rack. This gives your skin a chance to replace all the protective oils that you have scraped off.

Good luck

Go to shoppers drug or any other big chain.

I use a Wilkinson's Sword Shaving brush (Get a second one, they are great for getting the dust off your weapon)
Mug or Wilkinson's Shaving soap. The Sword brand comes with a little tub which is handy.

The nice thing about this is:
1. It does not freeze in the winter
2. There are no problems with taking it on board DND aircraft. Some loadmasters are quite picky when it comes to pressurized containers like the conventional shaving foam.

Thanks for the reply will have to check it out.  Do the DS frown upon the High and Tight haircut at BMQ?
Has anyone had any issues with Florena Shaving Cream. ie: Freezing, etc.

The stuff is great so far in the home environment you just squeeze a bit on the Wilkinson's Sword Brush, and off you go.
I'm just curious about possible problems in the field. Thanks.